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please stop the pain

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Everything posted by please stop the pain

  1. I humbly submit that the amount of money a veteran NFL player gets in a contract does not prove his overall ranking as a top player. It may reflect the signing team's HOPE that this will be a dominant player. Albert Haynesworth (sp?) kinda blows up that approach. I believe no one thing is an accurate measure of a player's value. God (insert diety of your choice)knows Ruben Brown proved several times that pro-bowl nominations also tend to be highly suspect as well. Me personally; I would have preferred if Peters had honored his contract and busted his hump to show he deserved a new contract. I would hope the Bills would have met him half-way, but his approach sucked.
  2. I will tune in however briefly. A sign of summer desperation
  3. I understand this argument but disagree. If this were a reasonable theory, we would see some kind of cycle within the NFL of falling to the bottom then rising to championships. I think Detroit would be a good example of how this wouldn't work. Dallas on the other hand.... May be a factor though, but if you think of any of the teams who have put together many years of playoff runs (Indy, NE) other factors effect outcome. These teams also tend to get good value in trades and good use of draft picks
  4. After reading 4 pages I give up, but if this wasn't already posted, 1280 WHTK out of rochester now has their own afternoon sports show with John DiTullio (sounds like). This is a major improvement to Shopp and bulldog. They had people who had been at camp talking about what they had seen. Give it a try jerry sullivan. Seems to know football, and has said a lot of negative things. Sometimes I react to this.....then someone says too many positive things and I react to this....kinda like complaining to your wife about; oh lets say the Bills, but when she says why don't I like the Pats cause they win more,,,, Seems like life to me. Maybe he's seen a Bills game? My opinion: Some people really need to lighten up. I am truly sick of so many threads being filled with bickering, name calling etc. What is wrong with someone seeing one player in a different way than someone else? Share your thoughts etc and realize someone may see the same situation differently.
  5. Lots of positive stuff from camp on Simpson as well. I'm hoping for a trade for Lynch maybe for some o-line help. I would like the bills to keep some of the fresh talent and also have fear Lynch may self destruct again. FYI regardless of the woman being drunk. lynch left the accident. His choice, his responsibility. I would have liked an o lineman in the first, but they didn't, so ........well so they didn't. Currently moving on.
  6. Really, they have become unlistenable. I will often tune in on the way home from work in an attempt to get Bills coverage. You literally need to wait until the top of the hour to get a friggin sports report. Wang's injury, Shhobel's retirement weren't being discussed... The big discussion earlier this week was about how great it would be if the Bills only win 2-3 games this year so we can get a GUARANTEED impact pick with a top 5 draft pick.... High draft pick is the type of thing you console yourself with to feel better about a losing season....AFTER the season is over, not during camp... Bunch of morons Never even heard them talk about the Bisons
  7. Wow, so many things to hate, I just can't help myself.... Those things scare me. For some reason some people cover the couches (often velvet pads on white painted wood with gold paint) with bulletproof plastic then set up a bunch of folding chairs in the garage to sit on. Spent some time in Gates yesterday. odd My sympathies, having lived there myself, shouldn't ever criticize other places. Fortunately I am made of stronger stuff and have overcome that and now criticize all locales... Pittsford though has to be the worst...really, no one should be that impressed with themselves Lived there too. Don't believe the signs. Its really more of a place where you keep your stuff and you end up going anywhere else to do anything. Thanks for the time, i had fun......actually haven't been having much fun in Buffalo in recent years
  8. Granted all video so far has been against college competition, but damn that guy is fast. Watch his hands too, switches ball away from defenders and wraps both arms when entering traffic. Definitely wouldn't have been my first round pick, but I am looking foreward to watching him wearing a bills jersey. (preferably on the field making plays and on sunday night highlights ---clarification included for nit-pickers)
  9. Damn, I had to look that one up. I may detect some sort of classical greek theme here??? and of course the wise*** comment theme
  10. Finally the Buffalo police are treating us like the stars we are! Stars need drugs and guns, and yes even to nudge slower moving pedestrians onto the sidewalk with our bumpers. If there is any slight misunderstanding it is permissable to have my agent or lawyer eventually contact the police and give them my statement.
