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Everything posted by thepizzaking

  1. If only because April seems to give two s**** about the outcome of the game. He gets going every game, and the players on the ST unit respond to him and show up every game. Can't say the same about Dick.
  2. My favorite part of this story is how its her own fault because she's ugly, lol.
  3. That pretty much sums up my opinion. For the most part (read, not every run) Lynch will run into the pile...and everyone thinks the down is over but Lynch is actually down 3 yards from where he made contact. That kind of running really gets to a defense after awhile (if the coaches stick with it for more than one drive). I agree however that a little too often Lynch tries to be cute and bounce to the outside, but that stutter step he has can be absolutely devastating. He has turned nothing into a first down plenty this season with those moves. Jackson for his part is great at hitting a hole and bursting through it, but when he runs into the pile that's the end of the play. They simply have differing running styles, and they complement each other well. Right now I wish this team would use them on more than one successive drive to absolutely wreck defenses. The o-line seems to be stepping up a bit, so hopefully they will factor even more into the gameplan in the rest of the schedule.
  4. Crowell might coming off IR, but he's a free agent after this year. I can't recall if it's restricted or not, but something tells me there's a good chance he won't be sticking around Buffalo, whether that is Buffalo's call or his.
  5. That ridiculous fumble in the ARI game comes to mind I suppose.
  6. Not to speculate, but the league made a big deal about no longer allowing gang symbols in TD celebrations anymore. Considering how rookies must attend numerous mandatory meetings to learn such rules, I doubt he would be doing that. Lynch has a habit of flashing some sign that has to do with a children's foundation or something I'm pretty sure.
  7. No he doesn't. We were trying to acquire him so he would help us to "go somewhere", and with Reed out and a TE like him we wouldn't have been in such bad shape I think. And he plays for the chiefs, a team that wouldn't even let him catch a token 3 yard pass to get the record in front of a home crowd. Gonzalez loses.
  8. The playcalling was much improved. A solid running attack to start the game, and for once we ran playactions that were sold well and left men wide open. That's the biggest improvement in my mind.
  9. Whatever, people will complain just to complain at some point. Leaving them in is the right move. They need to learn how to play a game from beginning to end, and they need to play consistently.
  10. Why are we complaining about our starters being in? They're being left in to learn how to dominate and keep going. Isn't this what we all wanted to see every game? The starters should stay in for the entire game, that way they learn to start and finish games the same way.
  11. I agree, the instance with Evans being open in the end zone for instance when Edwards scrambled....he was open AFTER the cb's adjusted to Edward's having scrambled. Before that there was zero separation and it would have been a throw across the body....so if that's what Tirico thinks is wide open, then I'm glad Edwards didn't throw his 4th pick of the night.
  12. Well, Reed was practicing this week a bit wasn't he? I imagine there's a chance he might return this Sunday then?
  13. I agree, at this point it wouldn't hurt. April is the only coach who shows emotion, and it would seem the only coach the player's respond to. We need a coach with those two characteristics. DJ is not getting it done, AT ALL.
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wide_Right_(Buffalo_Bills) who is that quick to add Lindell's kick already? LOL
  15. yes he is, end of the discussion. that was a ridiculously bad set of playcalling @ the end.
  16. this is ridiculous, who the f*** settles for a 45 yd fg INTO THE WIND??
  17. christ jauron is a tard, now we go 45 yds into the wind okay gg
  18. screen or draw, we'll burn them for a big gain, seriously
  19. we got time still, I say shotgun draw for another 20 yards
  20. That's true to a point, but when receivers aren't open and the defense knows the pass is coming, at some point the play calling has to be adjusted. From what I see, it looks like Trent gets frustrated in the 4th with the play calling and just tries to force something because nothing is developing. If we wanted to run a shotgun so much, why only one draw? I don't recall much, if any, play action passes either. My greater point is there is no diversity to the play calling, it is all horribly predictable.
  21. Allowing the predictable, demented play calling that's been going on to continue is basically ALLOWING these turnovers to occur. We scream exactly what we're going to do on almost every down. The New England game could have been won solely if real coaching existed on that team.
  22. Honestly, I couldn't agree more. Lynch was banging out a decent 3-4 yards every attempt. We got some mojo going and instead we start the 2nd half with shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun. Christ everyone and their mother can figure out exactly what the bills are going to do based on their formation. The one time we ran a shotgun draw we got 8 yards. Did we do it ever again? Of course not. On short yardage situations, where Lynch is money, we were trying to be cute with little screens and dump passes instead of just handing him the ball. The defense in this game up until that last drive wasn't doing all that bad, and kept us in it. The play calling was more than predictable and stupid. How many times did we line up in a singleback formation and run it to the left? How many times did we run a shotgun formation and try to pass over the middle? This has got to be fixed.
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