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Everything posted by mrags

  1. Well. Roman Wilson gone. Another off the list. That WR lost getting thin. Another fish here coming for them I think
  2. Guess that means that Higgins won’t be there long then. We hope
  3. With all these damn 5th rounders we should be picking 2 more. Unless they trade up. Still waiting for that. im with you 100% tho. I’d love to get 2 of those guys I listed. give me Franklin now and then take Rice and I’d be a pig in chit. I’d even forgive them for the Coleman pick
  4. Naw. Who else would annoy you then? Besides, this is my damn post. lol how bout you run along.
  5. My list is just about ending there. The only other guys I really like are Taj Washington. Imo he’s more joystick than Malichi Corley. And I do like Rosemy-Jacksaint. But I feel like they might be available in UDFA. Who knows. I also kinda like McCaffrey just because his bloodline. He’ll probably be decent at least.
  6. Give me one of the following guys and I’ll feel a lot better franklin rice baker Walker burton is McMillan gone?
  7. I’ve been a fan of Bishop for months. Would have preferred to try and get in the 3rd but I understand the run on some Safeties.
  8. Nobody has to. Surprised you came out for your 17th time since 2021 to respond. To what do I owe this pleasure?
  9. My original post where I said absolutely was not quoting Beane. Someone else (not mentioning names) claimed I was quoting that. Then I my anger I got into a larger argument about what was actually said. And we were both wrong. But I’m sure Scott is happy you came to his rescue to stand up for him there. You find it funny that fans think they know more than the pros. And maybe some actually do. At the end of the day Beane hasn’t exactly been great. Take away Allen and we’re a 6-8 win team every year if we’re lucky. What’s his next best draft pick? Milano? Oliver? Neither are absolute studs. He’s made some decent picks. Almost nothing after that, that’s special in any way. I AM claiming that the pick sucks and will route for him since he wears a Bills uniform but have zero faith in him being anything better than Gabe Davis. Which isn’t terrible but we need difference makers at WR, not some guy. it’s more of the same at OBD.
  10. I think he will be Gabe Davis at his best and James Hardy if he struggles. There’s my expectations of him. But hey, I’m actually shocked they took a WR to begin with. Really thought they felt they were good there.
  11. Ok. I’m not disagreeing with your arguments. I’m also not debating that either of those 2 will be better than Coleman. But I have said multiple times, situation means more than most factors in how good someone becomes. Coleman has Allen, one of the best players in the game throwing to him. The shrimp in Carolina won’t even be in the league in 2 more years. And Lawrence isn’t on Allen’s level. But sure, I’ll go toe to toe with ya. I think Coleman sucks and I’m betting he won’t be nearly as good as Thomas and I’d be shocked he’s as good as Legette.
  12. just because you are in SDSs lap doesn’t mean you have to reply
  13. The same people saying that are arguing that giving worthy to the chiefs wasn’t a big deal. Pot meet kettle
  14. That likely won’t be tough. Legette has a terrible team and terrible QB. And Thomas is splitting with a good group of WRs down in Jax.
  15. How does everyone feel now? Not that anyone cares. But what a terrible pick. Could have traded down more and still got him. Would have rather taken the best punter than this joke. this front office sucks.
  16. Yeah I edited it. I wasn’t quoting him in my OP. But you make it a point to make me look foolish by pointing out that I was wrong. So were you my friend. my Point is still made. He was expecting to make a pick. My point still stands. I believe they had someone in mind and they were taken between 28 and 32. 2 of those picks were WRs. Maybe it’s what we wanted. Maybe it’s not. We will never know. I still think it’s stupid to be happy about moving up from 6th rd to the 5th rd for the cost of losing the 5th year option on a player. Especially in a draft that many say there’s only 150 or so draft able players. we’ll see what happens tonight. My hopes are in the dirt though. I expect much more disappointment from this joke of a GM, HC, Owner.
  17. Not sure what you listened to but I heard differently. And I never said “absolutely”. This is what I said What he said was: he said “honestly THOUGHT we would pick at 32…. But then talked to my buddy Dan” starts around 1:30 if you want to listen. like I said. I admit I was incorrect. But you are also wrong saying I said “absolutely” edit:yeah yeah yeah. You’re going to go to my last post where I did say absolutely. I wasn’t quoting at this point. Whatever. I’m just doing things today. I’m not in the market for quoting this idiot GM
  18. He 100% said he was ready to make a pick at 32 then his “buddy Dan Morgan called him” and here we are
  19. They have legit the worse WR room in possibly the AFC. At least as of 3:25 on 4/26/24
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