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May Day 10

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Everything posted by May Day 10

  1. a health issue of some sort seems like the only thing that would really make sense to me.
  2. Moorman was the best punter I have ever seen. I mean that in all seriousness. Some of those bombs where the returner had to sprint back and the camera panned back down the field....
  3. ok, I guess every instance it isnt. But how the video starts, with this guy standing there and the other Bills fan jostling around makes me think they werent doing too much to diffuse things.
  4. the guy was standing on seats facing the guy and challenging him. I doubt that was necessary
  5. I dont mind. There was some fantastic games yesterday, including 3 simultaneous OT games. A few huge upsets, and an all-out street brawl between Balt/NE I wasnt even looking for them to cover the CLE/BUF game.
  6. fighting is avoidable in every instance. Its never a good idea, nothing good can come from it. Especially when every human is armed with a pocket sized video camera. whether or not he won the fight, this guy is an embarrassment to me as a Bills fan.
  7. good for you, not bothering them on their night out. I always kind of felt bad for people like this who have to really try to not be seen. Last year i saw Martin St Louis in the Hyatt lobby. Small dude, he looked very familiar and I thought I knew him from somewhere. I approached him and at the last second before I said something, and suddenly it clicked. I just nodded at him and went on my way.
  8. i didnt like the fact that we need 2 kickers, while 1 kicker on other teams is plenty to kick FGs and also touchbacks. Heck, FBS kickers kick 50 yarders now with increased regularity it seems. Because Lindell is good within 40 yards? Isnt everyone? Didnt like the 4 QB thing. Saw it coming about 1/2 through the preseason when someone asked Gailey about keeping 4 QBs. He stuttered and couldnt figure out where 4 QBs were coming from then explained how Smith is a WR and not a QB so there are 3 QBs. at that moment I knew his mind was made up. Im not a big Smith fan... but I can see the argument for keeping him. T. Jackson shouldnt have been brought on, or Thigpen should have been let go IMO
  9. That is great news! I can/will/have to tolerate 1 game/season. 2 would be a farce
  10. I booed. That throw was awful and made everyone believe the Jets game was going to continue. But we all cheered like h311 when he was running for those first downs, sold those fakes, and completed passes to Chandler and Johnson.
  11. ^^^ I meant it as an agreement/support. I failed to capture all the quotes, so it looked like I was criticizing you.
  12. Its very short sighted to suggest the NFL looks at merely how many games are blacked out when deciding whether or not to move a team/allow them to relocate. I believe the decision has been made for awhile and the league isnt going to do anything to get in the way of an owner. If you truly believe that the fans of this team are being tested and evaluated for worthiness, then the joke is on you. The Bills are fine and make plenty of money without this.
  13. 2 Regular Season games and Im out. I have been a season ticket holder for awhile. One home game was/is tough enough to accept. No way would I accept 2. 1/4 of the home games out of town. Move the stupid team.
  14. we all left early, when it was 35-3. People were leaving, but many people stayed in the lots the party continued for a long time. It was nice and different leaving a game because the Bills were winning by too much. It was fun, everyone was happy
  15. This makes me feel better about Fitz. They were ready to annoint Cutler/Marshall the new Montana/Rice after week 1... Then he threw 4 INTs against a defense that was supposed to be in disarray. Fitz can be a completely different QB in Week 2.
  16. This really adds fears to my head that the team is gone once RW JR passes. They probably are stalling and dont want a 'buyout' of a lease because that would come off the value of the team the more portable they are, the better the price.
  17. Thats the thing. Its a completely different animal when an owner is in who has a hunger to win. Im hoping we get to experience that
  18. He is a private man. I believe his wife was at the Bills event Friday. I would think if it was life threatening at that time, she would be in Michigan. Regardless, may he have a nice recovery and the hottest nurses.
  19. meh. He said "New England and the AFC". "Not being scared" in this context is described as Nix having confidence in their ability to compete. Definitely not bulletin board material
  20. really shines a light on how great/tough a job the 'real' refs do
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