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hondo in seattle

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Everything posted by hondo in seattle

  1. I agree... I'm not usually a critic of sports media types. I'm content with most of 'em but thought Bentley was less than TV ready. Far less.
  2. Last year the Jets ran the ball down our throats. Since NE is more of a passing team, I expect more sacks on Brady.
  3. The 'article' begins, "I keep hearing what a great job (Bills GM) Buddy Nix is doing." So obviously there are dissenting opinions out there. Count me amongst them. Although I'm also dismayed at the OL, it seems so far this preseason that Nix has done a good job rebuilding what had been a pathetically undersized, undertalented defense.
  4. We saw bad officiating in the Jags game but "indisputable proof"??? Refs will be against us in EVERY game??? I assume you like conspiracy theories like the mob killed JFK and we never landed a man on the moon and Bush was complicit in 9/11 and Obama was born in Indonesia where he attended a madrassa and Bin Laden is still alive and living at a beach resort with Elvis and Jim Morrison. I share your pain about yesterday's bad calls but let's not feel victimized yet for future officiating. Let's at least wait until it happens in actuality.
  5. Larry's old and clearly confused so let's give the guy a break. To give you an idea of how old Larry is, he used to be a ball boy in the 1940s for the original Buffalo Bills of the All American Football Conference. Those Bills went extinct, of course, but when Ralph started up a new iteration of Bills in 1959, Larry was there to cover it. He's been covering the Bills ever since, though now he's in semi-retirement and only writes once a week. Unlike Sully, Larry usually writes fair and balanced articles. He used to have good connections within the organization, amongst the players, coaches, and administrators. A reader often learned something new or, at least, was exposed to a knowledgeable insight when reading his stuff. He was always respected by his peers and by sports people in general. Larry was asked to serve on the NFL Hall of Fame Selection Committee back in the 80s (?). Jim Kelly gave special thanks in his enshrinement speech to Felser for his work in getting Kelly elected first ballot. It wouldn't be the last time Larry helped get a Bill into Canton. In '84 the Pro Football Writers of America voted Larry the Dick McCann Memorial Award, their highest honor. That plaque is now hanging at Canton not far from the busts of the Bills he helped send there. Felser's served the Bills with loyalty and talent for many, many years. Clearly not at his peak any more, I think we still should show the man a little Bills love.
  6. The Bills are averaging a bit over 4 yards per carry, but the run blocking has been only so-so.
  7. Easley.. 4 catches, 42 yards so far... he looked good that drive
  8. 1st Quarter Bills... 90 yards... 5 first downs... 3 pts Jags... 23 yards... 1 first down... 0 pts So far, so good.
  9. Here's a couple links... not sure yet if either works... http://www.preseason-online.com/jacksonville-vs-buffalo/ http://www.justin.tv/uefastoke4#/w/1681942736
  10. Good point. Compassion is perhaps the greatest of human virtues. Disease, taxes, politics, injustice, bad luck, accidents, romantic failures, economic downturns, old age, football disappointments... We each get more bad sh*t in our lives than we really want. We ought not to add to someone else's already full load. We Bills fans (including players, coaches, etc) especially suffer enough as it is.
  11. This makes complete sense. Kyle ought to be very happy with this deal.
  12. I really would love to know the Peter Pan back story but I stare at that link with trepidation. My better instincts are telling me to resist the temptation.
  13. FOURTH YORKSHIREMAN: I was happier then and I had nothin'. We used to live in this tiny old house with great big holes in the roof. SECOND YORKSHIREMAN: House! You were lucky to live in a house! We used to live in one room, all twenty-six of us, no furniture, 'alf the floor was missing, and we were all 'uddled together in one corner for fear of falling. THIRD YORKSHIREMAN: Eh, you were lucky to have a room! We used to have to live in t' corridor! FIRST YORKSHIREMAN: Oh, we used to dream of livin' in a corridor! Would ha' been a palace to us. We used to live in an old water tank on a rubbish tip. We got woke up every morning by having a load of rotting fish dumped all over us! House? Huh. FOURTH YORKSHIREMAN: Well, when I say 'house' it was only a hole in the ground covered by a sheet of tarpaulin, but it was a house to us. SECOND YORKSHIREMAN: We were evicted from our 'ole in the ground; we 'ad to go and live in a lake. THIRD YORKSHIREMAN: You were lucky to have a lake! There were a hundred and fifty of us living in t' shoebox in t' middle o' road. FIRST YORKSHIREMAN: Cardboard box? THIRD YORKSHIREMAN: Aye. FIRST YORKSHIREMAN: You were lucky. We lived for three months in a paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six in the morning, clean the paper bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down t' mill, fourteen hours a day, week-in week-out, for sixpence a week, and when we got home our Dad would thrash us to sleep wi' his belt. SECOND YORKSHIREMAN: Luxury. We used to have to get out of the lake at six o'clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of 'ot gravel, work twenty hour day at mill for tuppence a month, come home, and Dad would thrash us to sleep with a broken bottle, if we were lucky!
