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Everything posted by MarkKelso'sHelmet

  1. Harrison must not have been held enough as an infant. For a man with that much money to have that much hate for those that are helping him make his money... wow. The funniest part for me was that he scowled at the reporter for being five minutes early to the interview....
  2. ??? That is an incoherent statement. And with respect to your first point: you're absolutely right. Retired football players shouldn't comment on the game. Once they are retired, football no longer concerns them. This is especially true for those former players who are paid as commentators & analysts... You, on the other hand, as someone who has never played in the league, should comment frequently on the current labor standoff, since you are in a much better position to offer insight....
  3. My question is "where did this story come from? " How did BR become privy of this tragedy, since, as you point out, no one else has reported it? If it is true (and I'm assuming it is) someone close to the Maybin camp "leaked" the story to BR. Information is always leaked deliberately. It looks to me like a PR move to help repair his image among Bills fans. I hope I'm wrong & Maybin isn't that low... But it's clear that many Bills players read BR (for example, Drayton Florence recently tweeted a story they wrote...) If it turns out I'm too cynical, then so be it... The strip club in his basement was in a Baltimore newspaper last Fall. Sorry, I don't have a link... but I'm not making it up...
  4. How did BR get this information? Sounds like a PR move leaked by the Maybin camp to gain sympathy. Funny BR didn't mention that he has a strip club in his basement in his MD home. How many children has Maybin fathered? With how many different women? Sounds like we may have another Willis McGahee on our hands... It's terrible about the tragedy, but if he's using it for PR purposes, that's shameful...
  5. Checking his twitter once or twice a month = e-stalking. The king of hyperbole strikes again... p.s., I'll e-stalk whomever the hell I please.... Good post. Also, he has no ability to locate the football while it's in the air. He usually has no idea where the ball is when it's coming down on long passes. There have been opportunities in the past where he was actually in position to make a play, had semi-good coverage, and yet he completely whiffed. I'm just tired of seeing him play. I have a hard time believing that our new rookie can't come in and play at a similar level. Perhaps he is slightly above average in run support, but that tackle stat is definitely misleading...
  6. Fantastic album. A TRIPLE album, no less. George is my favorite Beatle!
  7. I rarely start a new thread on this board & I know there have been a number of threads recently about Whitner & twitter. However, I feel this deserves its own thread: Whitner seems to be backtracking on twitter after Nix's comments. He seems apologetic: he wants to stay in Buffalo. He also compared himself to Jesus yesterday: "People hated Jesus," "but only if they knew the power he possessed..." He must have a pretty healthy self-image... The fact that he likens criticism of himself to Jesus Christ's suffering, confirms what I've thought for a long time now: Whitner has the intelligence, and the maturity, of a child... I really hope Nix retracts the contract offer completely... I don't even want this guy back for the league minimum... Link: http://twitter.com/#!/DONTEWHITNER
  8. He just tweeted that he is up to 327! http://twitter.com/#!/TorellTroup
  9. You don't think the fact that Whitner acts like a 12-year-old boy is problematic?? Would you hire a boy to do a man's job?
  10. For those who argue that Whitner is a victim in this twitter thing I offer a rebuttal: Nobody told him he had to sign up on twitter and make it a public account. Twitter has privacy options. He chooses to interact with the fans. For every fan who tells him he sucks and to leave Buffalo etc., there are a dozen who kiss his ass and tell him he's awesome, how much they'd like to meet him, not to pay attention to the haters,"Can I have an autograph.?" etc. There are always going to be idiots who try to antagonize celebrities & athletes, but it doesn't mean you can paint an entire fan base or region as "classless." If he were mature, he'd ignore, or block, the stupid fans; but he's a child and needs his ego stoked by all the ass kissers... and in the process he has his fragile ego hurt by the moron fans who want to get his attention( like boxing with P. Moran). This doesn't say anything about Buffalo fans at all; it indicates that Whitner is an immature man who can't ignore other immature men/women...
  11. I really hope it's an OT. We don't have a quality OT on the roster (I have little faith in Bell) I hope Nix is planning on spending big on a tackle in FA, otherwise Fitz is going to be running for his life... hooray... I hope he's a mauler...
  12. I haven't listened to the afternoon show in about two years. Schopp is on record as saying he doesn't like football, the NFL, or the Buffalo Bills. He doesn't like the sport of football period -- he is very critical of it, thinks it's inferior to phenomena like hockey, tennis, popular culture, America Idol, reality shows,. etc. I would encourage football fans not to listen to the show.. unless you want to hear a third-rate intellectual talk about hockey & pop culture...
