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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. The guys afraid of snow. Enough said.
  2. Absolutely zero "pocket presence".
  3. He plays with heart which means alot to me. My only knock on him is that I have noticed he tends to fade later in the game after he lays out a couple good hits.
  4. How about we see him hit the field in a Bills uniform first. I don't think he has signed a contract yet has he?
  5. Smoking is natures way of weeding out the weak minded ones
  6. I don't think he liked Ralph messing with his jacket. That was embarrasing. It sounds like he is a good kid with his head on straight.
  7. Trade him and someone gets hurt. Murphys Law
  8. I think Emmit Smith would agree with you on that one.
  9. Man, I never appreciatted Flutie that much at the time but compared to what we got now.................
  10. Only if he spent the winter in WNY shoveling snow so he wouldn't be afraid to fall down in it. Ooops. Too late. O well.
  11. Could he possibly be the best available player at no. 9 ?
  12. There is now no minimum salary cap for next year. I billieve Ralphie is going to take full advantage of that. Hopefully I am wrong.
  13. Remember Whitner crying on TV after a tough loss? Say what you want but how can you say he doesn't love football. To me it's more about accepting being a loser. Any NFL player that isn't upset after a loss has accepted being a loser. Rumor is you couldn't tell whether the Bills won or lost in the locker room after a game last season. Ya gotta have HEART!
  14. I think it may be Walt Corey based on the fact that Tim Hortons in OP was out of swizzle sticks
  15. I'd rather get kicked in the *%@$ than have this dirtbag play for the Bills
  16. So that is why Emmitt Smith continually ran right thru Jeff Wright and the rest of the defense in the second half of the superbowl.
  17. What a depressing list. Imagine if you added up the $ total.
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