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Everything posted by kickedface

  1. CURSE!!!!!! as wonderful as it would be to have a bill on the cover i refuse to jab a stick into the eye of the universe. the universe, like the smoking man hates the bills i will not mess with it. but i will vote for a pat* or a jet
  2. nick barnett just posted on twitter: B. Scott signed just had lunch with Mark Anderson looks like he likes B-Lo too
  3. man was buddy pissed about that. i thought he was going to headbutt the first person to call him on it.
  4. it interrupted ralph's pudding time. that is a no go. he's almost done with the pudding. then its nap time. so after that the press conference will happen.
  5. i am pretty excited about this. the bills have a d that i want to watch again. hasn't been like that since the 90's
  6. didn't he "leave" buffalo yesterday? oh wait, no, someone f***ed up that info as well. i heard he was going to have his entourage roll into town tomorrow. hell its as realistic as pft. they might even report it after seeing this post.
  7. i keep refreshing all 9 tabs i have open on this. i need to know!
  8. supposedly the bills want to make williams the top paid defensive player in the nfl. the offer is apparently sick.
  9. i would really feel dumb after picking up the jersey this season. i don't want to add it to my giant pile of players jerseys that no longer play for the bills.
  10. this is where someone says ralph is cheap right?
  11. dude does a great job. he brings a swagger that the team does not have. his antics are entertaining and not nearly as destructive as they are made out to be. he's a young wr and can only improve.
  12. its just posturing, you know how these things go. steve johnson wants a top 5 wr pay with not quite top 5 wr play. wr's value has gone down in the last few years, which is odd considering that its a passing league. he will get an offer, it will be less than he wants, but he will sign.
  13. if its such an embarrassment stop watching, stop complaining, and come back when they start winning. i am sick of this crap, everyone feels so entitled like fans have earned something. i want the team to win. i hate when they lose, but i watch every second of the game. does it frustrate me sometimes? yeah it does. i would love the team to be in the playoffs. the most annoying thing to me is every year i get on here and post in response to this type of thread most of the time calling out any so called fans who have no idea what a losing season really looks like. the first year i watched the bills they won 2 games. i figure as long as they do better than that i will be all set. you know what's embarrassing people whining and crying about a football team if you don't like it, then quit.
  14. i happen to enjoy both the celebrations and the twitter account. the guy is having fun and its great to see a bills player show some confidence. the guy had a pretty good game against what many people call the best cb in the nfl. pay the man. unless his tweeting or antics hurt the team i see no problem with them
  15. why not? its better than thinking every game from here on out will be a loss. i'm still excited to watch games, any team can win on any given sunday.
  16. i actually said this the other day. we need a go route wr. the problem with the short routes is that it works great but there needs to be a legit deep threat. TO would be able to do that. fitz would have no problem throwing to him. and he'd really only need to run 3 routes. he didn't burn any bridges here, and the wrs had nothing but good things to say about him. stevie johnson says he learned a ton when TO was around. it would help the offense to have him there even as a decoy.
  18. i have been getting more wings during the game, that could account for the need.
  19. i have been getting more wings during the game, that could account for the need.
  20. i found this article about about b-lo and the western ny area. http://www.constructionlitmag.com/blog/the-black-ulcerated-bowel-of-america i don't agree with all the points, i thought i should share it though. the funniest thing is that if anyone from anywhere else said or wrote anything like this anyone from the b-lo, roc or any other local areas would go crazy on them. flame away!
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