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please stop the pain

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Everything posted by please stop the pain

  1. What the hell is wrong with people? Don't worry, the Bills will get a high pick. Hopefully they will use it well. I don't understand the wanting to lose crap.....no guarantees that pick #1 will be better overall than pick 32. I think trading down and gaining a 2nd rd pick makes greater sense. The bills will not have a lot of bonus money to spend particularly if they spend on new GM and HC. Other teams unlikely to trade up for top 5 pick. Get a mid round pick into camp early, limit distractions, spend money wisely. Never root to lose. How would you feel if team adopted that attitude??? crazy talk
  2. First, I think ti is pretty far-fetched to believe that RW fired Dick because Bud Adams threw the finger to some fans. Stupid really. Whatever else Ralph may be, I think it is unlikely as a successful businessman that when a peer/business rival makes a rude gesture that you spaz out and start firing people. Thank god Bud didn't flip off the geek that started Microsoft; with this theory, the next logical step would be to quit and start selling Avon. Wait, that is stupid too. Must be infectious. I'm happy about the move. Dick is gone and so far, Perry is already working the team harder. Start now, toughen up, take your balls back out of your purses and hit someone. Lets see who wants to play football next year.
  3. Get the young guys out to evaluate their talent. I completely agree that when the Bills drafted 2 linebackers this year it is moronic to keep them on the bench and move yet another player out of position to cover. I really don't give a crap if Maybin is primarily a pass rusher. I say that until the other teams begin letting us know they are about to throw the ball and give us time to change personnel............stick Mabin in the damn game. Is it too much to ask if I expect him to learn to cover run plays as well?? Isn't he bigger than our current linebackers?? And safeties?? You know what this team could use a real healthy dose of? Passion. So we are going to lose. How about friggin trying harder! This coaching approach is crazy. No problems with multiple rookies on the O-line, and Byrd as db, but lb or Maybin nope.. One comment was about not playing them so bad coaching won't ruin them. You want some good coaching??? Have the other team's o-line slap you around a bit and get run down by the tight end or running back. Hopefully they drafted men with enough pride to take exception to this and learn to fight back. Experience will teach them. If they cannot handle adversity get the friggin creampuffs off the team. (kinda pissy today)
  4. Wow. me; I just am working on documenting all my most creative and vulgar outbursts. My wife feels I'm becoming too invested in something I cannot change and should get another hobby. Yesterday I began to kill things on the computer. I wonder if I can sue the bills for crushing my spirit and robbing my life of joy.
  5. Definites, probably's and bubbles comes to 31 players. Figuring the 53 man roster, I think it would be unreasonable to assume the Bills could pick up 22 improved players in the off-season. Keep this list for the ones not to lose, then go from the other end and make a list of the ones they must get rid of.....
  6. I've been wondering the same thing. Has anyone evaluated the training camps and compared the easy ones to the length of IR lists?? I would also postulate that if we had a tougher camp, we may have been able to be tougher in the 4th quarter. The NE game comes to mind as the primary example..... Great camp, lots of hugging......The day I attended there was not a lot of running. Pads were on only briefly. No friggin wind sprints at end of camp. My college soccer coach worked me harder. Hell, my summer league coach worked me harder. Actually I coulda been drafted as a LB by Jauron. I was quick and of course weighed about 140
  7. Always play to win, always root for your team to win. I also have resigned myself to spend my day looking for bright spots. Put all the rookies in and see how well they play. The coaches next year will then have a better idea of who to keep, (separating potential from ability) and what positions they need to draft for. As far as rooting for a loss to get a better draft pick......just crazy thinking. How many spots do they need to move up to guarantee a productive draft? Doesn't matter where, just do a good job evaluating. May as well put in Hamden at some point if Trent continues his stunning (makes me sit there with my mouth open wondering what the hell he's doing) play.
  8. I think it is too soon to dump anyone on the O line. Bell had a horrendous outing 2 wks ago(??), and Levitre got pushed around in the first few weeks, but they are still 1st year players. Meredith held up well last week, but it is reasonable to assume he'll eventually have a bad outing. The Bills are starting 4 1st year players expect growing pains, and hope they improve.
  9. This week I saw a predominantly rookie O-line show a significant improvement over the previous week's performance in regards to penalties. I Think they did a bit better in pass protection. Run blocking wasn't particularly great, but I can't say how many d b's the Jets had inside. QB I saw Fitz push to put the ball to recievers which I sure as hell appreciated the effort and results. Some really strong throws mixed in with some really bad throws. Def 5 picks good. 300yrds rushing bad. Conclusion: (mine of course) O line played better and when the starting QB got hurt, the backup did his job and did enough to win the game. No glowing commendation to crown a new starter, but perhaps.................................. Oh hell, we won a friggin game. I don't know about others, but I was just friggin sure they were going to totally screw up. God I hate that feeling. Wife keeps asking why I keep watching when it makes me so crazy...of course they are probably just trying to get my hopes up again so they can crush me yet again.. sadistic bastards.. its like re-living the 80's Start playing all the rookies. Won't have any prob evaluating who to pin future hopes on and who to dump in offseason. looking at schedule can we truly hope for playoffs. We'd have to pretty much run the division at this point yep, strayed from topic.
  10. I will continue to be interested in the Peters stories because I want to know if a good or bad decision was made. Time will tell. I can't just complain about decisions and ignore further info which may validate or negate my opinion. My knee jerk is to root against anyone who demonstrates the attitude of holding when they are under contract. I believe this hurts the team, and specifically directly limits the holdout's ability to immediately contribute. The very concept that I should pay more for less pisses me off. I'm a Bills fan I root for the Bills. I root against anyone who hurts the team. I kinda think of this as I would if I were hiring a bodyguard. If under contract I expect them to show up ready to go, not show up late and out of shape; let me get my ass kicked for a few weeks because in a month or so they are going to be ready to perform their job as good as anyone around...... Above all, honor your contracts. You have the right to leave when it expires if you are unhappy with how you were treated or how your success was acknowledged As for the pro bowl, how many pro bowlers have been voted in based on reputation, past performance etc. How many excellent young players have been passed over because their name isn't well known. I'd also consider who plays left tackle in the NFC before I announce Peters' selection prior to the start of the season. Will he demonstrate that he is better than Flozell Adams (Dal), Chris Samuels (Was), Jordan Gross (Car), or Jammal Brown (NO)?
  11. DJ has never exploited another team's weaknesses DJ has never caused an opposing team or coach to lose sleep DJ has not squandered a lead all preseason DJ's offense has never caused caused a referee to have any "repetative use injuries" (or expose embarassing anti-perspirant failure) signaling touchdowns DJ has taught me to be humble when asked what my favorite football team is DJ has never startled a kitten by moving suddenly (or caused a corpse to be jealous by his expressiveness) did ya ever get so happy and downright giddy that your wife became suspicious...not happening again this year
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