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Everything posted by Buffalos#1Fan

  1. Does anyone remember the last time we got a first down?
  2. I didn't think it was possible to lose the game this quick. !@#$ this, the game is over boys.
  3. Manziel is garbage, on and off the field. They should trade him for a late draft pick before he's worth nothing.
  4. Dwayne Bowe is a #2 WR at best now. There seems to be a lot of franchises in shambles this year: Colts, Redskins, Bears, Fins, Ravens, etc. Then there are some that have injuries at the QB position like Steelers and Cowgirls, this is going to be an interesting season
  5. Yeah but we were playing probably the best offense in the league and a good QB. I guess we will see next week tho
  6. I hope he's well. I love the fire in his game. That being said, it seemed he was moving which is a good sign. It looked like a broken clavicle to me. I guess we'll see.
  7. When you are going for distance, you generally are going for a 45 degree angle which maximizes distance. You can't do that when you have people like Marcel Dareus jumping up trying to block it. Then you generally have to go for a ~60 degree angle which significantly reduces your distance.
  8. Realistically, I would have suspended him for a half season to a full season. Unrealistically, I would ban him from pro football.
  9. Can anyone explain to me why we would go empty backfield 3 plays in a freaking row?!?!?! Sammy got us to the 4 yard line and Orton was struggling all game at this point. Instead of putting a RB in there, we decide to go 5 wide 3 plays in a row? Does this make sense to anyone?
  10. As much as it pains me, I really dont want the jets to end the season with 1 win. I would really prefer if they have like 5-6 wins, just so they don't get a #1 overall draft pick. I prefer they suck bad enough so they aren't competition but not suck so badly they can get an instant impact player like Mariota. I feel like Jameis Winston would also be a good fit in NYJ haha, with all the drama he has had I think he could end up being Geno Smith version 2.0 for them
  11. I would love to see a week 17 game where we have to beat the pats to get into the playoffs and pulling an emotional win in foxborough
  12. I'm beginning to think that 10-6 won't win us a wild card in the AFC with the chargers having a wild card on us. I think we would need a 11-5 record, a 10-6 might win it. But I think this is just a bad year for the bills to be playoff caliber with everyone in the AFC being amazing That is really scary, I know we beat them 3 in a row but still.. Honestly, I think we just match up well against Miami, lets just hope san diego didn't take the game seriously
  13. Probably root for the phins. Chances are we are going to be competing with the chargers for a wild card and they have the tiebreaker on us. Definitely the broncos. Definitely the jets. Steelers vs Ravens, I have Ravens winning that division. It's really a toss up who we root for because one of those teams will end up competing for the wild card. And the other will probably win the division
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