  13. Of course. He was simply saying there is no information coming into or out of OBD. This is neither a good nor a bad thing -- it just is. It's a good thing if the other teams have no idea which way the Bills are leaning, that's for sure... But who cares if the media have reliable information or not... Furthermore, King could have written this about any other team: i.e., "team X is not telegraphing its draft plans this year..." It's not clear to me how anyone can interpret King's comment as in any way negative, or positive...
  14. I remember at one point in an interview ( I can't remember when) Gailey described OBD as a "cocoon." I think OBD is pretty insulated compared to most teams. At the same time, didn't Jerry Jones know that the Bills were selecting Spiller last year, ahead of time?
  15. Naw.... the original poster conveys the intended meaning... Peter King means the Bills are out of the media loop... the radar is dark, etc.
  16. I agree, at least with what you're saying about B. Galliford. I stopped reading BuffaloRumblings two years ago, haven't looked back since. As a Bills' apologist, he is worse than Chris Brown... I remember when the rumor broke that TO might come to Buffalo, he commented that it made him want to vomit. When he found out it was more than a rumor, he deleted his post, changed his mind, and wrote about how it was a great move to bring him in... no need for that kind of journalism... it's not journalism... He LOVED Dick Jauron right up until the very end... then he was elated when Ralph fired him... very consistent writer...
  17. You're incorrect here. Jacobs can't buy the team because he owns the Bruins in Boston. However, the NFL permits an owner to own multiple sports franchises if, and only if, they are located in the same city. Pegula would not be banned from buying the Bills according to NFL rules... I don't have a link on this, but I've read it from several times from reputable sports journalists...
  18. Fantastic reporting by Adam Caplan of FoxSports... A stain on his record, for sure...
  19. No, he didn't re-sign. He got rid of his puppies. But he wants you to think he may have re-signed, because then he gets the attention that he craves -- because then somebody starts talking about him on messages boards, and tweeting about him, etc. He loves the attention, he loves playing games... he LOVES that there is yet another thread about his moronic tweeting. He knows that someone will take the bait... He's pathetic. I'm so sick of hearing about him...
  20. I don't follow Whitner on twitter. Everything I remember came from someone else who posted it on TBD at various points throughout Whitner's career. So, because I remember posts on TBD, that makes me a 12 year old girl... interesting form of logic. Do other members of TBD remember posts from the past? If so, you're all 12 year old girls according to our good doctor friend... This thread was about Whitner, you made it about me... well played...
  21. I actually have a photographic memory, so I remember a lot of things. You're the first person I've ever met who thought it was so hilarious... Still, I doubt that I'm the only fan who remembers Whitner's headline (at least around these parts) making antics... I think it's fair game to judge an athlete's personal life if he willingly shares it in public. I have a feeling you screwed up a few puppies of your own...
  22. Some highlights of Whitner's tenure on twitter He promised to give away Superbowl tickets to a fan for some contest and subsequently reneged (it was a story on PTF) He swore an oath to quit twitter for good, only to change his mind in less than 24 hours Surely no one has forgotten his wish to have a boxing match with Pat Moran. He tires his best to negotiate his contract through twitter. Is it a surprise to anyone that he got puppies and then obviously didn't train them properly. Every idiot I know gets a dog and then neglects its upbringing. How good can his concentration be on game day and in the film room if he doesn't have the attention span or commitment to train a damn puppy? The sum of all these things? Whitner is incredibly immature. Twitter has given us a rare look into the life of Whitner and has shown us that he has the maturity of a 12 year old boy. Why anyone wants us to resign this guy (at any price) is beyond me. The man is an absolute fool on and off the field. He is not a starting NFL safety simply because he's mastered the art of running into people 20 yard down field. My prediction: he'll be out of the league in three years, and be in bankruptcy court in less than ten... May he fade into oblivion...
  23. Excellent move. George Wilson is a favorite of mine & I was really hoping they wouldn't let him walk, like they did with Coy Wire. Wilson has come a long way considering he started out as a 7th string receiver. Whitner's return looking less & less likely...
  24. FYI: Moran posted the same thing about Jordan on his twitter feed on 25 January... "from everything I'm reading & hearing..." He clearly is in intimate contact with key members of the Bills organization on a weekly basis. I'm surprised they haven't hired him as a consultant...
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