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Everything posted by dgrid

  1. and I believe Maybin actually got that tackle, right?
  2. What?? but is Lindell really a franchise kicker?? Do franchise kickers slump in the clutch situations? Lindell may win a few games, but he'll mire us in mediocrisy and prevent us from getting a true franchise kicker! We need that #1 pick to get our franchise kicker!
  3. great vid http://www.break.com/nfl/video/sound-fx--ryan-fitzpatrick-miked-up-1955347
  4. I've been starting Stevie for awile now. next to Andre Johnson, call it the 'Double-Johnson' monster
  5. he ain't goin anywhere for awile. seems to me Trent is was fine in practice and collapses when the bullets fly, Fitz is the complete opposite.
  6. where? note the Game Changer vid thing says "Why So Serious?" Is the NFL actually running w/ that?
  7. Im loving that most of the quotes I've read today, and post-game interviews, everyone's giving other players credit. Gailey giving players cred, Fitz the team, Stevie giving Fitz and Gailey cred. nice to see!
  8. Still he's a relatively cheap gamble. I do like that he's coaching Moats.
  9. Well said Jdubs!! It'd be crazy not to be behind Fitz. And Luck, looks like the real deal, but moot point. We will not be drafting high enough to take Luck anyway. time to move on. How bout some of those top D-linemen?
  10. http://www.nfl.com/photos/09000d5d81c44b3b#id:09000d5d81c4ace8
  11. What? that number font is a classic throwback to the Disco-Fever history of the Bills! or something... yeah, it's printed on the inside, so they can just wear em inside-out for toronto games.
  12. Look. If Luck doesn't pan out at QB, we'll simply move him to LBer. watch
  13. I hope Carrington does play, but I really doubt he's gonna light it up & crack heads in his 1st game.
  14. maybe not, but they will gladly trade that #1 pick to any of the teams lining up to get luck
  15. Cowherd said Luck wont want to go to Buffalo because of that incident way back when? I doubt Harbaugh still holds grudge over that, c'mon. Was he sayin Luck wont declare if Buffalo gets #1 pick? stupid. guess there was lack of news today.
  16. Friggin sad. Kids are off-limits period. they're the future fans, and absorb everything they see.
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