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Posts posted by Gugny

  1. On a national level, people are watching with fascination as this story unfolds. But local message boards are fighting it tooth and nail, and I don't quite understand why.

    I think it's because everyone likes a good story; especially an underdog story. I think local message boards are fighting it tooth and nail because they know this kid went undrafted for very good reasons. Everyone just wants to find the next Warner or Brady. Someday, that will happen ... but it sure as hell isn't Jeff Tuel.

  2. Actually, someone needs to climb off his p.c. hobby horse.

    Well, alias, if you choose to go this route, please go into the PPP area and strike up this conversation. The OP mentioned something which I questioned - because, well frankly, it was absurd. There is no hobby horse and there is no insinuation of political correctness or incorrectness. It was a question. Leave it alone or go to PPP.

  3. The reason we lost is because Marrone goes with Tuel over EJ in the Playoff game. Last seconds of the game Antonio Gates throws a lateral across field to Malcolm Floyd who gets behind a convoy of blockers on his way to the endzone.

    Hey, look at it this way. At least no one brought up one of the most painful minutes in Bills' fans' history.

  4. See, I don't know. I think my parents--classic Boomers--would love to access content the way I do, they just don't know technology well enough to know what's possible.


    I agree with you. My parents are in their early-to-mid 70s. I've gone through the hell of teaching them how to use remote controls, VCRs, DVD players and changing the time on their car stereos.


    They've finally drawn the line with DVRing, which I do a lot - and I've explained how beneficial it would be to their lifestyle (retired, always on the go). They're tired of learning new schit.


    They do like movies on demand (they have Time Warner Cable), though, and have mastered it.


    So I agree that the desire is there by many in that generation ... I just question whether they want to take the time/effort to learn yet another technological advancement.

  5. It's generational. The under-30 crowd is cutting the cord more and more. But there's a hell of lot of 31+ people out there.


    Newspapers have been dying a very slow death, but still remains profitable (just not as much). Newspapers will never die; nor will traditional television. However their demand will continue to decline.


    I think you're right that in five short years, there will be drastic change. I invite it.

  6. 1. Rookie QB


    2. Rookie QB was a first round pick in last draft.


    3. Rookie QB is potentially the new face of the franchise.


    4. Rookie QB has surgery.


    5. Rookie QB misses large amounts of practice/playing time during pre-season from surgery.


    What's the rush? Honestly folks, what exactly is the rush? What's the point of forcing anything? Let him at least have a full week of practice before making his first NFL start. Seems like a no-brainer to me.


    Decades of watching horrible football and we as fans can't wait until Week 2?

    You don't start a winning streak by putting an UDFA put there against the Patriots. Rookie QB wants to play. Let Rookie QB play.


    What do you do on the off weeks?




    I have looked up definitions, looked at videos, etc. and still cannot figure out exactly what twerking is???

    She's not a good twerker, either. She's really not a good anything.


    Anyway, the best way I can describe twerking is this:


    Bending over with legs further than shoulder width apart.

    Moving nothing but your ass, as fast as you can, side to side.

  8. Quote from Marrone:


    “Everyone heals a little bit differently. Right now he’s telling me he’s ready to go, but obviously he’s not. But that’s the mentality of EJ. So I’m excited about it. I’ve watched him do footwork drills in cones and watched him ride a bike, and just talking to him you’d think he’s starting on Thursday.”


    EJ's already out there doing cone work; does anyone really think he isn't going to be practicing by next Monday and starting against the Pats*?

    This is the best thing I've read all day, THANK YOU.


    And compared to about 78% of all threads on TSW, this post is akin to "The Odyssey."

  9. My thing about Miley Cyrus is this ... I think the whole story is a sad one.


    Her parents had her posing half-naked when she was 15 or 16 years old. How is a coming of age girl supposed to learn self-respect in that situation?


    Her parents have been cashing in on their daughter for as long as they could. It's sick.


    And what gets me most is this girl is 20-years-old and she already looks and sounds like a woman who has spent decades in bars, being the town whore. She looks used and abused and sounds like she's on a steady diet of So Co and Marlboro reds.


    I hope she can learn to realize she's worth more than that and she's better than that disgusting display she put on.


    I'm not against what was on TV ... I'm against why this 20-year-old girl has become that at such a young age.


    Thank GOD I had a son.


    EDIT: I will add that Miley's parents, agent, management team - along with MTV - are loving the press this is getting. And my guess is that they're all in the process of convincing Miley that it was "a good thing," and likely talking her into doing it again, and again, and again.

  10. Perhaps. Though I'm less worried about him being more prepared than Tuel, than being at a level where playing in a game won't stunt his growth. I would hate to trot him out there before he's ready. Maybe I'm being too cautious, but I reaaally want him to have some success and get confidence right out of the gate. That said, I am rooting for him to start week 1 anyway haha

    Yup. It's really about his mental strength. Throwing someone like Vince Young out there and throwing someone like Peyton Manning out there would likely yield different long-term results in a situation like this.


    From what I've seen, read and heard about EJ and watching/listening to him in interviews, he appears to be a smart, grounded kid.


    He's likely practical enough to understand that, given his time away from the practice field, a less-than-stellar performance isn't going to derail his career.


    That's my hope, anyway.


    Go Bills!

  11. You're right, but he may have been referring more to the lack of actual football practice by EJ. Sure, he may be heathy soon enough, but are 5? 6? practices enough to shake off the rust and reach the level he was at during the vikings game?

    I think no practices followed by having a vivid dream about football the night before the game would make EJ twice as prepared as Tuel.

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