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Everything posted by ColdBlueNorth

  1. I think so too... he needs to beef up a bit and get more stamina, but he has the potential
  2. Homer announcers trying to diss the Wilson tackle... but THAT WAS sweet. Wilson should play more on the defense.
  3. Defense hasn't looked too bad. They have gotten no help from the offense, and Big Ben made some good plays out of nothing to keep that last drive alive. I would like to see a big play now and then, and some more push on the line, but other than that they kept the Steelers in check with our O doing nothing but 3 and outs for most of the half.
  4. When your starters look this bad, over and over... the "it's just preseason" mantra tends to sound too hopeful.
  5. We need to play the starters for the rest of the game... they need the practice
  6. Trent takes what the defense gives him.... right. Dinked his way to an INT.
  7. Trent made a similar comment last season, and then I read that same quote from him that you posted here after the dismal play against Green Bay's newly installed 3-4 and just about gagged. Could our coaches be so inept as to not practice against the defense that our offense will be facing when we play each of our AFC East rivals? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result - insanity
  8. Careful... any attempt at humor or optimism will be dealt with by the usual sniping You have to admit, this board can get downright ugly after a bad showing by our team. One would think we would have tougher skins after all the years of I agree with everything you said with the exception that I would put Wood at Center, move Hangartner to RT, Butler back to RG, and would finish things out with Walker at LG and Bell at LT. Levitre looks like he needs some seasoning before being tossed on the coals. Peace.
  9. As good a measure as any. By week 9 we will have played 1 game against each of our AFC East teams. Jauron does not have the luxury of a slow start, but a strong finish and a split against the Pats, Jets, and Phins could save his butt.
  10. Of course, I understand that all this is hypothetical and we have the cards we are dealt. Maybin may become the impact player we need as quickly as we need him to do so. As to the draft I am not sure we would have had to sacrifice Wood or Levitre. If Oakland and/or the Jaguars (who were both targeting offense) knew that they could move down a couple spots, still get their man, but only have to pay him 11th pick money..... Maybe they would have swung a deal for less than folks think. Oakland definately could have gotten Heyward-Bey later in the draft. Of course, there is no guarantee that Green Bay would have gone defense if we had grabbed Raji before them.
  11. I am sort of "getting the business" on this post, but it is hard to argue that Raji looked real dominant for being a rookie. I liked Maybin as much as any of the other edge rushing DE's in his class, I just don't know if any of them are going to be impact players this year. I hope I am wrong that that he turns the corner fast - we need the help now.
  12. Good grief. The "Maybe" comment was just an attempt at humor. I will see your wall bash and raise you... I could have said that he only had one stand-out year at Penn and that many felt that he was a reach at 11, but what fun is that? LossMan I liked, just had a Drew Bledsoe-like 5 second clock in his head in a league where 3 seconds is a luxury. He also had a similar penchant for fumbling every time he was sacked.
  13. I have thought since the draft that Wood should have been worked into the center role with Hangartner moved out to RT (he played Tackle in college and before anyone gives me grief it is the same logic that they are using for Butler). That would leave Butler in the same position he played last year (guard), and would put who I feel is our best physical linemen - Wood (although a rookie) at the Center role where he would face off against those 3-4 nose tackes. It is a lot to ask of a rookie, but Wood has the right mentaility for the challenge. If they had decided to blow up the line like they did, why get timid about starting Wood in his natural position. We will see soon enough if the current allignment was the right call.
  14. Great stuff, and it justifies the observations of many here.
  15. Crappers. Let us all pray that Maybin fires up his competitve spirit more than the stiff competition from Kelsay and Denney.
  16. Now THAT was a sane post. Yes, that would have cost the Bills, and yes they would have had to target a team that picked prior to GB. Everyone knew the Pack wanted Raji. The Raiders or the Jaguars both would have been fairly certain of still getting their man at the 11th position so I think there was the potential, but I do not think that the Bills brass had a DT in their sights. They were going edge rusher all the way. Obviously it is water under the bridge, and I am trying to talk about something other than how bad the team looked last night.
  17. I must have missed those, but perhaps Schobel has lost his burst for good. I was hoping that he had 2-3 more years of gas in the tank.
  18. I hope you are right bud. I keep seeing Edwards go into his happy-feet mode whenever we are up against a 3-4. I just don't think he can read that defense at NFL speed yet and that is why he looks so indecisive. A healthy TO to get the deep ball to and some success against that scheme would go a long way to settling Trent down. We need him to be able to calmly check down, there are too many targets on this team for no one to be open. Just my OHO.
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