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Everything posted by JPDontletthedoorhityourars

  1. ummm....no. Crowell is not a legitimate MLB. He is best suited as a weak sided LB but that is where POZ should go. We need a tackling beast who can SHED blockers--something Buffalo linebacker don't seem to have. Saying that, I would still like Crowell on my team. Pizzaman is a fine sub...nothing more.
  2. Yes, I'm glad we picked Whitner over that beast Ngata. Set our franchise back 10 years on top of the 5 years T.D. set us back by letting Phat Pat go. We should recover by 2019*. You would think after having Big Ted, Phat Pat, and Sam we would know that a great defense primarily starts with the nose tackle. *
  3. You got it! The method of building a winner has passed Ralph a long time ago. Until Ralph passes, we will not win.
  4. 1. Why the "gloved one" reference? It seems to me that TE will never get a fair shake in this town because he replaced Trash boy. How many games did Braniac win in his absence? 2. Great--we are talking about a complimentary receiver to our #2 who averages under 10 yard a game. Nothing against Reed. He's excellent in his role but c'mon... 3. A "few?" I didn't realize we can just pluck these guys off trees. Also--I also don't understand the hate towards Denney. At least he made plays. Kelsay is the useless overpaid one. Our needs by priority: 1. A big run-stuffing MLB so we can move Poz outside. Poz is a good blitzer and needs room to roam. Would make a huge difference. I don't think Crowell would be the answer, but I would still resign him as he is a good player and somewhat of a playmaker. I was a big supporter of Ellison, but after a somewhat stellar rookie season, he has has shown virtually nothing. 2. A center-we need to sign one in free agency to start NOW and draft one in the middle rounds for the future. 3. DE-Schoebel is done, is a feather weight, and basically before he was hurt, he stunk anyway. Kelsay needs to disappear. He does a lot more talking than producing. Never seen a more non-productive player who has so much to say. 4. TE-Personally, I think the Schouman/Fine tandem will be just ...ahh fine. Both have good hands, and Fine seems to find seams in the defense to get open. I would sign one in FA--not the draft unless a player fell to us. 5. DT- Yes, this is an ongoing theme. Marcus Stroud has sadly regressed to an average starter who shows flashes at times. Kyle Williams, to me, is solid. John McCargo needs a life changing epiphany. 6. WR-Another ongoing theme mostly because Roscoe can't catch. Too bad. Too early to tell, but I don't think Hardy is aggressive enough to play in this league. He needs to take some of that domestic hostility out onto the field. Maybe he should imagine every DB in his mind is his step-father holding a gun. I expect to see Steve Johnson make strides next year. Hopefully, Turk can work him into the offense. 7. Back-up QB-we didn't have one this year, so lets get a veteran who holds onto the ball when common sense becomes paramount. Actually, this priority should be switched with TE. 8. I would resign Greer and move McGee to FS. McGee was built to play safety--very fast, great instincts with a nose for the ball, and a good aggressive tackler...everything Mr. "I'm won't be worth millions next year because my ass got cut" isn't. But if that doesn't work out, we should probably draft a FS in the mid rounds anyway. 9. FB-That guy we have now can't catch, can't run and basically is a waste of a roster spot.
  5. Exactly--I saw this quote: "Anybody that truly believes Jauron is the right man for the job is probably also waiting patiently for J.P. Losman to develop." Then I thought--that's about 60% of this board.
  6. Think of it as a challenge when you were very young like going to a new high school and trying to get in with the cool kids.
  7. I think it's because they are busy building bunkers in preparation of Stuart Smiley stealing a victory in his corrupt election.
  8. Let's face it. This is a good thing. It's the only way for an unproductive starter to lose their job under Dick.
  9. I think Dick jauron has proved that playing football does not equate to "understanding" the game.
  10. 4th round which was a slight reach because he was considered young and inexperienced.
  11. Only in Hollywood, one worries about plastic surgery after a life-debilitating stroke. Doctor: You need to continue your rehab, Mr.Clark. Dick: I c-c-can't. P-p-pula-s-stic s-surg-ery first!
  12. Madden? I wouldn't know what a playstation would look like if it hit me on the forehead. Were you around for OJ's 2000 yard rushing record, the Chuck Knox years, or the consecutive 2-14 seasons? Didn't think so. Next....
  13. Right...it's suppose to be fun...and it's not, and hasn't been for quite awhile. With 35 years of emotional investment with this team--mostly bad, I think I've acquired some right to B word and moan about this hapless franchise and an old bastard of an owner. I don't need someone much younger to tell me what makes a good fan. Personally, I think a bad fan is one who goes out and renew his tickets for next year--just endorsing more bad play.
  14. And I was thinking they kept him around because he was a high character guy.
  15. 8. He counts on suckers like you to come up with dopey rationalizations when the real reasons are he is too cheap and old to bother.
  16. Our drafts haven't been miserable. We have good players just not big play guys. The first round picks have been disappointing, but the third round picks and later have been solid.
  17. Very Average linebacker....we have plenty of those. We need playmakers.
  18. Why did Ralph bother meeting with his "braintrust" in Detroit in the first place to discuss the Bills' future when he basically told Ed Kilgore that the decision to keep Jauron wasn't tough (with a chuckle, I might add)? It didn't matter what his yes-men "inner-circle" thought, he was going to over-ride their thought process anyway. The fact is Ralph's days are numbered, he is tired and cheap, and doesn't have the stamina nor motivation to fire Jauron, lose millions, then hire another coach and the tireless task of hiring a staff which would cost him additional more millions. Ralph knew with the bevy of talented coaching out there, the public outcry to pressure him to spend big bucks on a new coaching staff would put him in a terrible situation: he would have to spend a lot of money. Never mind winning, that was never part of the equation. After all, he himself stated, he "hoped" to improve and he wasn't making any changes--none. There's no real passion in the word "hope" as far as winning is concerned. I always thought the Bills' franchise was cursed where unfair random things happened to them like "Wide Right," "Music City Miracle", and "Just Give it to-em." Now I know why...the football Gods don't care about Ralph Wilson and deservedly so because Ralph Jr. doesn't care about winning or his fans--just the greenbacks. Well, he no longer is getting my back. He doesn't deserve a championship even at the expense of his miserable fans.
  19. Who the F do you think you are to censor people's frustrations and venting? Who do you think you are to censor free speech and people's economic choices? I better not find out who you are. You are very close to emergency dental reconstruction...how 'bout that for free speech?
  20. We won't be 6-10 next year, not with that road schedule. Those teams are perennial winners--4-12 will be more like it. The players especially the starters are happy because they know they can't lose their jobs to rookies/back-ups playing better than them. They get to practice indoors. They don't have an in-your-face coach...you are allowed to make the same mistake over and over again just like a Matt Cassell bootleg.
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