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Everything posted by starrymessenger

  1. One the right team (i.e. one gamebreaking WR away from a championship) he can be a major asset. He still beats most (though not the very best) single NFL coverage handily. If you hit him in stride he will drop some but also take many to the house. Does not however fight for balls (like A. Boldin) nor has he the athleticism to achieve optimal position relative to the trajectory of the ball and the location of the DBs in space (this I doubt he ever had in quantity - his athleticism, which is of course considerable, is more "directional" being based almost entirely on power rather than agility). He is a great player on the wrong team. Good marketing move, poor football decision.
  2. IMO he was ok, even good all things considered. Liked his poise with defenders in his face as well as his touch on short passes (inexplicably a problem for Bills QBs). Would have liked to have seen him air it out more just to get a fix on his arm strength for the long ball (intermediate throws to the flats appeared to have enough zip). Look forward to seeing him again next week. If it turns out he is a legit prospect, he still needs to sit and learn for a year or two behind a vet. Bills could have gotten something for nothing here.
  3. You are exactly right. I remember Mike Mayock waving an admonishing finger warning teams not to be sucked into drafting a project DE, in the particular case Michael Johnson (who by the way has as much or more upside than Maybin) with a high pick.
  4. Thanks Bill, I really needed that. I have had many bad dreams about this only to awake to the realization that the nightmare is real.
  5. I see now that Papazoid did get back to you. Re Pro Day - sometimes a better indicator than the combine - Beanie Wells, and sometimes not - Aaron Maybin.
  6. I can't swear that it was true but I certainly recall it being reported. I believe it was on his proday in Miss.
  7. Yes, a good situation. Makes you wonder why Rams FO didn't just sit him down. Don't they need draft picks?
  8. Your call on his fouls in the Titans game is exactly right. The second was marginal/undeserved but the problem is that he is a marked man as far as the officials are concerned. Richie is a good person. Note we are not talking about off-field issues, of which there are none. He is also not unintelligent. A lot of players score well below his 32 wonderlic. His problem is anger management on the field. Contrary to what Ramsfan has said, you are also 100% right about the talent - it is there in significant quantity. If this guy can learn to play under control he is a pro-bowl talent at guard. If he cannot he will probably wind up out of football. The difference to him will be much greater than the difference to Billsfans. Will he be able to control himself - unfortunately the presumption is against him being able to do that but of course it could happen. I can remember an interview with Anthony Hargrove (another ex-Ram basket case) after his next to last suspension. It was apparent he understood perfectly well what the problem was, whose fault it was, and what the consequences might be. AH is an intelligent person too, just like Ritchie. Unfortunately behavioral problems are insidious to correct even when the person is perfectly cognizant of the p[roblem.
  9. Next time we play Arizona I want to see what Rich Incognito does to Adrian Wilson.
  10. I don't think Conrad Dobler won many popularity contests either. He just kicked ass.
  11. Given the condition of our line not going for Incognito would be FO gross negligence. But for anger managenment issues he would unquestionably have been a first rounder. He is one of the toughest meanest guards in the game. We don't even know if/when Woods will be able to return. If he does he should play at his natural position , center, with Incognito and Levitre on either side. If we don't pick him up watch the Steelers jump on this opportunity.
  12. IMO ability is not in question. Injury history maybe...head case, absolutely. Anthony Hargrove appears to have straightened himself out. Maybe there is hope for this guy. We could see the makings of a very good young line.
  13. Fair comment. Must say I'm tempted though.
  14. Bills should jump on this one fast. Potential pro bowler OL'man if he ever gets his head screwed on properly i.e. anger nanagement issues. Only 26, five years NFL experience and a total beast. No Mr. Niceguy. Mr Nasty.