  14. It's difficult to project the Bills 2011 season because the defense is such a mystery. The offense isn't too hard to predict. The offensive line will struggle, Fitz will be Fitz and Freddie will be Freddie. But the defensive front 7 looks to have 4 guys run onto the field in Bills uniforms this year who didn't last year. 2 of those guys are injury prone. It's hard to guess beforehand how it will all come together but there are reasons for hope.
  15. I think you need to lower your expectations. Nobody can live up to that high standard!
  16. I agree the line sucks. But we were 4-4 in the second half of last season with this same line. Why would we go 0-16 this year?
  17. Merriman, Barnett, Morrison... The Bills LB corps will look very different this year. And that's a good thing. We need to give Merriman a recruiting bonus.
  18. From Chris Brown... With versatile veteran linebacker Reggie Torbor again lost for the season with a shoulder injury, Buffalo made a heck of an acquisition to fill the void signing six-year linebacker Kirk Morrison Friday. A full-time starter for almost his entire career, Morrison has been extremely productive and durable having never missed a game in his six NFL seasons. Morrison (6’2” 240) thrived in Oakland’s defense the first five years of his career leading the Raiders in tackles four times in five seasons. He’s also proven himself capable in pass coverage with seven career interceptions including a career-high four in 2007. The 29-year old spent the 2010 season with Jacksonville after they acquired him from Oakland along with a fifth-round pick in exchange for a fourth-round pick. Bills linebacker Shawne Merriman had been in touch with Morrison for the past week and a half knowing he was a free agent, as he put his recruiting skills to work. “The bottom line is I want to win and we all want to win, and we have guys here who can play,” said Merriman. “But it’s always good to get a guy like Nick (Barnett) and get a guy like Kirk to help us get where we want to go.” Being able to land a proven linebacker like Morrison this close to the regular season is considered a quality addition for the Bills. From Wikipedia... Morrison played in all 16 games as a rookie, ending the season with 116 tackles and two pass deflections. He finished the 2006 season with a team leading 128 tackles, a sack, a defensive touchdown, and two interceptions. Morrison started the 2007 season with an interception in each of his first three games, joining Thomas Howard who had an interception through each of his first 4 games. He led the Oakland Raiders with 120 tackles, and tacked on 10 passes defended and a quarterback sack to his totals. In 2008, Morrison ranked fifth in the NFL with 135 tackles. He also forced two fumbles and had one sack. He finished the 2009 season tied 6th in the NFL with 133 tackles. He forced three fumbles, recovering one, and had two sacks while playing most of the season with a dislocated elbow.
  19. PTR, thanks for the history review. Good stuff. And I share your appreciations for Ralph. There's no doubt that he was making prudent business decisions when he started the Bills and then helped fold the AFL into the NFL. Regardless of the purity of his motivations, the net result was that he brought a NFL team to Buffalo. There's a good chance it wouldn't have happened without him. For that, I am grateful. I really don't understand the efforts to vilify the man. He's not evil incarnate. He gives millions to charitable causes. He's kept the Bills in Buffalo when it might have been more profitable to relocate the team. Sure, he's made some bad decisions which have resulted in the Bills winning only something like 46% of their games since their inception. But we did have a couple AFL Championships and the Kelly/Thomas/Reed/Smith/et al years were a lot of fun despite the SB losses. In sum, he might be less competent than other owners but he's also more loyal. Would we be happier with the opposite - say someone like Art Modell?
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