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Everything posted by EastRochBillsfan

  1. Maddog, all I can picture is a st. bernard frothing at the mouth like cujo because of your passion for kalil. I am warmimg up to the idea of losing our 41 pick to get him, but to trade what u are offering is just crazy talk!.... Kuechly is a stud and not too far behing kalil in talent in my opinion. not mediocre in the least bit. there will be a very good player at 41 too. I'd rather see us get Luke and trade our 2nd and 3rd to move up and get Glenn. I guess we will know soon enough what the Bills think of these guys. 8 pm cant get here soon enough
  2. I'm not religious but just in case i'm gonna pray with you on this one Buftex. Of all the picks being discussed for us, this is the one that would leave an empty feeling in my soul. I really have my heart set on Keuchly but even a Glen, Barron, Gilmore or Floyd I'd be ok with. Just....not...Tannehill.
  3. I respectfully disagree with your disagree. Aussiebills (quoted below)basically said what I was going to. Being able to help cover the tight ends in our division is NOT low impact in my opinion. As for the original post, I wouldn't make that trade. I don't think kalil is THAT good. I would love to have him but not at the cost of filling another need on this team at pick 41. we will get another starter there.
  4. And if it was legalized then we wouldn't have this problem, would we? And just think of all the tax revenue it would create and the money saved in the justice system prosecuting this stuff. There are millions of people who believe it to be less harmfull than alcohol and i am one of them. i have NEVER heard of anyone killing someone driving under the influence of marijuana. U might be able to find a few instances. maybe its time to find a new neighborhood.
  5. We could always talk about rex ryans' foot fetish then if it would make u feel better.
  6. Ha!....forgot which thread I posted that in! Don't u know, CRACK kills. (in all seriousness, that stuff is bad news and wouldn't touch it for anything) THAT was funny. .....even straight. DAMN, forgot it was 420 too! Knew I liked u for a reason San Jose'!....must be nice going to the local pharmacy in your neck of the woods!
  7. Why you got to diss our coach like that? I'm very confidant he knows the nfl just a little bit better than you.
  8. Agreed that he was pretty stupid. But all this talk of smoking weed is making me want to.....uhhh, BRB.
  9. How can you even say that? I really don't want a response because i don't think there is anything you could possibly say that would make me believe that to be true. Nix is the best thing that has happened to the Bills since.....since,....well in a very long time.
  10. Come on Doc, you know we all need links around here! (really I don't care. I'll take your word for it even though it is hard for me to believe) For $96 million, he better play where ever the hell they want him to play!
  11. Is it possible we have an epic thread commenting about the epic thread?
  12. So you are too lazy to google the info you seek and would rather have one of us do it? Here's an idea, look it up yourself! I'm sure they wouldn't have given him all that money if it was gonna short change us from signing other pieces. You fret over nothing. In fact, like I used to tell some of the guys that used to work for me, "I don't pay you to worry." Likewise, thats why the front office makes what they do. ps.......There's always at least one in the crowd.
  13. I assume you would have if you knew how to spell it too? That made me laugh. I haven't posted since page 18. It's gotten more out of control than I could ever have imagined. Had to skip like pages 30 to 120. Has anyone here read EVERY single post?? Thats just crazy.
  14. You are getting serious consideration for the ignore button. I'm with ya San Jose
  15. I am surprised at how good that beer is. They should sell it more than a month out of the year. There have been a ton of hilarious posts today, but that , imo, was by far the funniest Pretty good as well. I have to go play in a dart league now and we are are on page 18.I'm real curious where this will be at when I return.
  16. You are really one miserable sob. I suppose he could have a 50?50 shot. But how many other people went out on a limb with that info? damn some of u guys kill me LMAO this thread is just getting going it seems
  17. I really hope you are forced to eat those words. I'm considered a poly on here I suppose, I consider myself optimistic, but I have a good feeling this is going to happen. If he makes it to Buffalo I don't think they let him leave.
  18. Bullcrap. You are just trying really hard to be negative. surprise surprise. Nix has been a GM for two years so thats the only history we really have to go on. But you, me, nor anyone else on tsw knows how much time he has spent trying to move up or down. Yes, he has stated he doesn't really like to trade up and that is because he covets draft picks. But to think he doesn't do it because of people second guessing him is just hogwash. People, like you for instance, are going to second guess him no matter what he does. And I am sure he doesn't sleep well at night worrying about that. And lastly, you make it sound like he made the maybin pick. Not in a million years would he have made that pick. Your whole post is just a complete failure.
  19. i'm gonna have to jump on with the rest of the guys on this one. I really don't care if he makes a bit more than that. I don't agree with your assesment that Chandler is average. The man made some sweet catches last year and is a big target, especially in the red zone. I think he is going to have a great career. I didn't fall for it this time but now thanks to you for that little info, I will NEVER fall for it again! that just made me laugh. LOVE this move! Great job Bills! making me proud to be a Bills fan again.
  20. I actually thought it was something new and intersting. But i was wrong. But hey, at least you're getting some hits on your thread now!
  21. Great re-buttal. But it looks like jester is not coming back. Which is fine by me. The thing I hate about the sarcastic ralph is cheap threads is it brings out all the real ralph is cheap posters.
  22. This was almost exactly what u wrote in your last post in the thread u started yesterday. Was it REALLY necessary to start another one on the same subject?
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