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A Dog Named Kelso

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Everything posted by A Dog Named Kelso

  1. I agree! If you are a Playoff Caliber team GB is a team you should be able to hold your own against and it should not be chalked up as a loss. Otherwise you are not a Playoff Caliber team!
  2. I agree with most of the outside of game 6. They played well in the second half of the NE game.
  3. Its funny for a league who is trying to avoid controversy about how it treats player's injuries that any thing like this would be leaked
  4. How do you know that? He hasn't played enough to know that.
  5. You have no idea what the game plan is if those TDs are not scored they are 4-5. My question has nothing to do with Fitz it has to do with Mallett and what happens if he performs the same or worse.
  6. See how long that lasts. If they start losing or Andre doesn't get the ball. How long a leash does Mallett get?
  7. I am not claiming Sanchez is great by any means but his tenure with the Jets may not be the best way to evaluate him. He had hardly, if any, skill position players of note on offense and switched OCs several times. Perhaps with what they have in Philly he might show far more promise.
  8. I remember hearing a interview with John Clayton where he said a Starting QB gets about 23 starts to determine if he might be the guy. I think this it equates to about a year and a half. Basically giving the coach and GM enough time to remedy the situation before thing get too far along. i could see the Sanchez situation being a problem, basically play well enough to get you to AFC Championship games and and an overall winning so pulling him is difficult.
  9. Fitz is far smarter than Edwards and Holcomb and a heck of a lot tougher. If you don't believe me look at the college he went to ...it may be hard to find the answer thought Also, its not Fitz fault he got paid middling starter money for being a middling starter. People like to state he got a huge contract ... not really, maybe by Buffalo QB standards, but league standards, no. It is the FO problem for how they handle the way that money was allocated. The Cap management for the QB position of over the last 2 year has been ridiculous ... that is not on Fitz its on the FO. I find it funny how many are so concerned about the teams finances, he is an employee who negotiated a contract, it not your money why is that even mentioned? As for him getting replaced by Mallett, I am sure all the Mallett lovers will make the same excuses for him that are being given for Fitz but he will get the benefit of the doubt because he has "Upside". When a team loses with Fitz its because he has no "upside" its his fault, when the team looses with someone with "upside" they need time and the team need work.
  10. I totally agree with all of this. I want EJ to work out and have always thought he should not have shouldered this team right away. I saw him become more and more worried about his throws(so not to make a mistake), even last year had Hackett saying he just wanted EJ to air it out. I am hoping he learns what he needs to from Orton and Downing and when he gets his chance he shines.
  11. This did not annoy me as much as not going for it on 4th down at their 43 yard line. They punt into the endzone and now the Jets are on the 20. So silly, if you miss their previous drive picks up on the 43 if not you are at least within field goal range!
  12. No they(we) are arguing that with time, dedication, and practice EJ could still be a good starter. The opposite side believes he has shown he can not and that he is incapable of turning it around no matter what he does. I think everyone believes that Orton provides the Bills the best chance to win as long as he continues to play as he did on Sunday.
  13. Actually he didn't get a coach to help him with that till his last year in Buffalo. According to people who coach it takes tens of thousands of throws to change the muscle memory someone has. Hell every time I change my login for work it takes me three weeks before I am typing the right thing. I can just imagine how hard it is for an athlete to do. I believe it takes patience and dedication, my thought is, after their lucrative contracts many of them no longer feel the need to refine their craft with that much effort.
  14. This is not true. A person is not born with the ability to throw a ball accurately.
  15. Because as a college starter ... and as a first round draftee he had to focus on other things. Now he really can focus much more of his energies on that if he wishes.
  16. Just because he does not have them does not mean he cannot learn. Most people continue to learn after they leave college to believe EJ cannot do the same is ridiculous. The belief by some that EJ career is over discounts the fact that people(as long as they are motivated) continue to grow and learn as they age. My hope is that EJ is motivated. BillsFan-4-Ever, others and I have discussed what is best for the team(at the QB position) and we may have disagreed; however, I have never said EJ was not capable of learning. In fact, that was the whole reason I wanted Orton(or any veteran) to start.
  17. Those two games are within 4 days of each other if they win them both it will change the line of the underdogs against. Most likely for probably Green Bay and maybe New England(to toss ups) depending on the if they also beat the favorites you have listed.
  18. From this point forward the team needs to win games against similar competition and lessor teams to make the playoffs. If they do they should be in easily, if they don't they have to hope for upsets over either the Broncos, Green Bay, and/or New England. That said ,the more they win the higher that "similar competition" line rises, meaning they have to show they can beat Green Bay and/or New England by that point in the season.
  19. I love when people suggest this as though it never entered Hackett's mind. The O-line on Bills has a hard enough time blocking, having the shift and move to setup special runs and screens is something they are probably not capable of.
  20. I think some just believe he would be an upgrade over what is on this roster. That may not be true, but if people are looking for hope he provides it. And a superstar is not needed, a competent guard is.
  21. I have no problem with the fact that he was just that it shows how out of touch the NFL is as far as what it would blacklist players for.
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