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Not at the table Karlos

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Everything posted by Not at the table Karlos

  1. YeAh it def sounds like troup is done. Pouha is old I believe mid 30s? Branch would be a good signing and would give us a NT
  2. Yeah in September right after his brother was murdered..... Where did you read that he admitted he was 340 before this last season. Every article I read he said he trimmed down this past season to 320 because wanny told him his role was gonna be to penetrate and not hold up blockers. He said in these articles that before his rookie year he didn't have anyone really tell him his role because of the lock out so he went up to 340.
  3. To the people that said he was out of shape and fat before last season, you do realize he lost weight and was in better shape than he was his rookie year. He was 340 his rookie year and lost weight to get down to 315-320... Having met him his rookie year and seeing him around town last year he was noticeably thinner and in better shape last season over his rookie year.
  4. Great mock!! Would be ecstatic if this happened. Only thing is I think hunt is a first rounder.
  5. What happens when we sign lets say 3 players(average to below average)for 2 mil a year(very low number) that leaves us with a little over 10 mil in cap space. 5.5 mil to sign rookies. Now we have 4.5 mil left. The cap isn't going to go up very much the next few years. So going into next year we will have somewhere around 5 mil in cap space(if we sign 3 average to below players like all of you suggest). We will need to re-sign wood who when healthy is one of the best centers in the game. He will get more than 5 mil a year. That will leave us with very little to no cap space to sign anyone next year let alone rookies. What if CJ holds out for more money? So by all means screw up our cap situation now because the fans want the bills to sign anybody just because. There is a reason why these players are still out there. There is this thing called the future that we have to take into consideration and plan for.
  6. How could Stevie work out when he has been injured the last couple off seasons? This is the first offseason he's been healthy in a while
  7. Total access only played one run. Don't know if it was the first or second. And I wouldn't know what he was thinking u would have to ask him
  8. He doesn't have a problem with his spine it was misdiagnosed. Also did anyone see him run his forty? It looked like he pulled something during it.
  9. this is how you get into the mess the bills are in. you dont take a lesser player because it is a need. thank god you arent a GM
  10. with unbiased refs we win that game by 40. with the refs in the pats pocket we lose by 6. 115 yards in questionable calls is a free TD what we lost by. blatant holding right in front of the ref not called. come play a game that you are good at my house and everytime you do something good i will call a penalty and set you back. see if you win it got to where it is now after 9/11. idk why. there were so many blatant missed calls right in front of the ref i lost count in the first quarter. merriman was held, both williams, moore, moats, barnett on a blitz, no call OPI against the pats, no call DPI no call D holding. it was very bad
  11. i have been around jim kelly since 1990. when my family first met him he was a d*** head, however my uncle who has downs syndrome won a free trip to jims camp. from the first day jim allowed my grandfather to come and make sure everything was ok and jim would come check in every so often. jim personally called our house around new years the next year(after a game) and invited my uncle back the following year free of charge. jim invites him back every year and lets him lead the drills and drives him around in his golf cart. at first there was an arrogance with jim. he also would do things that seemed nice but you could tell he was only doing it to make him seem like a good guy and promote a certain image but as the years passed he started to actually care and once hunter was born jim changed. he is more down to earth and is a nicer person all around.
  12. Bills. Hockey is boring to watch and I'm a flyer fan
  13. Schefters Twitter says he will visit the bills on Tuesday
  14. the roof part was sarcasm dipshit they have received nearly a half billion dollars before the quake. what the hell did they do with it? they have received a half billion dollars after the quake what will they do with it. not a damn thing. like i said give a man a fish he eats for a day, teach him to fish he eats for a lifetime. teach these people something. like how to make buildings that will withstand a quake or hurricane. teach them to plan(unless they get punched in the mouth) out disaster procedures. keep giving them millions and millions of dollars isnt gonna help as we already can see they still dont have health care supplies, they still have no food. if we would have educated them in the past instead of giving them money than far less people would be dying BY THE F^#KING MINUTE. have you ever been to haiti? i have. i lived in the dominican for over a year and stayed with friends in haiti for over a month. the people seem like they enjoy being poor because they dont do anything to change anything
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