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Posts posted by Gugny

  1. I really think any speculation Byrd has a "bad attitude" is complete hooey. Yes, he's disappointed the contract situation didn't work out differently, and perhaps he did give Parker the go ahead to inquire about trades, but while he's in Buffalo he's going to do his best -- I have no doubt.

    If this is ever confirmed true, I will gladly eat crow. I don't like disliking this guy ... but right now, it's hard for me not to.

  2. I agree. If he's the best safety in the league... tell Parker to find someone willing to give up a 1st round pick plus mid rounder for him and he can go. If he's the best safety in the league, that should be easy enough. Otherwise he can shut up, play and prove that he IS worth all of that and be gone in Feb.

    Agree 100%, with the key word being "PLAY," which he has barely done since signing the tender.

  3. Boy, you guys (DC and Gug) are brutal... Smell blood and give 'em the business!


    Let's be reasonable. Jon was just lashing out against a wicked, evil man... Who really thinks Jon would pull the trigger on leaving the dead creep in a cornfield for buzzards to take? LoL... Same with my gibbet comment. It is just a way people act when faced with such awful acts.


    The indignanation is a bit over the top... Nobody is leaving creep, Ariel Castro for the buzzards to get and never will...


    Come on... Let's all sing kumbaya... "Come on all you people now, smile on Your brother ... everybody get together and try to love one another... right now, right now, right now".



    Oh, I know. I was just being a jerk for the hell of it.


    But ... Castro - as much of a monster and piece of garbage he was - and as much as our society, as a whole, is better off without him - there is likely someone out there who is sad that he is dead. Someone who, although this person did terrible things, will miss him. For that reason, and due to the fact we are a civilized people, even he deserves a proper burial.


    But I'm leaving this alone now.


    As I sing this, "Come on all you people now, smile on Your brother ... everybody get together and try to love one another... right now, right now, right now".

  4. I remember a thread last week or the week before where Byrd was OPEN to a trade. Ian from nfl network reported that.

    Everyone was crying because there was no link... A very big majority was bashing Homey D Clown.


    Now how do you guys feel? :bag:


    When an nfl reporter gets the vibe that a player is open to a trade, what was Ian Rapaport implying????? Of course Byrd wants $$$$ or be traded. It's just that simple.

    The bashing took place, not due to the absence of a link, but because it was reported that Byrd had actually stated that he was seeking a trade. That had not occurred and the person who posted it became belligerent about it. Byrd has been open to a trade; and the Bills have been open to trading him, from the onset. I think most people have realized from day one that Byrd wanted to go to the team that would pay him the most money, as most players do. Most people have also realized that Brandon and Whaley (based on letting Levitre walk) aren't the "overpay for less-significant positions," types of execs.

  5. Actually, it was a bit more than your non-comment deserved. Consider it pay-it-forward for your future gems.

    "I'd cremate his body and let the ashes fertilize some flowers rather than leave him in a cornfield, because I wouldn't want any kids to stumble across his decomposing corpse."


    You said that.


    It's disturbing enough that a person in a civilized world has beliefs such as those. What's more disturbing is that you're a parent (at least your words would indicate that).


    How does your attitude toward your fellow man make you any better than the person about whom you're speaking? Guess what ... it doesn't. It puts you on a level playing field.


    So when you're done e-blowing Tom and when you're done proving to anyone unlucky enough to read your drivel that you have absolutely no idea what humanity is ... well then, perhaps, you can come up with something other than, "whatever," or "I don't care what you think."

  6. Scott said he was hoping for the big community grill last message I got from him..I will have my 2 small grills and the oven with 2 burners on top. Any one brings a coffee pot for the stove they can use it to make coffee..

    This is great to see, thanks, Mead. I will have disposable (aluminum) casserole dishes that will serve as pans for the chili.

  7. I hope they don't trade him. I hope he grows moss on his azz as he rides the pine for entire year.

    If he doesn't want to contribute to the team's success, then why should the team contribute to his success?

    !@#$ you Byrd and double-!@#$ you Parker.

    If this was Facebook, I would create a "Like x 1,000,000,000" button, then hit it every hour on the hour for this post.


    Byrd is a douchebag. Plain and simple. I'd pay the team doctor to never clear his ass to play and then see how much his lame ass gets.



  8. It was... surreal to see Saddam fall to his death with the rope around his neck. It just...this guy was the big bad Saddam Hussein and like that he did not exist. It was both scary and satisfying. Overall it was displeasing.

    The images of his sons' deaths were far more gruesome. I will admit, I wasn't sad about their deaths and I was even less sad about Saddam's death. But I refused to celebrate. Celebrating another person's death knocks one down a notch. There is someone - some innocent, decent, good person - be it a mother, daughter, son - who hurts from that person's death - regardless of how that person led his life. To celebrate the death of one man is to celebrate the grief of many others.



    Not saying hold a ceremony for him...but a simple pine box in potter's field is fine with me. How we treat the dead is one of the things that separate us from serial killers who leave their victims in cornfields for the buzzards.

    I thought (and think) the same way when I saw Sadaam Hussein's sons' corpses and their dead, bloodied faces, all over the news and watching/listening to my friends and much of our country celebrate. It sickened me. It still sickens me 10 years later. At that moment, we, as a society, were no better than the terrorists.



    Doesn't matter if you blitz or drop back, you still have two horrendous matchups: Brady vs Bills secondary and Pats running game vs Bills run defense.

    Is Brady passing to himself? Who are his primary receivers? And who is the Pats' running back? And do you think Pettine's defense will have the same lack of success as Wannestadt's?

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