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Everything posted by dgrid

  1. yep, there's still some games to be played yet. who knows, they may stick w/ Fitz for awile, IF he plays well down the stretch, and IF luck is not available to us in draft (or another QB they see as franchise QB). There are some highly-rated D-linemen that we could use in our first pick too!
  2. notes from O-line http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2010/11/16/1816518/bills-vs-lions-notes-from-the-o-line-week-10
  3. Kyle Williams' new name is meatball. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2010/11/15/1815781/kyle-williams-bills-2011-nfl-pro-bowl-meatball-nickname
  4. Why Foles drop so much, bad games lately?
  5. Definately is a need! I've heard not a whole lotta top-notch O-linemen this yr tho. Think there's someone from Wisc maybe?
  6. thats a whole lot better than a big ole NO!
  7. I dont see how the Bills would look attractive to any high-end FA. I mean, perception is everything, but 0-8 kinda is the nail in the coffin. when we get back to respectability, that will change. but it ain't gonna be this offseason, sorry.
  8. gotta wonder when TCU's Dalton & BSU's Moore will go
  9. SO very true. But how many times will we potentially have #1 pick w/ quality pick like Luck there? If that's the case, can't imagine them not pulling trigger
  10. C'mon, not even close. Gailey far > than jauron. (ask Roscoe) I think Gailey/Nix just struggling w/ Def, since the system changed so dramatically while being devoid of talent.
  11. HUGELY depends on draft position and who's there. if we #1 and Luck's there, it's ridicously simple. If we #1 and lucks not there, or we #2 etc, things change.
  12. You'd have almost half the team that had never experienced a W. not good.
  13. Bell is on Phili;s active roster. no stats yet tho. I was bummed when they plucked him from the Bills.
  14. beating Det will be tough as well. they're very underrated. Suh, for one, scores, and is even trying kicking! heh
  15. I dont think we're media darlings, but feels like people (non-fans) are rooting for the Bills. A co-worker did call them lovable losers last week. and they are starting to get credit for being better than their record. The OTs certainly have helped. There may be traces of pity in there as well. I cannot wait until we are legitimatey respected and feared again!
  16. he's too slow to have good sideline to sideline range, on outside runs especially.
  17. over torbor, coleman, maybin? seriously doubt it.
  18. THAT is a very good point. Bascially asking if Merriman is good enough to change the defense around, which i would say no. Altho, I think bringing him in could help a little, maybe as a mentor to Moats, Coleman, and possibly Maybin. I have no prob w/ bringin him in, but to change the Def back to 3-4 just for him, no.
  19. yellow seat fans were inside the club. It was 60 or so, enough to chase the exec's inside. I was there about 20 rows from top and it was packed. very loud place.
  20. I'll be there and can't wait!! I dont think I even need the text, I'll just look for the Bills gorilla doin bowling ball shot! awesome!
  21. Dam, LSU couldn't stop him! He's only a JR tho, expected to declare? I like how he goes about his business and doesnt over-celebrate. acts like he's been there before.
  22. That's REALLY down the road w/ a bunch of IFs. But what's up w/ 'Cuse at 5-2 ?? has hell forzen over? glad to see it tho!
  23. well we did pretty well w/ our last D-line #1 overall pick!
  24. That's Ironhead Jr, right? Looks like a strong kid. he was playing DT mostly, but saw him as DE in 3-4 once too. cool.
  25. I really like the clanking metal sounds he makes when he gets a sack!
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