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Everything posted by Buffalos#1Fan

  1. There's a difference between being negative and being a jack off. Honestly, I shouldn't have even responded. Don't feed the trolls let's stop posting, a lock this baby up .
  2. Wtf are y'all smoking? There is no way we win this game the way we've been playing. Bills 13 Bengals 10
  3. Makes sense, well done nonetheless! Are you going to do this again with EJ next week? Ii'd be interested in seeing these stats side by side.
  4. The only way we win, is if our defense creates 3+ turnovers, even then I don't like our odds.
  5. How do you know if someone is running the correct route and it was the QB's fault or vice versa? I don't think you would know this unless you knew the specific plays.
  6. So we all watched yesterday's game. Our offense flat out sucks. Throwing for around 100 yards is not acceptable. Our run game was somehow worse than that. That being said, our defense is amazing. We have a mean group of motherf'ers. Half of these guys should be in jail. Gilmore is an animal, Darby is an animal. Our D line might as well be a group of gorillas. We only gave up 13 points while being on the field for 3/4 of the game? I'll take that every single week. Defense wins championships y'all. If we can stimulate our offense just a little bit more (maybe with the addition of a couple more of our playmakers) we will be set. Everyone relax, we might be ok.
  7. Didn't think it was possible to lose a game in the first half
  8. No he's 4th because he is slow, has terrible visions, and 80 IQ
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