  15. Sorry did not see earlier post re Incognito.
  16. Rams have just released Rich Incognito. Should the Bills sign him?
  17. You are right to question my statement. However I did not say or mean to imply that Perry Fewell is meek or cowardly. I don't think that he is. I like Perry Fewell. I don't know whether he is the best man for the job but at least he is not counted amongst the living dead. He has all of the outwardly observable characteristics of a living, breathing, sentient human being. Seeing him on the sidelines breathes new life into the players and into the fans as well for that matter. A little goes a long way in Buffalo these days, I guess. To be more precise, while we may never know, I have a strong and abiding suspicion that TO has trashed Trent Edwards in the clubhouse (and indeed publicly on the field). While this may be true, it is not to say that this is all on TO. No need here to dwell on or debate the things that Trent has been unable to do, for whatever reason. TO has a lot of influence amongst his peers, especially I would expect amongst younger, African American players. He is a physically impressive specimen and he has a strong personality. He also has a resume for a player at his position that is literally second only to one or two other players in football history. He continues to be hypercompetetive with the ability to back it up. Enough said. When it comes to deciding who to start, what Fewell cannot do is turn the tide of player sentiment that, amongst a certain group on both sides of the ball, is now decidedly against Trent. He may indeed have lost the team. Having Fewell lend Trent his support would make a difference, but it would go against the trend and likely not be enough to bring about an overall improvement in team performance. That is why, and is the only reason why, starting Ryan Fitzerald gives the Bills the best chance of winning. Bears mentioning that winning in the short term is important to Fewell because he is competing for a job. I have seen enough young QBs struggle and veteran QBs have off years and then come back strong to know that there is a possibility that Trent Edwards may someday realize his potential and develop into a solid starter in this league.
  18. Randy's a headcase who can be derailed if you hit the right trigger. Getting publicly spanked by his HC is possibly a major trauma the implications of which only Dr Freud knows for sure. Will be intetresting to see how he performjs the rest of the season.
  19. Trent Edwards has the physical skills to play QB in the NFL. Ryan Fitzpatrick does not and never will. I don't know whether Trent will one day overcome his (physical/psychological) problems, but even if your intention was to trade him, a few good starts and you might move up one or two rounds on draft day. If Trent played yesterday we maybe win going away. Fewell can't stand up to TO and therefore feels that RF gives the Bills the best chance of winning. As for Donte, the only thing he is good at is running his mouth (notice the angle he took on Jamal Charles' TD yesterday?). Would like to see his ass run out of Buffalo. If Trent shows up as a backup on another team with a good coaching staff and maybe an offensive lineman or two, I will be interested to see what he does.
  20. I mean the other 30 teams too. Agree with your comments re Brees though. Saw a 2002 Chargers game. No question that guy could already play at a high level.
  21. Don't know about this. You don't try to "hide" a much decorated QB prospect whose bursting with talent on the PS. It would seem also that there was no deal with the player re matching any offers and joining the active roster. I also wonder why he sat there for two months before the light went on somewhere (at OBD). Teams comb PSs for help meticulously.
  22. Don't understand the comment in the article that he is really very competitive but hides it well. I have never known a competitive football player that can or feels that he even needs to hide it. The idea is more like showing it. That is called leadership. Brohm had a great college carreer, no question, including in his senior year when Loiusville fell out of bowl contention because of defensive, not offensive woes. One problem is that the Cardinals used a one read scheme for the QB. He knew exactly where he was going with the ball before taking the snap. No reads, progressions etc... none of the things that the pro game, and pro defenses, impose on the QB position. He has to date not shown that he can handle these demands. Hope things work out for him here in Buff or elsewhere, since he seems to want to play. No question he has some skills.
  23. An elite coach. One of the finest men in, or out, of the game. Nuff said.
  24. ok lets saw it off. They are both equally bad, and I mean terrible. Nothing against RF personally, but he does not have the tools to dissect his dinner, let alone any NFL secondary. He is just a really poor, read inaccurate passer: poor mechanics and inadequate arm strength. Problem is you cannot win in the NFL without decent QB play - and it is even more important than good O-line play (which I understand also to be important, as you say). Ben R has played well behind some pretty inadequate lines. In fact he won a superbowl. The better the line however, the less good the QB probably can afford to be. But he cannot be flat out bad, or if he is you simply will not win in the NFL.
  25. Ryan's throws were so bad they could not even be intercepted. Sanchez was the only QB last night who made sound decisions and made good throws.
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