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May Day 10

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Everything posted by May Day 10

  1. Can you blame these players for wanting to get out of this organization?
  2. The Bills need new leadership. Russ Brandon is running the team. We have Buddy Nix as the front man on the football side. We have Overdorf and Littman really pulling the strings from behind the curtain. Before long, Gailey (who is actually trying) will take the fall. Maybe Nix too. Then we will see new individuals brought in who arent desireable. Again, we will be made to feel it is Buffalo/our fault. Brandon/Littman/Underdorf will remain in place. This is just going to repeat until RW passes. I am convinced this organization has winning as a very low priority. Its really tough as a fan. We need a new owner who can nuke the office, bring in a real football executive and build from there. Good people will come here if the organization is being led correctly. Its not a Buffalo thing.
  3. easily none. On almost every level. I think we may have a decent base with an ownership/management willing to win. In that case, the Bills are ahead of some teams. However, that is washed out IMO as I truly believe winning is a low priority. Lower than any other NFL team. The owner/management isnt going anywhere. Also sprinkle in the franchise uncertainty and we are rock bottom.
  4. Its hard to imagine that so many Football Ops staffs are coming in and burning the "staples" of the Bills organization over and over again. There are constants there at OBD and any owner who had winning as a priority would have nuked the front office no later than the time Marv retired. Certain power brokers there keep their jobs no matter how many terrible decisions are made. Other guys take the fall, rinse and repeat. There is an endless list of events and clues that indicate that this is a second rate organization. People are either in complete denial or blame it on the fans and the facility... or any of the gms, coaches, and scouts who were let go/resigned.
  5. I think this should be a pivotal offseason for you. Its a s&^% or get off the pot time. If they dont sign Johnson, thinking Easley can fill the spot, and dont make move on creating some sort of pass rush... I might be gone too. Ive been a fan since the early 80's. I could take losing. I just cant take hopelessness and ownership/management so committed against winning.
  6. wash and repeat. Same story. Different players, GM, coaches. The constants are the ones who should be criticized and nobody else: Wilson, Littman, Brandon, and Overdorf.
  7. How is russ brandon a fantastic marketing executive? Other than the training camp extravaganza from his first days. Frankly, the Bills' marketing has been lazy and uninspiring compared to any other major pro sports franchise. From ads to game presentation. Also, we dont sell out a game, and this 'marketing genious' throws dirt in the fans' faces by saiying he doesnt want to 'devalue the product'. I didnt mind them not eating the tix, but that comment really hit me in a bad way. In fact, it convinced me to no-show on Sunday. This guy is only in there due to him making Ralph money with the St John Fisher thing, and Ralph being too old to care about growing the franchise. And Brandon is the CEO or COO now, right?
  8. Russ Brandon is also a constant since the failure. I see the hiring of Nix as GM a new rebuild. I would like them to stick this one out and not toss it away afte 3 years like usual.
  9. I dont mind the fact that they arent preventing the blackout. That statement by Brandon is pretty crummy and irks me. I dont like the guy as it is though
  10. anyone see the Cincinnati game at all? It was about 70% full. COntending team vs an inner-state rival. NFL isnt quite as plush as they make everyone believe.
  11. No. The end result is the Patriots skating to the division and a bye, while the Bills are getting blown out by 30 points against marginal teams.
  12. I agree with this thread. The entire front office needs to be nuked. That includes Brandon, Nix, Overdorf, etc. After that, the coaching staff needs to be assessed. As long as Wilson is the owner though, these people will be in place.
  13. Him and his family make a lot of money every year just by holding onto the team. It is a goose that continues to lay golden eggs. I do not think they have a chance for success as long as he owns the team. However, I do not have much hope they will stay in Buffalo post-Wilson. The NFL as a whole would have to be in Buffalo's corner and help administer a local purchase. The NFL has no plans to do that IMO and if anything, they would rather orchestrate a purchase to move the team to Toronto or another place who would promise a lavish new facility.
  14. we have got to do this. It will be sick. I am wearing white, regardless of my blue Jim Kelly shirt's 5-0 record
  15. Im glad G. Wilson said this. Im used to getting kicked in the gut by all the stories during "Toronto week". It really sucks they sacrifice competitive edge for this money grab. Hold preseason games there and bus business leaders down every home game and provide complimentary suites that are apparently unused. The experience here is way, way better than up there. Do they really want to sell that morgue that occurs in the Rogers Centre? A game in Toronto once maybe wouldnt have been a bad novelty. Every year though is much, and if they increase it to 2 regular season games, Im out.
