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Erik Flowers

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Everything posted by Erik Flowers

  1. In the mean time, we will be down to our 6th, 7th and eighth QB's, because any QB playing behind this line is going to get killed!!!!
  2. He may not live long enough to have to deal with that problem. I'm just sayin'...
  3. In the matter of a couple days, Ralphie boy just put 5 million in his pocket, and has all but guaranteed us a top 3 draft pick. The Bills just wrested the title of laughing stock of the league from the Raiders.
  4. Get back in the bathroom and crap up a couple more firings!
  5. A hall of fame cast which was picked by someone who knew talent from posers. Unless the entire scouting department is fired as well, we can look forward to more reaches, head head scratching picks, tweeners and position changes. I hate to think what this team's draft board looks like. Do they just throw darts?
  6. Don't forget that Lynch doesn't count against the 53 man roster until after week 3. Denney is a goner, Kelsay will stay. Lankster stays, either florence or your booty is a goner. I'm worth millions is also probably a goner, as he sucks on ST. I think Fine may be goner as well, but I think they should keep him over schouman. They are the same player, but fine is an inch or two taller and weighs another 20 pounds. For some reason, the coaching staff is enamored with schouman.
  7. Every conversation involving pac man eventually turns to strippers.
  8. Wouldn't that prevent him from playing in the CFL, which is the point of the article that prompted this thread?
  9. Not Buffalo strippers, they're no good. Just ask Willis. Pac Man got to get himself some Fort Erie strippers! Maxine's, baby!
  10. Isn't that enough??? Outstanding strippers and pitchers of good Canadian beer - what more could you want???
  11. Yes - do you honestly think Jauron is going to finally turn things around? That he has had an epiphany after getting pummeled once again by a 3-4 D? Another 7-9 season will guarantee us another year of DJ and his crappy drafting, game management and coordinators. Because I WANT the Bills to be good, I want them to fail epically this year.
  12. I am a Bills fan because I was born, bred and raised in Buffalo. I have experienced the horror of back to back 2-14 seasons, and the joy of four consecutive superbowl appearances. I bleed red white and blue on sundays 16 weeks a year. I will root for the bills until the day they stick me in the ground or the Bills move from Buffalo. The above paragraph does not mean that I must blindly believe the hype spewed every year by the best marketing team in football that this is the year they will return to the playoffs. It isn't. They are going to be horrible this year. That is a reality and the sooner you embrace that fact the less this season will hurt. Being a Bills fan does not require one to ignore the obvious. Frankly, I hope they win two games this year. That should guarantee them the top pick in the draft, and should guarantee the end of the Jauron era, and maybe even a blood letting in the front office. Nothing will change until that happens. Maybe the promise of the first overall pick will be enough to lure a competent GM and head coach to buffalo, so that we can FINALLY get this train turned around and headed in the right direction. Right now its headed for a cliff. Go ahead and be an optimist. I think its foolish, but I won't begrudge you that right. All I ask in return is that you not question my fandom for holding an opinion different than yours.
  13. It will be entertaining to watch no matter how things shake out. This season is shaping up to be a train wreck of Hank Bullough (sp?) proportions.
  14. I don't know that I would call a 64% completion percentage "very accurate", especially on a team that seriously outclasses its opponents from a talent standpoint on a week to week basis. He doesn't throw too many picks, though, I will give him that.
  15. Your optimism in the face of overwhelming evidence of the current Bills ineptitude is admirable. Just can bring myself to drink the kool aid this year. The broncos suck, too. You are right about that. Bills will go 3-13, but will pick 3rd, as they will lose out on a tie breaker to Detroit for the 2nd pick. The Bills can't even lose 13 games correctly. Denver, who admittedly does suck worse than the bills, will pick well after the bills simply because the AFC west sucks just as bad as they do. Denver will actually win several games in their own division, a feat the bills are unlikely to accomplish.
  16. This guy couldn't beat out Hamden. As another poster pointed out, he has had the best RB in football in his backfield and one of the best defenses in the league, and he hasn't done sh--. He has no accuracy, and can't read a D. How on earth can he fail on play action pass? That is the only pass play minny would have to run to have an effective passing game. Minny's own actions tell us all we need to know - They brought in Sage Rosenfels to replace him. Tarvaris was very possibly the WORST starting quarterback in all of football last year.
  17. Nice story! Hate to think what our current fullback might have done! Its a joke!!!
  18. Bar Bill is very good, and presently a lot tamer than it used to be. Big Tree is closer to the stadium. Less chance of Maybin getting lost, or being caught driving after dark on his junior operator's license. Harris may be starting earlier than that. Ellison is headed to the bench, and the sooner the better. 10 years of picking in the top 15, and look at the mediocre mess we have to show for it. Everyone in their scouting department should be fired immediately.
  19. Thanks, man. Time will tell. Several things I don't like about the pick: he only played one year, he is BULKED UP to 250#, and they appear to want to play him at LE where he will routinely face 350# tackles. Any lineman getting a hand on this guy will put him on the ground. He could be extremely effective if used correctly (ie not an every down LE). Unfortunately, between his hold out and the knuckleheads coaching him, that won't happen this year. He won't be much of a factor at all this year. But that doesn't mean he won't be very good in future years if used and coached correctly. The coaches should have him eating a bucket of wings at the Big Tree Inn every night after practice.
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