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Everything posted by JPDontletthedoorhityourars

  1. Bill Parcells, Jimmy Johnson, even Bellicheat is achieving. Winning a fixed SB is not achieving. He's okay...lost more championship games than fingers on my hand.
  2. ...take out the current strength and conditioning coach too. We have been injury-plagued way too much the last two years. In fact when our players go down, they're done for the year. They never seem to be able to get back on the field.
  3. Nah--I'm sure the media will convince us that Barak will save us with one wave of the hand.
  4. I don't know...the only Superbowl he won was tainted. If you ask me, he underachieved as a coach.
  5. I understand where you're coming from, but the economy REALLY took a nosedive once "I want to save the world" Pelosi and "I can smell the tourists from here" Harry Reid--the two biggest idiots in life and the Dems took control over congress. The fact is Barney Fife and Christopher Dope were in charge of Fannie/Freddie and they threatened the banks to give 0 down mortgages to minorities who couldn't afford them --took kickbacks and you know the rest. I'm not saying it's not the repubs fault because it is as well--there is corruption and greed everywhere in DC. If Bush doesn't pardon Campeon and Ramos--the two border agents arrested for doing their jobs--then I will not support him one iota.
  6. Sorry, I didn't mean to offend your gay sensibilities.
  7. That was the first thing I thought of. If I'm Modrak, I'm exercising my new promotional latitude by asking Ralph, "What the F is the Jeff doing here?" Then before you know it on Wednesday, it's announced that Jauron is staying and Modrak is resigning.
  8. I guess I'm the crazy one thinking I can talk sense with you.
  9. Me too--he recognizes that Ralph is cheap, a meddler. Let me also tell you I met someone at a bar who is still very close to the players during the Kelly/Thurman era and he told me over some beers that that group HATED Ralph.
  10. To be honest, Brett Favre's performance the last four games was worst than any JP four game period.
  11. What's the difference...season, year, campaign? It's not his 5th (fifth)..it's his 3rd (THIRD) of whatever you want to call it!!!!!!!
  12. Your bias is affecting your perception of reality. Trent was drafted in 2007. Unless next August is 2011, next year will not be Trent's fifth year. Also- obviously you continue to show ignorance when the subject is football if you think in Trent's short tenure he hasn't earned another year with the team, idiot.
  13. So you are rooting against him just so you could be proven right? Admit it, you want the Bills to lose if Trent is the QB. That's what it sounds like. Wow! Just Wow!
  14. If it bothers you--then it 's exactly what I was looking for.
  15. The fact he is 0-6 against the division, has publicly embarrassed himself on national TV with inane coaching decisions, and now has underachieved to his third consecutive 7-9 campaign may STILL not be enough for Ralph to pull the cord. If he called Linda Bogdan an incompetent, that might do it. The only way to get fired with Ralph is to get personal.
  16. Agreed the injury factor, leadership skills scares me--but with experience, better coaching and better schemes, he should improve. Let's not forget Delhomme was a back-up for years before he became a solid starter. And let me just stop some posters that will say, "well, Jp could get better with better players and coaches" ...uhh...no, he can't. He's just too dumb. Great arm, little else.
  17. Not trying to start up again, but do you really think JP had a better season (I'm thinking you are referring to '06 when he had an 85 QB rating)? You realize that he was sacked 47 times with 13 fumbles--seven LOST. He was the proverbial rally killer. The fact is JP causes sacks--he has no pocket presence and the fact he can throw 75 yard bombs to Lee to elevate his QB rating doesn't mean he had the better season. The guy doesn't know how to win--he's an accident waiting to happen a la the Jets game. That's what I don't get with some of you fans. I just don't see anything good. At least Trent has a chance to be good and performed before his concussion. Granted, his injury bug poses a problem and he may not be the long-term solution because of it.
  18. The first sign you need a coaching change is when players like a losing coach. It tells you the players aren't that motivated--they are too comfortable, if anything!
  19. Crowell is a gambler--he does take himself out of plays, no doubt. But with his high risk/reward type play, he makes some big plays too. That is something this team is lacking. No linebacker this year had as good a year as Angelo did last year. The fact is he would be a welcome addition. The problem I have is that Poz needs to move to the outside and we need to bring in a beastly MLB who can take on blockers...then what do you do with Crowell?
  20. IT'S ALL COACHING-- Players are not put in the proper schemes and position to make their talent succeed. Players performing well but aren't starting are relegated to the bench. Starters playing poorly can't lose their position. Coaching doesn't recognize momentum and plays too close to the vest. Team doesn't adjust--see Cassell yesterday on fourth downs, see misdirection plays other teams run every week. Run vanilla offense, predictable offense, no misdirection, no timing, don't take advantage of other team weaknesses Lets not get into clock management, game preparedness, and whatnot... The lack of aggressive defense--bend but don't break defense. Dickie's motto of playing it close with JUST a chance to win -- see Cleveland At least 10 other coaches in this league would have had us in the playoffs.
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