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Everything posted by TH3

  1. As usual...you deflect...would your comments be the same if the woman were Islamic?
  2. So = sounds like this board would approve of say - maybe this woman was Islamic instead of Christian - and should would only issue marriage licenses if they followed Sharia law....or an Islamic judge doing the same...or a Jewish judge not following sentencing guidelines but going old testament....of an Islamic policeman....or if I held public office and my "religion" said......and please spare me that BO is not following immigration laws - 2 wrongs don't make a right
  3. This is what I love - maybe giving no facts is better than giving complete falsehoods....
  4. More savvy - how? He cut an expensive aging vet they didn't want to bring to camp - except for the owner - in the first place.... Fred gets butthurt - shocker
  5. http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/st-charles-county-woman-pulls-gun-on-teens-in-park/article_712f1e3e-a949-5024-bd78-4eced003d289.html Unfortunately the kids were not armed for self defense....
  6. http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/09/01/us-usa-gaymarriage-kentucky-idUSKCN0R13S220150901 Figgered most of you would be all over this typical public worker - not working, can't be fired, making $80k plus bennies.....
  7. I just gave you some of examples right off today's headlines that show the give and take between individual rights and citizenry. Guns, gay marriage, taxes, foriegn policy....and in typical right wing/TP fashion you have responded with a vague - one line - idealism. Whittle it down to gun rights. The USA has the most liberal, most individualistic rights, for any comparable country. These individual freedoms also come with the highest gun violence rates - by a factor of around 10 compared to our equals. I used to own guns but don't now - but when I did - if there were registration laws, licenses etc that would be required that would have helped slow gun violence - I would have been ok with that - as i think gun violence is so draining on our country, Every gun incident - probably costs the taxpayers millions in police, judicial and incarceration costs - let alone the societal damage. But the attitude of the more ardent gun owners - is individual rights trump all else - at all costs. Individualism is not free - I ust gave you an example.Seems to me the "individuals" are unwilling to make even reasonable investments to being a citizen. Again - typical right wing one liners full of ideals - no examples
  8. This is what I think is much of the angst in our union right now...the loss of the concept of being a citizen. Seems nobody wants to pay taxes, no one wants to give an inch on gun rights, no one wants to follow Scotus decisions (at least in Kentucky because it is against their personal beliefs, people don't want to let others get married - even if it has no effect on them - they don't want to sell them flowers. People are for war as long as they don't have to send their kids or even pay for it, people don't want to move forward... The concept of I am not going to give an inch for this country to get better...I just want mine - and don't come looking for anything...and while your at it - get off my lawn - and THIS is what makes this country great has won out....what a wonderful world.... Bravo!
  9. Said in another thread - friends have a "closeness" to someone at OBD. Talked him to recently - said Bills all along only wanted to carry 2 qb's + practice squad
  10. http://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-science-zeros-in-on-ocean-rise-how-much-how-soon Pesky hoax won't die
  11. I really don't want to put too many dots on paper - well this paper.....I was like "whoa....didn't think about that scenario....."
  12. I have connections who have a neighbor who is inside OBD - always tight mouthed - but said the real issue is they really can only keep 2 of the three - they don't want/have space for 3 qb's out of the 53....
  13. Baskin HC proposal: 1. Get rid of employer paid HC 2. HC is a "single payer" - with revenues developed by a GST. This way all imports pay for tax - as they should. Our employers are off the hook and are now 16 percent more competitive. Also our exports are now 16 percent cheaper since HC costs are taken out. Nothing will be a bigger boost to US based employees than this. 3. The government gives all citizens a voucher to go get HC. Providers must provide a minimum level of care for the value of this voucher. 4. There should be 3-5 HC providers available in any geography. This will provide competiton 5. HCP are now have every incentive to get costs down by keeping people healthy - since they only get XX dollars per person - they make money by people not getting diabetes etc - instead of getting money by treating diabetes... 6. Healthy people probably get a bonus from their provider 7. Medicaire, Medicaid, VA all gone, also government out of business providing HC to its workers Best I can come up with blending actuarial theory and fee market competition. My comment on the above proposals is that it is impossible to single parties to negotiate and you have to pool the risk - you simply have to pool the risk
  14. what is you proposal? lay out your and I will tell you what mine is
  15. It amazes me that this is not the NUMBER ONE issue for both citizens and elected officials - on both sides of the aisle. We pay 2x what the rest of the civilized world pays. Think about that 2x - at the end of the day it comes out of your pocket - and at this point I am sure that most of you see what your employer pays for you - and if you are like me - you are paying $20k a year because you are self employed. If we had HC costs on par - most of Fed and State budget issues would be solved. Are you telling me we are simply incapable of restructuring our HC delivery system in an "american" style to solve this issue? Meanwhile - our top contender is in a Twitter fight with with a tv station
  16. "Yeah, the presence of a guy who will murder people on camera leads me to the conclusion I should be disarmed. And once again, the White House implies that “gun violence” is on the increase. It’s not. http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/423112/white-house-lies-about-gun-violence-again-charles-c-w-cooke …" Yes - the rate of gun violence has gone down - From the highest in first world countries to....the highest in first world countries.... We have the most liberal gun rights around ....and with freedoms comes some ugliness....
  17. Exactly - It is only a matter of time before TT starts....one episode like any of the above and it makes no sense not to go with TT......... And that is TT not Russell Wilson
  18. I can't believe that the clear and direct analysis for the concept of birthright/14th amendment is not found in the consensus of constitutional scholars on both sides of the aisle...but here right on PPP. I would expect that the "Economist" will be contacting you shortly to clear this up.
  19. https://theconversation.com/how-much-has-global-warming-worsened-californias-drought-now-we-have-a-number-46445
  20. The good old - "Why don't people getting arrested have manners?" chestnut.... The reason they are getting arrested is because they have - done something that society doesn't approve of - or apparently are driving a car while being black. The assumption and worse- expectation - that those being arrested are going to be well behaved is completely off base - and what I would say leads to police being unprepared for that eventuality - leading to a poor result. But - hey - this guy is very self assured - has walked a mile in others shoes - and therefore can bowl down complex issues to simple facts. He should try telling us what is country and what is not.
  21. You seriously don't understand the data that July was the hottest on "record" (fixed it LA) - what does this have to do with summer/winter hemispheres? AFA defining "ever" - come on - everyone knows what we are talking about....ooooohhhhhh caught me in definition mistake.......damn - I guess all those thermometers are wrong! DC - WTF - I am sure someone as complex as you can separate a local weather condition from how much heat the earth is holding... Stick your heads back in the sand and carry on!
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