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Everything posted by jester43

  1. i want a big road win so bad. i am sick to death of watching the bills crumble with the game on the line in other buildings. it's so f-ing predictable. plus i think that just MAYBE the whole world is ready to puke from hearing about new england every 5 seconds.
  2. he was terrible yesterday for sure...but i wouldn't go that far.
  3. 1. backs getting hit in the backfield again and again and again 2. colossal f-up coming out of the time out at the end of the 1st half: ...shoulda had 2 plays called in case the running play got stuffed...since our goal line running plays ALWAYS get stuffed. WAKE UP COACHES! 3. mcgee...peee-yew! still too thin at DB to win more than half our remaining games. 4. drew=too slow 5. if not for a couple miracle catches by evans... 6. cannot underestimate the fact that all 3 wins have come at home in 25mph winds...bad weather is always tougher on the road team. 7. jets will look at the game film and correctly conclude that they beat themselves. yes, the bills forced them into some of those mistakes. some of them. yeah, yeah i know...i'm an !@#$ for criticizing the bills...but i still think it's crazy to conclude this is a "good" team based on what we have seen so far. i'm not saying they can't win more games, or even beat the pats if they get some sort strange good luck...but to say this is still any better than an 8-8 team when we have all these road games left? i just don't see it. i am grateful for the win...but we are still big time underachievers.
  4. hey! if we can play all the rest of our games at home in 25-30mph winds anything can happen! seriously...we win NEXT week...THEN i'm impressed. in the meantime i'd like to see us go more than 2 plays in a row without someone hitting our backs in the backfield. if we can ever solve that little problem we're gonna have a 2000 yard rusher.
  5. agree...sue is good people. i've only met her twice, but any broad (and i use that term affectionately ) who can put a bottle of tequila to her lips and tip it up high gets my respect. something about communicating with someone from hundreds and thousands of miles away via typewriter really brings out the !@#$ in people. i don't quite get it, but you see it everywhere...there arent' may messageboards where people routinely treat each other with civility.
  6. i hate those f-ing spammers, but i think i would rather see them picking up garbage for 9 years than tieing up prison space.
  7. yeah but there is a difference...that team had a HISTORY of rising from the ashes. i for one can say in all sincerity that i KNEW we were going to win when we made it 35-17 in the third quarter. because you knew that team had the heart andthe BALLS to get it done. but these guys? unless the other team sucks and they're at home with a 35 mph wind they can't get out of their own way!
  8. that is a downright heartwarming story...thanks for sharing!
  9. yeah..maybe i was a little excessive. i actually did call her machine one more time to apologize. i mean, she had it coming, but it was like i responded to a small conventional attack with nukes. i was like karl rove...i figured out her weaknesses and attacked mercilessly. i know the comment about the big feet hurt- but hell, a lot of elite women runners have big feet (don't ask me why). meanwhile, her thighs were like granite, and you could have cracked a walnut between those butt cheeks, so i don't know what all the angst was about. and i STILL miss that sex. but it must have got to her pretty good if she cried to her whole family about it...and they were mad at me...that much i know...
  10. hopefully the palestinians will give power to someone who wants peace, as opposed to annhilation of israel. now if we can somehow infect everyone in sharon's party with whatever arafat has....we might get somewhere.
  11. no surprises here....just read the disclaimer at the bottom before you lose your mind! http://attenuation.net/files/iq.htm apologies if this was posted before...
  12. unless you drive a POS car i wouldn't do it. on the other hand, if you DID do it, you would be a HERO. so i guess you gotta decide which is more important and then follow your heart!
  13. problem is, even if we do get on a roll and get close to contending...there will ALWAYS come a time when a qb has to pull a game out of the fire...and it makes me very sad to say that bledsoe has done nothing to give me any confidence that he can lead us through a situation like that. and you know what? i don't think the players believe it any more either. i realize i have said it 1000 times but what is one more?: i think he is a great guy and a great team player, but i just think he is ruined as a QB from the beating he's taken here.
  14. i was dating this crazy-ass runner chick...former ncaa champ, incredible bod, but those chicks are another BREED entirely...i think all the training messes up the delicate hormones that control common sense...but anyway... so the relationship wasn't going so well, and we had this on-and-off thing going on. at one point we had plans to spend the weekend together and go do a race. then the day before the race, she calls me and says she doesn't want to do the race...but did i still plan on coming over to spend the weekend together? honestly i didn't want to, but i felt like if this thing was going to survive i had to make an effort, you know? so i go to her house, and she is just quiet and miserable all weekend. didn't wanna talk, didn't wanna go anywhere, didn't wanna bang, nothing. finally i got bummed out and went home early. then i get an email (AN EMAIL- now that's CLASSY!), asking why did i ruin her weekend by coming down when she CLEARLY didn't want me there, and all i do is want sex and demand she cook my meals and all this outrageous stuff that i SWEAR wasn't true...i mean stevestojan, i am a bleeding heart liberal- i am MORE than capable of recgnizing my flaws, and she missed them ALL ! so obviously she was telling me to buzz off, which was fine with me at that point, but the baseless accusations had me really pissed. the next weekend there was a bachelor party...a friend's cousin...someone i didn't even know. we were at a strip club in phila and i am telling this story to the guys at the party- getting all pissed off at the injustice of it all. finally someone suggests we give her a call...like RIGHT NOW ! so this is before cell phones...and so we are all huddled around the pay phone in the men's room...i am ripped... and when her answering machine picks up i started my rant about how full of stevestojan she was, but that wasn't very entertaining to my buddies, so i quickly descended into the worst stuff i could conjure...thanking her for the anal sex and making insults about the size of her feet...about the tony robbins tapes she had ordered off QVC...basically any mean thing i could think of to wound her pride and embarrass her....and the more laughing in the background, the better. but the kicker was that one of my boys went outside the mens room door and talked one of the strippers into coming in the mens room to get on the phone and tell my now-ex what a B word she was, and to break the news that she (the stripper) had also been !@#$ing me for the last 6 months and how good in bed i was, how she just got done giving me oral an hour ago etc. etc. (god how i wished ). it was just SO over the top. we laughed our asses off all night tryiong to imagine the look on her face when she heard that message. needless to say the next morning there was a message on MY machine...it was her brother calling me to say her whole family hated my guts and i better never try to talk to her again. that seemed reasonable to me, so i never did.
  15. agree...and i'm all for that. one week at a time and all. but 8-1 the rest of the way with this offense?
  16. it's been a tough week...i am working very hard to amuse myself...
  17. two words: HGH she looks like the "after" pictures of flojo...i.e.: 1988 as opposed to 1984. flojo grew some major jaw and adams apple during that time...in 84 she was actually HOT. and i'm pretty sure there's still no drug testing in women's pro tennis.
  18. ...and especially not with bledsoe as quarterback. i love the guy as, say, a junior high football coach, but as an NFL qb he's done. he just taken to many blows to the head to lead this team back from 2-5, and that was if the o-line didn't suck, which it still does.
  19. well considering we are 2-5, we might as well accelerate the learning curve, as someone said. i am hoping this means mularkey will exercise the the same philosophy at qb when losman is ready to go.
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