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Everything posted by ColdBlueNorth

  1. Prediction Jackson on 1st down for a cloud of dust and 2 yards.... Play action AVP and take the shot
  2. We have a winner... thanks bud! Grouting a shower and missing my Bills - not fun at all. Now at least I have the laptop with me and I can see the game. Very cool.
  3. Anyone have a streaming thread for this... the wife has me grouting a shower - this blows.
  4. I have to agree with you... Perry has had some real head-scratchers when it comes to making adjustments. I have seen him come into games with some real solid defensive schemes, but more times that not he seems to stick to the same routine in the second half of games even when the other team has adjusted to his D. He played McGhee over McKelvin in that game last year against Miami when it was obvious McGhee had not recovered from his knee injury and could not put any weight on it and was getting schooled by that rookie WR - he made no adjustments that game. He played a soft zone against AZ and Warner ate it up during the first half - hitting all the underneath stuff, we did the same the second half. I just have not seen Perry make significant game-time adjustments. Maybe he just gets brain-freeze during live action. Hopefully I am wrong, I just have seen too many games where he sticks to his original formula regardless of what is happening on the field. I don't blame him for the NE loss, although I do think that the D allowed Brady to get back into the game in the second half by not playing up on the receivers and allowing those underneath routes to be run unchallenged. But they did force them to crawl up the field and stopped them enough for us to win the game. The series of events after that none of us need to relive.
  5. Another season My hope a guttering flame Jauron's final chance
  6. Perhaps baffling wasn't the best term. Just trying to poing out what looks like another case of creating a misleading, but catchy title for an article when most folks with a pulse are aware that Edwards has been Van Pelts #1 priority for some time. That was my only point in regards to Sully's journalism. I don't know what I would be feeling if I were in Van Pelt's shoes. He has stated his desire to be an OC, and we certainly have some skilled players for him to utilize, but OC is still a big leap from working behind the curtain. I sincerely hope that he and Eric come up with a great plan on how to utilize the guys we have, and that they are able to execute it on game day. What else can we do? I do agree with Sully that he was a very "heady" QB, with a natural grasp for the game, but lacking some of the physical tools. Let's hope he is able to channel that know-how into our roster. I am optimistic that they already had a game plan in place for New England, but I expect it will be trimmed down quite a bit and will place a heavier emphasis on the run. What will be curious is how well the Pill handles the game itself, clock managment, 2-minute drills, challenges, etc... We have seen some erratic game-day managment with Fairchild and Schonert, let us hope that they are at least able to appear organized under Van Pelt.
  7. So much to-do over Stupar, Harris, and Bowen... you would think that folks forget that each year guys are alocated to the practice squad. Others that we would like to see cut do to underperformance are often still under contract. Sometimes it just doesn't pay to cut the veterans, but you try to keep their replacements in the wings for the time when the team can cut the dead weight without losing too much money. Nothing to get excited about.
  8. Nice oxymoron... you have successfully rivived the horse... thanks
  9. Baffling... as noted by others he should have already been his #1 project as he was the QB coach. The only silver lining I can glean from this is that perhaps the Pill was getting feedback from Edwards that the offense was too complex for him to grasp, but Schonert was not listening. All indications are that he would not take input from the others in the coaching staff. If that is the case then Alex has the inside track on what Edwards is comfortable running and should be more willing to implement it. I for one think that, with all the rookies and guys playing new positions on the offensive line, it shows a certain level of complete disconnection to reality if Schonert was not willing to dumb-down the offense enough to allow them to get comfortable with what their assignments were and execute them successfully. I feel some sense of optimism that AVP will reduce the playbook to the plays he feels that they can be competitive running. I expect some coordinator growing pains, but at least I have some hope for the offense rather than the doom and gloom I have been reading from some posters. That being said, there is a sense of desparation, but I do not know if that is a bad thing. I wish DJ felt that desparation 2 years ago.
  10. Although I agree with your Mecca comment, I don't know if Reed is safe with Johnson coming along like he has.
  11. We have been hearing for weeks that "there is a growing belief among the offensive coaches that Bell should start". Perhaps this was just one more area where Turk was being stubborn and not listening to the rest of the offensive staff. Perhaps it is a move that should be made. Walker is slow, fat, but dedicated. He doesn't play well in the space that he has on the left side. At this point is there a reason not to start Bell? Seriously, nobody now expects great things and we might as well give this kid a year to develop in the trenches.
  12. True that... I don't know if this is in time to have any positive effect against NE, but it can't hurt based on what I saw the end of last year and this preseason from our starters. The "Pill" needs to fire up the troops and show that he is listening, but he also will need to know how to block out all the "noise" and take command - if DJ is any kind of HC that is where he needs to step up, support AVP, run interference for him while he gets acclimated to his new role. This could be a very positive thing. Yes, Ralph is cheap when it comes to paying his coaches, but successful coaches all have to come up from the coordinator ranks. This is Alex's time to boom or bust. I believe we have the talent to be a very successful offense, but can he put them in positions to be successful... I hope his first move is to put Bell in at LT, move Walker back, and sit Levitre till he is more seasoned.
