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Erik Flowers

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Everything posted by Erik Flowers

  1. I am utterly stunned that no one typed Roads scholar. Just remember, everything is relative. Oops! I missed the thread title! I guess the point has already been made!
  2. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that they are in our division, we play them twice a year every year, and we haven't beat them in a coon's age. No one would give a **** if we were pounding them every year.
  3. So if BB was cheating as coach of the patriots in the 2000's, was he also cheating back in 1989-1990 when he somehow managed to stop the greatest offense that had ever been assembled to that point???
  4. If this team equals the success of the 84 and 85 teams, I will be pleasantly surprised.
  5. Will getting angry make these players more talented? Because a decade of crappy drafting has left us the least talented team in the entire league. We suck at every position, including our vaunted secondary. Teams never test our secondary because they don't have to. They can run all over our defense all day long
  6. Are you high? Seriously, are you high? Even the biggest flutie fellater I know has never suggested flutie could end up in the HOF. The only way that happens is if little Dougie has a broom in his hand. I seriously can't believe someone actually wrote that down and hit send!
  7. Wrong. Vanek got more. Hockey money is guaranteed.
  8. Dude - your opinion on the topic would carry a lot more weight if you lived closer than 1,100 miles away and actually went to a game once in a while. You are also admittedly anti alcohol. You have been throwing your opinion around about what happens at games and how bad it is and then you say you never go to games because you live in Texas! WTF? Why don't you move to Utah. Lots of dry towns there, and the Utes can be soberly enjoyed!
  9. Public Drunkeness is not a crime - we had that law, but it was ruled unconstitutional more than 30 years ago.
  10. No one goes to Jax games, you will be fine. If people bother you take the tarp off one of the multiple sections of seats they can't sell.
  11. You obviously don't have kids. I believe that Bills fans have the right to be as rowdy as they want. I also have the right (some would say obligation) to keep my kids at home. Some tailgates are child friendly, some are not. I would never let my kids sit anywhere but the family section. Teachable moments are wonderful, but some 45 year old guy puking in the aisle or pissing in the sink isn't what I would call a teachable moment.
  12. Ummmmm, wood and levitre? Wang, callaway? Just because hanger and green are who we ended up with doesn't mean it's who they were targeting. I'm sick to my stomach, too, but ignoring facts and reality makes you sound as incompetent as the previous front office.
  13. Clausen has a weird shaped head - helmets won't fit him right - he will be prone to concussions.
  14. True, but he is top three at his position in the league. He is only on the field for a few plays each week, and not integral to the failures of the offense and defense over the last deacde.
  15. I would only keep two players; Moorman and Stroud. The rest of this crew are too entrenched in a culture of losing. Get rid of all the losers!!!
  16. Except, as it turns out, that practice squad player is likely a better option than anyone currently on their roster. Says something about their depth.
  17. Actually, Tasker was quite productive when actually given an opportunity to play his natural position of wide receiver. Unfortunately, it was late in his career and he had problems with his health. No one could cover the guy one on one, though.
  18. Maybe its because he was either running for his life or laying on his back?
  19. It won't be an obscure wide receiver, it will be Sam Aiken!
  20. I have been very pleased with Tasker's progression - I think he does a good job of analyzing plays without blowing celebs or being a homer. Then again, fans of the team the Bills are playing probably hate him.
  21. Who cares whether it was a plan or a knee jerk reaction when the plan sucks? Go ahead and credit the FO for coming of with this glorious plan if it makes you feel better, but it doesn't make the end result any more palatable or capable of competing against the pantywaists on MNF in six days!!!
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