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Everything posted by kickedface

  1. i have never been to a sporting event that didn't have that type of situation occur. sure its worse when the home team is losing, but when did this become unexpected? i remember thinking how crazy it was when i went to a game when i was 5 year old. my dad explained that some people are idiots especially when sports and booze is involved. it doesn't really seem to matter what level. i remember people acting like idiot at high school games.
  2. unfortunately sully's plan works, i really didn't read his stuff too much until i started hearing about it on the message boards. now i find myself reading it because i can't stand him. which makes little to no sense, well no thats not true, i then come on the message board and find the thread complaining about it. that is why he keeps a job.
  3. i don't see it as a big deal. but could use a link to see what the talk is all about.
  4. lol this thread is hilarious. way to get excited by a troll
  5. maul the mammal would work better. the dude has a killer deep ball, he has a WR who can catch them. not a bad move on his part. though i did smile when i heard the news.
  6. theres alot of info there, its always good to have info like that. i wouldn't know what to do if the bills left town. i might stop watching football, or actively cheer against them. i don't know. i don't want to know. i wouldn't stop watching the team when they lose but if they are moved to another city i wouldn't know what to do.
  7. i've been playing with the bills online for a couple years, pummeling the 12 year old jerks online has always been fun, but now that the ratings are up its no contest. though i did get to play against steve johnson last year, dude can play madden!
  8. the play calling the last 3 weeks has slightly differed from what was being used earlier in the season. i know that the game plan has to evolve, but why put it all on the offense. the defense has to actually show up to a game they can't rely on getting turn overs alone. (though they help quite a bit). i would prefer to see a more aggressive pass rush like the one used against the eagles.
  9. i have to agree with mikeyarch. i won't head out there cause the home fans are pissed drunks looking to start a fight. its pretty rough, i would love to go but i'm not looking to get into a fight.
  10. billy ray cyrus has been waiting for this moment for years!
  11. i would like him to have a killer game. i really would like him to stop being injured.
  12. he needs to be in the game a bit more. i still say line him up on the other side of merriman and play party at the qb's house.
  13. kevin greene would be awesome. i don't think it will happen. but that would make me smile quite a bit.
  14. i could also bring up the point that i've been searching for a black miroslav satan jersey to replace my old one. there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of people selling that.
  15. i endorse and approve this message. they also have a 3rd one but its a 2 parter and i haven't seen the second half of it.
  16. i didn't see fitz taped finger, though he does wear his wedding ring when he plays. i noticed we didn't really use the spread offense like we had in previous games. i was confused with why that was. hopefully that will be addressed. i would like to see brad smith throw out of the wild cat at some point it would help to keep a defense on its toes.
  17. i really don't like his analysis of most things. he's kind of a dick, but i suppose that gets him ratings.
  18. 1 point? living on the edge i see. surprised they even picked a winner, but i guess they have to both teams can't lose.
  19. why stop at those guys? throw jeff garcia and jeff george into the mix. they both think they can still play.
  20. i have to agree that the nfl pretty much castrated defenses. i don't really like it. i've always been a fan of the defensive struggles. the ravens-jets game was pretty awesome. tmq really has had a direct line to my brain all season
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