  13. With the time that they have to "simplify" the no-huddle, and get it up to speed, I doubt there will be much surprize on Belichik's face. C'mon folks.... he is the guy that devised a way to make the no-huddle crawl during our Superbowl with the Giants with the real K-Gun being run full-throttle by the original cast. Over the years Kelly learned a few things though about when to slow the tempo down, and what worked best against the zone blitz back when it was the next new amazing defensive wrinkle being employed by the Steelers. He could help. I think we may actually get some points on the board, but I expect a collaspe after the half-time adjustments.
  14. Yep, that what I have been saying the last few years. I could nail the play 90% of the time and I am not paid to do that, nor have I studied under one of the greats. That's just plain scary. Keep the formations and the protections simple, but run a variety of plays off of those formations. Throw in a few misdirections. And for gods sake DEMAND that Trent throw downfield at least once every series.
  15. I am SO hoping that we finally hit it on a defensive lineman. This franchises record has been so rich in wasted early picks that I had Maybin already toe-tagged before he started a game. It will be fantastic to be wrong about this kid. So far so good, as long as they use him on those obvious 3rd and longs. That is exactly where we need this skill, cannot tell you how frustrated I have been watching our defensive line get stonewalled time and time again after we put a team in 3rd and forever territory. QB's with 10 seconds to throw the ball will find someone even if we have 10 dbs in coverage.
  16. If ol' Ted would be willing to come in as an advisor that would awesome. If not Ted then maybe he could pull some strings so we could get someone from his coaching tree - Belichik is taken, but maybe Kirk Ferentz could be tempted away from Iowa. He could start as an interim OC and then take over for dead Dick after this season, but ol' Ralphie would have to shell out star money for him. The plays I would like to see are the: agree on the counter running plays - we need defenses to believe that we will actually pass the ball downfield and burn them a few times to create enough space to run these. Hard to pull your guard when there are 8 men in the box doing a run blitz. The old modified draw play where while in a single-back set (offset) the halfback takes a direct snap. Kelly would call that and drop back or fake that bootleg left or right and sometimes I didn't even realize Thurman had it till he was 12 yards down field. More 12-15 yard routes by the TE's and the inside receivers out of the 3 receiver set. With safeties rolling coverage over to Evans and TO there is no reason why these guys should not be open if they are being covered by linebackers. I cannot tell you how sick I am of 3 yard dump passes on 3rd down when we need 8 to move the chains. I formation where we can motion Jackson out as a receiver. From there we can either go for the quick pass or give it to the up back. All of our RBs can catch we need more plays that are designed for them to catch the ball rather than plays where they are only an outlet if Trent is checking down or in trouble. TAKE MORE SHOTS DOWNFIELD... an offenses' best friend is the defensive pass interference. Trent needs to heave that ball to whomever isn't doubled downfield and let his receivers battle for it. If they don't catch it, there is still a good chance that they can draw the penalty.
  17. I am not against a complex offense, BUT you have to have coaches who are great teachers. Especially with the rate of turnover in this league. As far as I am concerned Turk had his opportunity to prove that he could create a productive offense and failed. Simplifying the offense by running more plays out of the same sets, requiring less of a learning curve for the myriad of young players that we have, and giving them a chance to think less and perform more can't be much worse than what we have seen so far. And as for all of his personnel packages, I still thought that the types of plays were more predictable given the packages that were being brought in. I always thought that there was little a team could do to prevent a well executed play, whether it is simple or not. Maybe we will finally give our skill players a chance to win some battles and make plays. Jauron, like in many games we have watched, took too long to make this decision. I don't disagree with the decision, but I also don't think that DJ is capable of turning around this franchise.
  18. My sentiments exactly... if the team is shooting for an offense that has proven capable of going weeks without scoring then by all means keep the status-quo and proven ineptitude of Turk. My only gripe is that this should have happened at the end of last season, but other than that I am really hoping to see a pass that goes for more than 3 yards and a QB that doesn't act like he is wearing a shock-collar around his neck. Trent looks so damn scared of making a mistake that I wonder if Turk had him neutered too.
  19. All I know is that the offense AND Trent Edwards regressed under Turk's guidance. I saw no reason to be optimistic looking at our starting offense in the preseason, so what do you do if you are Jauron? If you are a hands-off delegation-type HC then you have to hold your OC accountable for the performance of the offense. I thought we played predictable and scared last year, and it looked like more of the same this year only we added a faster 3 and out potential to the mix. I am more excited about the potential of the offense this year because I already saw what Turk could do and he was not getting it done. A move like this rarely happens unless players stop believing in an offensive system and other offensive coaches agree.
  20. Time to move on... Peters could not get his head in the game last year and wanted more money than the organization was willing to pay this year. Turn the page.
  21. What is his total over the entire preseason... It has got to be pretty darn pathetic. He looks and plays scared
  22. Copeland Bryan is walking aroun like an old man.... These guys lack competitive fire
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