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Everything posted by jester43

  1. can i bet you a bowl of your kick-ass chili on that?
  2. you got it right. he's too fat to move the way he needs to. that's why i have always thought he'd make a better guard. but i can see that ain't happening. he needs to get serious and lose 50lbs. exactly right.
  3. 15 years here and i have never seen them even lined up out the door, much less all the way out to the street. it can only mean one thing... see ya george. don't let the door hit ya' where the good lord split ya'!
  4. my god. where is that photo from? and what happened to that hot chick that was in taxi driver?
  5. i too think it is hilarious that people stand in line to B word about ice ...when his posts yield dozens of responses in about 5 minutes. why, i think it is so goddamn funny i gained 300 lbs and took my clothes off to post this message.
  6. think about it...if EVERYONE had the picture of this gargantuan creature adorning their posts, it would soon CEASE TO BE REVOLTING!! CMON WHO'S WITH ME?!
  7. i don't think it's that bad really. gotta add hot sauce of course, but it's no worse than any other canned soup. i wouldn't serve it company, but it's not horrible.
  8. oh boy here we go...all i know is ice said we suck, bf agreed that we suck, and when i look at the standings it says we're 2-5. how does that make him a jocksniffer?
  9. does that mean we DON'T suck? i'm trying to see the controversy here...i thought we were 2-5?
  10. maybe i missed something, but i am wondering who it was that said we had a good team?
  11. i don't know about you guys, but i hate the freaking steelers too. i take no joy either way in the result of this game.
  12. just to clarify (as i have no idea WHAT could be the problem here after a 24 point win): 1. i wrongly predicted a loss 2. i am very happy we won. 3. i am eating crow and liking it. 4. i am under no illusions that the bills are suddenly a "good" team.
  13. wow. well y'know what? stevestojan happens, and i missed the game, didn't get my tape yet either...i'll be very interested to see this.
  14. yes, a lot of us feel that way, and that's how it's going to stay until there is HOPE for this team to be a contender once again. tyhis win wasn't as satisfying because it does not yet feel like we're going anywhere. a couple more like this and you'll get the feeling back though...i promise. now all the bills have to do is go out and score 38 points every week!
  15. I DESERVE SECONDS PLUS DESERT. i picked the cards. like i said...YUM!
  16. my plans? 5 words: GO JESTER, IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY (39 on saturday)! so it is my luck to be treated to one of the final live performances by the great band luna at maxwell's in hoboken nj. their new album is one of their best and i am grateful for the chance to see them again before they call it quits in february. sunday i'll be watching the bills, of course.
  17. if vinny can play till age 40, so can drew. and yeah, if he just finds a team with an offensive line as good as the '91 redskins, he can be a very productive qb. also, if i can find a point-to-point marathon course with a direct sustained 75mph tailwind, there is a pretty good chance i could qualify for the next olympic trials. ok, maybe 80mph.
  18. yeah me too...mcgahee has shown a knack for turning -1s into +3s...maybe that will be the boost this offense needs to outscore ari-friggin-zona at home. christ it better be..or else we just traded the #1 overall pick for jp losman.
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