  16. Its most likely that some random guy isnt going to buy the Bills as an investment. Its going to be more of a philanthropy move to keep them in Buffalo... with the business plan of them breaking even or making a bit of money. If they are bought with investment in mind, just plan on the Mayflower Trucks pulling up.
  17. This is a statement that is often stated that I take issue with. The team has had 1 brief sniff at the playoffs and lost to 3rd stringers in 11 seasons. Last time they were 5-1, once they were 3-0, I was contacted by numerous friends each week looking for tickets. None were to be had. Stubhub/ebay were expensive. The stadium was packed and the buzz was high. This season, same thing. 4-2. Not great... but I have people again calling me left and right for tickets. The best I can do right now for the Jets game is $85 plus a bunch of fees. Thats not too shabby. Put a decent team on the field. Not great, and more can be charged for tickets. Management doesnt have to cry poverty. Instead they stick themselves in the constant trap/cycle and sell the whole franchise and fans short. As a fan, I would like for them to put a winning team out there before this regionalization business is necessary. The team makes plenty of money as is. If they bumped up the expenditures a bit for a few seasons, the amount of profit could be much higher. I just think there is a mandate to keep it all close to the vest and not make any splash into the yearly take. also, IMO the entire marketing department and business development department has become lazy and stagnant and they have sold the Bills short. Meanwhile, Tampa Bay in their 'competitive' stadium has a real decent team and they cant sell out. They should play some games in St Petersburg.
  18. I like your enthusiasm. I would rather not go, and I would rather many of my fellow Bills fans not go... and leave the game to be the embarassment it is. If we all went, and it was a great, rowdy atmosphere... People would have ideas for more games or a permanent Toronto Bills "arrangement".
  19. Ive seen the figure 15% tossed around for years and years
  20. Ralph got a flat $78 million I believe. Rogers keeps ticket sales (or lack thereof). Those Canadians coming across the border have already been Bills fans. For years. Ticket sales arent an issue here. Maybe we need more fans if they expand to a 100,000 seat stadium. Maybe if the team was a little better... season long sellouts would be more of a slam-dunk. They could be losing money poo-pooing in Toronto and not getting a playoff games and/or home playoff games. This is a money grab by Wilson and the NFL. If its anything more, I believe it is a segway into moving the Bills up there full-time. If they want to make fans, or companies as fans, go up there and bus some execs down for some comped suites if they arent filled. Show them the real experience. Canadian fans almost unanimously prefer games in Buffalo anyway.
  21. I hate this week every season. Gives up a competitive advantage and the Bills need every ounce they can get. This organization doesnt 'need' this. There is no way Toronto will ever consider the Bills as their 'home team' and pour in big-market corporate dollars over here. Once they do that, the Bills will just move there. Im just waiting until we all get kicked in the gut the first time this week when all the NFL in Toronto talk starts, or the '2 games a season' talk, etc. Who is going to do it first? Brandon, Wilson, Goodell, that Canadian guy?
  22. In hasnt been bad. We have parked on the 3 lots along Southwestern. The only time we were stuck was when we were waiting for the Bills (lot 5?) to open at 9. We usually get there around 8:30. After the Raiders game we sprinted to the car in lot 5 and got out of there pretty smoothly, (but we really booked). After the Pats game, we were on the lower lot on Southwestern and it took us like an hour to get out... but we werent late for the Foo Fighters. We stuck around for maybe an hour after the Eagles game. Abbott was a mess, but really disappated by the time we left.
  23. There was an article on yahoo yesterday and in it, they stated 'numerous owners' would prefer the team in Toronto http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=ms-silver_al_davis_raiders_relocation_la_stadium101011
  24. that doesnt really allow for maxing out to the highest bidder. In fact, if the team is locked in WNY, it would likely eliminate competition. Also, if there is a buyout of $300 Million, that price may devalue the team and come off the sale price.
  25. well, I mean the guy Buffalo Rising is referring to as an NHL owner. I also hope he isnt Kelly's big ace in the hole.
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