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A Dog Named Kelso

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Everything posted by A Dog Named Kelso

  1. Still friction in the locker room,regardless of how often it occurred, is hardly on the same level as the items I mentioned.
  2. Isn't the bye week a partial vacation for the players? If so, I don't think they will be practice too much this week.
  3. If this is true it shows how backwards the NFL is. Act politically incorrect and you get blacklisted, but killed dogs, get DWIs, beat your family member we still have a spot for you.
  4. Lynch for Spiller? Anyone lol http://finance.yahoo.com/news/marshawn-lynch-doesnt-talk-pete-134700710.html
  5. I do not think this is a DNA thing. It think it a personality thing.
  6. I would think 2 weeks to prepare for KC at home they better win that. I would say the Dolphins game looks to be a tougher win to me especially if they lose to SD.
  7. Maybe we should take a flyer on Lynch: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/marshawn-lynch-doesnt-talk-pete-134700710.html
  8. I was actually surprised they let Fitz go. If he learned anything from Warner it is that a veteran is good to have on the roster(I do not consider Locker a Vet yet).
  9. It depends on how motivated the Bills are to have EJ back out there. That is the situation he was in in Denver too. The difference is EJ does not have the Tebowmania but he is the round selection.
  10. I seem to remember the story being that Goodell had a talk with Vick a suggested that Buffalo was not the best landing spot for him right out of jail. Not that there was an actual contract that they nullified. That seems to me to be a serious suggestion and one with legal ramifications, I assume, that the league would want to avoid.
  11. I agree but logistics plays a role too. If your free agent is coming off of contract at the same time you believe another player will(and you can not talk to him while he is under contract) what is a team to do? It is one of the gambles of free agency. The guard position was a total flub by the front office they should have re-signed Rhinehart early before free agency if they knew they were going to let Letrive go(or there was any chance they might lose him). I believe this was another Marrone OL called.
  12. I just read this quote and thought it was very appropriate for the conversation we are having: This is why taking any side without being a participant in such things is a fools errand. One just does not know the truth and probably never will. Most likely one will pick whichever side cements a position already held. i.e. Flutie is not a good QB, I will believe Johnson or Johnson says "Um" too much, I will believe Flutie.
  13. I am not sure this is something a can be quantified you either believe it or you do not. I can certainly see where the situation in the locker room would have created tension and the Salary, investment and promise of Johnson was not conducive to putting the best player on the field. And as such would have upset Flutie and other players. But to believe one side over another in a situation like that seems illogical. Are there any articles in which Flutie goes out of his way to call out Johnson(or any other player)? Because the Gleeson piece looks to be just the reverse so, why would anyone respect that player as opposed the one who kept his mouth shut? Also, this sort of thing happens in the NFL I believe Warner came out and told Leinhart he should be playing ahead of him. So, why place so much judgement on Flutie for a similar belief?
  14. So if he was a bad teammate ... wouldn't that trickle through the NFL and preclude him from being selected? i.e. He would not be popular among them, no?
  15. Sorry I don't remember are the NFL Pro Bowl selections made partially by players? If so, wouldn't his being a bad teammate preclude that?
  16. Its cause Flutie is a bad teammate They were a better "team" with Flutie then
  17. Its seems the only way to prove the argument is to pull out his bad stats and to disregard anything good he did in his career.
  18. And the Whinenhunt QB Carousel starts. This was one of biggest issues in Arizona the inability of him to pick and help a QB develop. He was lucky that Warner was there.
  19. Is this something you know from a source you can share or just your opinion? You keep saying this but he was finalist for a Rhodes Scholarship I am sure he was smart enough to read defenses.
  20. Agreed! College: Heisman trophy USFL: 11-7(only year he play he was injured late in the season) CLF: 3 grey cup Champions and MVPs NFL: 1998(Pro Bowl)Helped lead Bills to Playoffs, 1999 Helped lead Bills to Playoffs 2000 4-1 as a starting backup for Johnson who was 4-7 -Neither he nor Johnson did anything after the 2000 year, but by then Flutie was 39/40 years old. Even with that he had the most rushing yards and touchdowns by players over 40, when he retired. If the things they say about him are true I see why you would dislike him as a person, but please to say he was not a good football player seems silly.
  21. Ha, not now but at the time the hatred for Flutie provide the Rob is better than Doug debate. That is clearly not the case now so if one was on that side they would be reduced to Flutie sucks ... because X,Y, Z. He may have been a bad QB but that dismisses the fact that he won as a starter in college, in the CFL, and in the NFL.
  22. There certainly could be truth to this and there could be bias to how it was referenced too. We have no idea what "Complain" means without context or who provided the account and their feeling toward Flutie. "Oh man that was brutal today, I wish it didn't got that long" Someone with a vendetta believe he means he hates it Someone with no vendetta might see it as he wished he got home to he sick son sooner. One really has no idea.
  23. Sorry I should have clarified that I was referring to sources for the article when I was discussing casting him in a poor light. As for treating him horribly, that was about how all of his critics said he could not play because of his size vs the results he was helping to produce on the field.
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