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Iraq Vet

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Everything posted by Iraq Vet

  1. Switch Tebow to LB and Kiko to QB. Why am I suggesting that? Because I am bored.
  2. B and only because no QB. Getting a top 5 QB is pure luck. Getting a top 10 QB is hard work and luck. Getting a top 15 QB is hard work with a little bit of luck. We should have gotten a top 20 QB by now.
  3. Day 4 of training Camp and all hope is lost? Come on guys..... It is day 4!! Lets at least get to preseason game 1 before we go nuts here.
  4. I agree this seemed like a done deal.. Which is why no one else seriously bid. I think this was in place about 3 years ago. The Wilsons just had to make it look fair. Or at least they owed it to themselves to put it out for bid just in case some crazy rich guy offered 2 Billion. The number even seemed funny. 1.4 Billion for a franchise worth 850 million. My guess is, some of that money is coming back as part of a stadium gift from the Wilsons as a part of the high sale price agreement.
  5. There was just something off about Marrone. I could not put my finger one it. I still can't. Maybe he was nuts.
  6. When Brady gets suspended for 8 games... this leaves the Pats on the road to Tankville!!! It takes longer to master offense... so pile up the offense now. Next year they will draft a QB to sit and tons of Defense. It all points to the Pat tanking like Indy!!
  7. I now think 8 games. The Pat are going to tank like Indy with Luck and get the 1st overall pick. I think they threw TB under the bus, so they don't get fined a draft pick. My proof? I have none, but they just released a decent CB. Also Kraft, stated that he would "accept any punishment" the league gives them. Innocent teams and arrogant CEO's don't say that, they fight.. and fight hard! I think there is huge evidence that this was bigger than we know... (the Patriots vs. the league fumble chart is proof of that) I think there was a deal how the report was written because Kraft would fight this more. I think there was crazy evidence that this was much bigger then the report says and Kraft was told to shut up. The deal would look like this... this is all going to hit Brady. But the franchise gets no punishment... if they don't fight the findings and this can all be swept up under the rug. The Pats get a Brady replacement to sit for 2 years like A. Rodgers in next years draft. No Brady means: The Bills, a team on the rise gets to shine... helping the new owner, which helps the league. The Jet and the Dolphin's get breathing room. This also clears the way for Manning to get his last shot @ the SB. Everyone wins this way. Your thoughts?
  8. $250K and 2 games suspension for TB The Patriots get the lost of 1st round draft pick and a $14 Million dollar salary cap hit for 2016 and 2017. Real money fines don't mean anything to a billionaire who will write it off in his taxes. But reducing the salary cap by 10%.... oohh that hurts.
  9. Ok.... I was wrong about no news until Training camp!!! HOLY Deflate-gate Batman!!!!
  10. This could be a fun discussion Worst Draft pick ever? Maybin.... didn't we have some 245LBS DE in the 90's that failed too? (I think it was Cory Moore) Most hyped/highest draft pick worst? Mike Williams Most hyped 4th round or higher marketing bust. Leif Larsen Least hyped late round/UDFA surprise. Fred Jackson Least hyped F/A surprise. Bill Brooks Worst trade? Hmmm so many to choose from..... The annual late round pick everyone loves, but does not make the team and is out of the league. The trick shot QB from a few years ago. I can't remember his name. Worst line from a Bills head Coach "he is not a punt returner, he is a punt catcher" The point of this... we have been sold some really bad picks, F/A moves, and trades in the past... it is kinda funny to look back sometimes and remember what we were sold as good teams or players. Sometimes the least hyped works the best and the most hyped... well, you get the point. I am hoping for some fun here since Bills news will be slow for a few months... but this thread might die a quick death.
  11. Actually... not the dumbest idea ever (by the way, I realize your kidding)... close but the dumbest might be us drafting Maybin at all.... IMO maybe the dumbest move we ever made was Leif Larsen. Probably, not the worst, but Leif Larsen reference is better than you think.... He was a body builder converted into a football player... from the football power house of..... Norway.
  12. Let it play out in TC. The draft pick or Brown might get cut. Freddie tends to win these competitions.
  13. Dumbest homer article ever by a pro Patriots newspaper. Belichick could never have foretold the future.... that Marrone would quit, Rex hired, New OC that need more from a TE... then Chandler would be cut and not sign with one of 30 other teams.... IDIOTS. Chandler was a not even seriously followed as an FA last year... and frankly might be cut by N.E.
  14. 50% of all 1st rounders after pick 10 amount to nothing and are out of the league by year 3. This year our pick would have been #19. So yes I am still ok with the trade for a franchise WR.
  15. I am now wondering.... Is Chip is a genius or a nut case?
  16. Several lives wasted and lost for no good reason. Sad.... with his money and fame he could have changed 100 lives.
  17. It is only a matter of time before someone with too much time one their hands, photoshops her on to a sex ref Halloween costume or a ref bikini and post it here... when she makes her first really bad call. I am not complaining... just stating the obvious....
  18. Dear Mr. Tuel, We regret to inform you that your just a "camp arm" and your QB career will most likely die this off-season. Please contact human resources for your severance package and the PR department on what to say when you are let go in June. We will help you find a coaching job for some minor college program if you would like. Also please don't buy into anything the fans say... because they are all nuts and always love the back up QB... Yeah it 's weird, we know. At the end of Jim Kelly's career, some fans were calling for Todd Collins to start. Yep, a Hall of Famer.... Some we even convinced Frank Reich was better. At the time Ralph did not discourage that talk because it sold Reich jerseys.... but boy, did RCW know how to make a profit or what? Anyway your a nice guy, but you just don't have the "tools" (pun intended) to be a professional QB at this level. Thank you for your service with the Bills, Rex, Greg, Doug, and Terry
  19. As long as she is competent, she will be fine and no one will care about her gender.... not like the waitress in the ref uniform last night that screwed up my order. I hope they don't make her wear the same uniform as that waitress... she was falling out of hers. It would be tough to run in that outfit. To the politically correct nazis and fake feminist that are about to go crazy..... get a sense of humor (and a life). I am obviously joking.
  20. It is EJ we are talking about here.. he is not going to say anything news worthy....
  21. EJ needs another season before we move on..... or else it is a waste of a QB draft pick.
  22. Weird, how all the top coaches have great quarterbacks, right?
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