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Everything posted by jester43

  1. a better question would be, "does anyone NOT look?" i mean, yeah, we all try to be discrete...but sheesh...life's to short to deny yourself simple pleasures like that.
  2. geez...thanks for nothing! now i can't listen to the show anymore...that sucks! well, i hope you got a raise out of the deal!
  3. but the average paranoid redneck whitebread chickenshit mother!@#$er (to borrow a line) doesn't care....therefore s/he is about to get what s/he deserves. i hope everyone enjoys the next 4 years and watching the supreme court turn this country back to the reconstruction era.
  4. i'll see you at the steeler game? just don't poison my chili. except maybe with jack daniels.
  5. i think the big losers are people who thought this country was ready to stem the tide of corporate governanace and religious fascism. i guess things have to get worse before they can get better. in the meantime, it's gonna be one hell of a body count.
  6. lol what is this "homosexual ed?!" i teach sex ed./reproduction and trust me, kids living in this culture don't need to be taught wha it is to be gay! wtf are people afraid of?
  7. wow, that must be one hell of a progressive public school. it doesn't happen in the one i teach in. we don't really worry about people's private lives so much. and i even teach the sex stuff. and what is this "gay themed" float you speak of? and more importantly what damage did it do to the people who saw it?
  8. really? i didn't think there was much of a correlation between sexual preference and one's ability to care for and love children. i think it has more to do with emotional maturity than one's sex life. and what is this slippery slope? i know this might give rise to some good jokes, but seriously, what horrible thing is going to happen in our culture if some gay peoiple get married.
  9. i don't know...my cousin's gay...but he's not really trying to get married,so it's nothing personal from my perspective. i guess i'm just the live-and-let-live type. i think it's really !@#$ed up when straight people pass laws that tell gay people how to live their lives. life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, you know? if it's not hurting anyone, and i believe it is not, i don't know why we should legislate against it.
  10. i thought it was because he let dick cheyney walk all over him...
  11. you mean "for life" for 48% of them, right? sounds like they have some business telling gay people about marriage. anyway, my next question: says who?
  12. the 4%lead is holding with over 60% of the votes counted. this was a lock for the repubs a couple months ago. i only saw pieces of bunning's rambling monologues but they must have been pretty bad to cause him to choke up the lead he had. does anyone agree that it's probably alzheimers? he never acted like that before.
  13. hmmm...i guess this would be a good place to ask: why are people so determined to discriminate against gay people?
  14. here in my apt., it's kerry in a landslide ...1-0.
  15. yeah i know...fortunately i didn't give joe the points.
  16. if you are a republican in NY you should vote because it still lends the greatest possible strength to your cause. i believe that the political power that any candidate or party wields is always DYNAMIC. therefore it cannot stay the same; rather, if you vote for your canditate his/her power increases, but if you blow it off, his/her power DECREASES. so if maybe your candidate is billsfanone to fail this time, they may have a slightly better chance next time if you and others like you keep fighting the good fight. it's sort of like being a bills fan these days...
  17. my prediction is that kerry will win with exactly 311 electoral votes.
  18. why not bring back election day as a HOLIDAY? ...everybody take the day off and go for a cold one, or 5, while you wait for the returns to come in! damn, it sounds like fun to me.
  19. i dunno....?? pick your six-pack? i'm good for it.
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