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Everything posted by TH3

  1. Conservatives: Against gay marriage until their son comes out as gay Against abortion till they stumble into an unwanted pregnancy Against welfare...till they need it or its PPP Hate Social Security...until they retire Hate socialized medicine ...until they are on medicare... No Global Warming...until their house burns up Agaisnt debt....until its tax cuts... Against immigrants...till they need to eat fruit or vegetables or drywall hung... Ya...I get "conservatives" and "critical thinking"
  2. Then don't get one....The simple fact is - people like you - especially men - Sit on their high horses....but you know what? When your 16 year old daughter gets pregnant...well all of a sudden its ok to make an exception...You know people who have gotten abortions, people in your family have gotten abortions, people in your church have gotten abortions...you just don't know about it. Maybe if conservatives world work to eliminate the reasons for abortions - lack of birth control, lack of sex ed, lack of accessible day care...they would not seem so hollow.... Herschel still gotta chnace huh?
  3. "Up to the states" but not up to a woman and her doctor says everything you need to know about this issue If its "what they wanted" put it up a referendum and see what happens...don't convulate gerrymandered male dominated legislatures with the will of the people
  4. Ya…well your take on women’s rights is pretty much…..wrong. GOP hatched a group of women and young voters who will never vote GOP….see above
  5. Well - they last time you were blabbling this way was just before the win at KC....so....
  6. Dunno….read some posts….we are not just fading away..but already eliminated from the playoffs and Josh has turned into a pumpkin
  7. You hit the nail on the head…He “needs to get his head in the game” this week….oh….ok lol
  8. it must hurt to be so far above everyone
  9. Big shoulder pad fashion era!
  10. I thought he was defering that the Bills offence is good and the Pack D still should have done better...
  11. It’s hard to tell what posts are intentionally stupid ….or just stupid stupid….that’s what’s so great 😀
  12. I always shoot for posts that are so stupid ….the sarcasm can’t be missed🤪🎃
  13. Seems like a lot of comments for a third stringer who might be involved in 3-4 plays…
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