  11. I too would like to see all the young linemen get a lot of coaching and reps at their position. My concerns at LT now would be the time missed in OTAs that may have helped Bell take that next step. But hey if the bills are going to use the season as an extended practice - I mean rebuilding- then let them go for it. Coach the hell out of these guys and let them get the practice against the big guys in the league. Hell, I wouldn't care if they took time outs to let the position coaches on the field to grab the new guys facemasks and drag them into the proper position while screaming at them what they should be doing...as long as the result next year is a vastly improved team. Would make interesting commentary for the announcers. Tell me they couldn't get some humorous audio with the parabolic mikes... If you're gonna rebuild, rebuild. If you play against higher level opponents every day you will get better. If you can't handle getting schooled this is your problem, find a new career. Don't we want players with the 'bring it on' attitude? If they can't handle it cut them and get on with the process. Some people will always be better than you, find a way to win. Did we quit when the Germans bombed pearl harbor? (Senator Blutarski)
  12. Fred Jackson ran from behind the same line last year. I believe Lynch struggled hitting the holes last year. His stance appeared much more upright and he was not as effective as he'd been the preceeding year. His off-field problems removed him from several games last year. Due to his own inability to make good decisions he was useless to the team for those games. This is the thing that I can't forget, and added to the hit and run from the year before: Is this someone the Bills can afford to spend the roster spot and the cap money on especially with other very talented options.
  13. I have nothing of value to say either. Clearly this makes me eligible to author articles and sometimes to comment upon them Furthermore I wasn't looking at TO's or Hardy's body
  14. I've gotta say that the possibility that Brohm will be a better overall QB than either Trent or Fitz is what makes me root for him to excell. Hey, I'm a Bills fan and although this makes my friends kids mock me for being an idiot; I gotta root for the underdog. Its like I've been programmed to do so every friggin sunday in the fall for over 10 years. Rationally (perhaps) I think I've seen what Trent and Fitzy can offer and think we need a change. I don't believe either would be a starter on another team - if so shouldn't someone have put out a trade offer??? O-line issues will be the same for whoever is out there, I'd be looking at who has the best peripheral vision, elusiveness, ability to absorb damage and ability to throw on the run as the skill priorities.
  15. Regardless of how much in love with Tebow and Quinn they are, isn't it pretty friggin unlikely that they would cut their starting QB before training camp??
  16. Right. Sorry I couldn't see the points until you turned around... Handle first huh? Was this for pain or pleasure?
  17. I would like to apologize to Mr Bryant for allowing a poorly researched report to influence my opinion of his mother. Since she is not a prostitute I was wondering if I can have my $20 back and wonder if she would be willing to help me clean the upholstery in the back seat of my mom's car. (I know this was wrong, but I'm having impulse control problems...must have been something in the crack she sold me) Hey why the hell should the Dolphins apologize. If you are such a moron that you tell your potential boss in an interview that your dad is a pimp and mom works for him...what the hell should we think???? Maybe the boy genius thought all management types prefer to communicate in street hood vernacular? Cretin should get less money just for being a moron.
  18. Trust this man's words. He hath quoted the 'Dead Kennedys'. Joe in Macungie must be a man of vision. Doesn't relate to football at all, but nice tangent
  19. Many recievers don't have good production until their 2nd year. Would this also be true for TE's? Anyone a stat person?
  20. I was disappointed by several of the picks because they didn't match Kiper's "best available" and I want the Bills to have a successful draft. I was also disappointed they waited so long to get an OT. My investment in the draft is based on reading TBD crap and a variety of sports websites. Realistically, if it were my job I would do my own research and study film. I understand the Bills have several people they pay to do just this. Since this isn't my job I have to trust the Bills to do the best job they can. When evaluating people you have to consider your own ability to train and connect to the trainee. The Bills staff probably do so. Last year the Bills picked up two excellent offensive linemen, a great defensive back, a TE that showed some promise and a DE that rarely saw playing time and frankly was a disappointment. The only way to truly evaluate success in the draft is to look back after a few years......I suggest that an argument on who really sucks may be somewhat premature....Immature? Seriously folks so much of this crap makes looking here for info a huge waste of time, and possibly sheds light on what sort of moron I must be when I return again to read such drivel.
  21. Gotta disagree with you here. Fred Jackson played in the same offense, with much better results. They gave Lynch the starting job and Freddy took it back. Last year Lynch played like crap. He began to hesitate in the backfield, twitch from side to side and appeared to struggle to identify a hole. He only rarely displayed the battering ram approach and ability to carry the pile which had been so evident the previous year. Kinda reminded me of Antwaan friggin Smith who after a great start began hitting the line in an upright position and getting no penetration. That part is a coaching issue, but Lynch will need to listen and work.
  22. God I really hate to say this, but it looks like Dick J had an outstanding draft last year (yes of course if we ignore 1st round)
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