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Everything posted by JMF2006

  1. Kraft spent that on Hookers and Massage parlors last year BTW Shady I was joking about the sign and trade... it was a running joke about Moss being the last one to put pen to paper.
  2. CBS Sports channel had it on about a week after it was mentioned on here. I searched CBS and YouTube with no luck.
  3. Tony Romo asked him about that on the CBS thing he did with Darnold and the Giants QB. He said he is going to be more aware and secure the football like an RB when he takes off and use 2 hands in the pocket more often.
  4. Well if he goes to trial and the bottle doesn't fit his hand.....
  5. I didn't mention kneeling but seeing as you brought it up I am not an American..... I am Canadian but I proudly stand for your anthem and support your country and despite some flaws and warts its still the envy of most of the worlds population who would move to your country in a minute if they could. Kneeling to me is disrespectful to all who have served or made the ultimate sacrifice for our combined freedoms(I say combined because if the good ole USA ever fell Canada would be in dire straits)
  6. I like sports as an escape if I wanted the real world I would tune in the news. Fans of all stripes go to games with one common theme....cheer on your team for 2 1/2 to 3 hours and forget all the BS.
  7. Where is the "Erect a Bronzed White Bronco next to Ralphs Statue" option?
  8. I remember rewatching the miracle come back game against NE. A lot of those passes were centimeters from being interceptions he was on a roll with accuracy and luck. Matt doesn't carry the curse
  9. But...The Fitz jinx is strong I would cringe on every snap that JA17 took
  10. We beat the Steelers and the Donkies to go 11-5 and win the division.
  11. Gug back in 1980 I was renting a house in St Catharines on Mary St in the Port Dalhousie area near the lake and just around the corner about 3 doors down was Neil Pearts house. I only seen him once he was getting into a car with their tour manager he said he really had to go they were already late for a meeting.
  12. Non family related I met Don Marcotte , Derek Sanderson and a whole bunch of the 1970 Stanley Cup Champion Boston Bruins in Niagara Falls. They were having a big party at a house on Dorchester Rd and we were riding by on our bikes. Don and another player were out front having a beer and other than all their cars the street was quiet they invited us over for a hamburger and pop. I was 11. Then later that summer I found out Ken Shinkel lived one block over from my house and I met Les Binkley there(they played for the Pittsburgh Penguins) Ken even played a little ball hockey on the street with us once
  13. Here it is he is the skinny guy on the left.....his nickname was Slim
  14. I think I have you all beat...….Nov 1958 the day I was born....my Grand Father on my Fathers side ...Thomas Henry Kehoe My Grandfather played for the Ottawa Senators Football team and won the Grey Cup in 1926 https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=U7KlplAu&id=0ECC6275012B48D864898D180FAA2718FF2234AB&thid=OIP.U7KlplAu13ddhwYLJDOulQHaEK&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.cfhof.ca%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2fphoto-gallery%2fgrey-cup-team-pictures%2f1926.jpg&exph=576&expw=1024&q=1926+grey+cup+winning+team&simid=608039456244501493&selectedIndex=0&ajaxhist=0 I have a pic on my ancestory page but I cannot link it
  15. What does bad ole Dan know about being an NFL QB? He held a clip board and stroked Staffords balls for most of his so called career. He must be jealous of JA17
  16. I am offended by the nickname Fighting Irish and the wee little guy with his dukes up First we need a good bottle of Whiskey and a few beers then we are in a fighting mood
  17. Only if his kid makes the team Maybe we should make him prove his loyalty if his kid does make it by making him lead the charge
  18. I turn it on every Sunday when I want to take a nap It really is very relaxing Glad its back I was sleep deprived
  19. How about kickbacks on merchandise, parking and concessions? We would shake down Jeremey J and Delaware North
  20. My personal feeling is that it means a tight bond exists between our fan base regardless of race sex religion politics or anything else. If your a Bills fan your family just look at the tailgating and people sharing their food and drink with strangers.
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