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Everything posted by bleedinblue

  1. Lets see, Dante Culpepper-18, Donovan McNabb-16, Dan Marino-14, it would appear that if wonderlic "morons" can play QB is this league WR and TE can do even better! The whole wondlic score thing is just so much crap.
  2. Yeah, pro football talk is about as reliable as a 85 Yugo
  3. The moron who wrote this article thinks Sam Cowart is "an outstanding defensive player" and Gus Ferrotte is a better QB than Kelly Holcomb. Doesn't help your credentials when you obviously don't have a clue.
  4. The "offseason" isn't over till the season starts. Let's see, last I knew, that is in September. over 5 months away.
  5. If you want to know who the Bills will draft, just look for guys with two first names like: Travis Henry Thurman Thomas Jim Kelly Kenny Davis Frank Lewis Shane Nelson
  6. Carmen Policy was a genius....until everyone realized that he'd mortgaged the niners for the next 10 years. Our own John Butler was the king of overspend, especially on favorite vetrans and continued on in SD. Bill Polian is the most pompus, arrogant SOB you'll ever meet. Point is, TD is no better nor any worse than the majority of GM's in this league, in fact he probably better than most. Like artists, GM's are tough to judge till they're gone from the scene. I, for one, will wait and see, IMHO this team is in good shape and headed in the right direction.
  7. I've had 3, not much different than a filling, no big deal.
  8. Lets see. you also backed up Doug Flutie, Todd Collins and Rob Johnson and couldn't get a sniff of the field then either. It would appear that the talent in front of you was not the issue.
  9. Mike Williams cap hit is ridiculous. The $4M in salary agrees with NFLPA and the amortization agrees with contract info released at signing, but what the heck did he do to earn $3M in other bonuses?!
  10. Couldn't agree more on the coaching. Drew was bad, but the game plan didn't help at all.
  11. Come on! The defense had been on the field for 50 of the first 40 minutes!
  12. The Steelers had 8 and 9 in the box all day, someone was one on one out there. The refusal to go deep was an embarrasment.
  13. Yeah, Lindell missed an automatic and Drew was bad, but the game plan was simply pathetic. Not one deep ball until it was too late, that is inexcusable, especially since the Steelers had 8 or 9 in the box all day, someone had to be singled. Also would get the LB's off scrimmage, etc., etc.. Not one flanker (or any other screen) when it was obvious Pitt stacked the run. Squib kick in the first half cost us a TD. On side was terrible, why would anyone put an on side kick in a postion to be fielded cleanly?!? Simply a brain cramp by a rookie coach in a big game.
  14. Blame list in order: 1. P*** Poor game plan, not going deep until it was too late was inexcusable, failed to take advantage of what the Steelers gave (quick slants, flanker screens), did not set up anything. 2. Rian Lindell - 28 yarders at home are automatic, lose this guy quick. 3. Drew Bledsoe, undid all he accomplished over the past 6 weeks, did not see a guy coming from where he could see him all the way and lost the handle when hit to boot, held the ball too long, did not scan the field screwed up a simple pitch back. 4. Reverted to the stupid penalty mode in the biggest game of the year. Good things in order: 1. Willis' stiff arm. 2. TKO 3. Pat Williams-came to play 4. Vernon whatever getting jacked up
  15. "They're playing with a lot of confidence. And they're on a roll, so teams that are peaking at the right time going into the playoffs are tough. So it would be nice to keep them out of the playoffs.'' said quarterback Tommy Maddox, who will make his first start since Sept. 19.'
  16. Jerry Sullivan sets journalism back to prehistoric times. Because of his misquotes and insults, no one, I repeat, no one at One Bills Drive will even speak to the guy, so anything he attributes to the Bills is simply made up. As for Cowher's revenge, I truly hope he lets that affect his judgment and game management. Unfortunately, Cowher isn't as dumb as Sullivan.
  17. Who's worried? Stopping Duce (or the Bus) is called Williams, Adams, Fletcher and Spikes. Pitt will not be able to run on the Bills. Tommy Maddox in a passing duel?!?! Come on, get real. Even if Big Ben were to play his passing stats in the last 7 are not good. The Pitt D will be playing from behind all day as the Bill's ST's will rule field position. Pitt can't beat Buffalo in Buffalo on thier best day.
  18. Cowhers press conference shows how NFL coaches could translate into politicians without missing a beat. Not once does he indicate who will play and for how long, only that they "will approach the game the same as the other 15". We know Big Ben is out it would be folly to play him and Bettis has already stated he would like to rest. Don't count on seeing too many Pitt starters for long. By the way, Bill, I don't think your boys could beat Buffalo in Buffalo on their best day!
  19. Love it, half the price of cable, great reception, no problems.
  20. Its pretty obvious that TD is acceptable in the player acquisition category, but painfully obvious that he is completely incompetent in the ability to find and hire a coach who can coach. Ralph must step in and either one or both must go!
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