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Everything posted by mrags

  1. Every time I hear him speak I get flashbacks to PFC Louden Downey in A Few Good Men.
  2. Phew. Thank god that’s over with. Now I can go live my life in peace.
  3. Congrats. But you can clearly see she does all your grammar checking
  4. Unfortunately you and I think on different terms. Where you pointed out “all it takes is a lucky bounce” i unfortunately believe that MUST be the case if this coaching staff is ever going to get it done. But we do have Allen. And he COULD go full nuclear I suppose and get it done. Too bad it’ll have to come down to one of those 2 things imo. I also don’t see Josh lasting another 10 years. At least not here. Seems like every season he gets more and more Hollywood. Only a matter of time before he’s sick of Buffalo and wants a real winner. We’ll see.
  5. Yeah well, it def seemed directed at me. Thought you were Einsteins alter login trying to argue with me again but trying to save the embarrassment while he did it. either way, point is, you were incorrect, you still can get a card if you want, and if you really want you can get paper tix. But I don’t think o you can do that until the season is ongoing. Like you might have to pick up the tix at roll call. Either way, it’s not easy, and it’s the most expensive option. yes I agree we sucked and now we’re great. What’s going to happen when Josh is gone is another argument all together.
  6. ?????? actually not complaining at all. Thanks for butting in. and yes, you can actually opt for a card for a ticket. It was just discussed that STHs got their emails last week to opt for cards or paperless. And YES, if you want, you can still get paper tickets. It’s even more. It’s frowned upon, and you have to go through a bunch of hoops to do it. But it is possible.
  7. I remember going out partying one night. Took my buddy back to his car because he refused to let me drive him home. I at least told him I would follow him to make sure he got home ok. we pulled up to his car in the parking lot, and as he threw it into reverse, a cop that must have been staking out the lot all night pulled up right behind him. My buddy fishtailed the front of his car in reverse, barely clearing the cop car by about 6”. As soon as he noticed it was a cop he turned the car off, threw the keys in the floor and told the cop “I wasn’t driving, it was in neutral” heard it with my own ears. he walked over to me and told me he would be giving us breathalyzers, and told me to wait right where I was. the cop came back to my car after giving the breathalyzer to my buddy. Told me that he blew a .26. I tried to explain that I wanted to drive him home and he wouldn’t let me. Told him I was planning on following him home. He said as long as I wasn’t intoxicated he would let me take him home. I blew just over a .10 which at the time was just at the legal limit. he called it good enough. Told me that he would be back to make sure my buddies car didn’t move for the rest of the night and let us go on our ways. moral of the story, things were a lot different back in the day. And….. let’s not all pretend that .105 is really that bad. It’s like 3 drinks in an hour. And most people over the age of 40 can actually remember when it was perfectly legal to drive with .10 You weren’t supposed to tell anyone what you saw me doing in that garbage can.
  8. It was all the “fans” from Canada that would jump on band wagons of teams that were doing well. Well, that and every single one of them was a pats “fan”
  9. That’s DUI (driving under the influence) fyi.
  10. The best and baddest 1T to come out in a long while. Someone that would for sure help our defense in the run game. There isn’t anyone else in the draft like him. There’s like 5 Oliver’s tho. So if you want another 3T by all means, wait.
  11. Got it. Say no more. You’re fully against anyone with a brush with the law. Even if it’s a young 20 year old kid and would prefer someone with lesser talent and ability because they’re a better person. Got it McDermott. idk about you but I want players that can win. Players with talent. I’m not choosing a guy over someone else simply because of a few small concerns. He’s young. He’ll learn. Probably already did after dropping significantly in draft boards and costing him millions.
  12. My point is right around draft time all sorts of things come out. It’s comical that you don’t think a lot of these kids make absolutely stupid mistakes. Like every single one of them. Yet only certain ones make headlines. anyone remember that Josh is racist? end of the day, I want good football players. I don’t care about mild character concerns over drunk driving or something like that. and yes, we absolutely need a 1T. Can’t spend resources on a other guy that can’t stop the run.
  13. We’re drafting based on what the populous of TBD would do, not what choir boy McDermott wants. and I haven’t looked at the article about him at this point because, well, it’s draft season and all the sudden lots of stories like these come out all over the place. For all we know, Beane floated that out there to hope he drops to 60.
  14. I would say if anyone wants Sweat to start a poll soon. We will for sure have to trade up to 51 at the latest. The Rams pick at 52 and there’s no way after losing Donald they aren’t going to address DT at some point. Who’s got 50 and 51? Are you entertaining offers at this point? scratch that. Saw the Rams took Murphy already. Still. A poll is needed imo.
  15. @Virgil you can lock it up. Nobody’s getting another 60 votes to overtake Franklin here.
  16. I’d offer a little less and see if it can get done. But I’d do it regardless. We did get those 2 extra picks out of our trade back from 28, so that helps a little.
  17. Don’t hate this idea. But I also don’t think the Bills do it
  18. Voted Franklin and it’s not even close. But I will add what some others have said, we should attempt to trade up to about 50 if Sweat is still there. Since this poll is ending and the draft will continue, maybe while people are still making their picks, put a new poll out there asking this very thing. I don’t know what the trade chart value is to move from 58 to 50. But whatever that value is, should be polled if we should do it.
  19. I don’t believe it was in a blizzard. It was extremely cold from what I remember. But was also in my teens so I don’t remember exactly. but I think the lister had worn off after we lost in the previous 2 SBs and we just lost to the Oilers a week before.
  20. I voted trade back because Mitchell was gone. Don’t believe any of the others is worth it there. But do we have a specific trade back option? Who is offering us their picks and what are the offers? Because I wouldn’t want to trade back to the 50s for an extra 3rd rounder. It’s need to know info
  21. I think you need to post this like 4 times. Yeah and “the Comeback game” didn’t sell out despite 200k people saying they were there and didn’t leave. point is, it’s all old hat after you start and keep winning. Especially when it’s the same story every year.
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