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Everything posted by ColdBlueNorth

  1. All too true, but if he is out there he has got to expect that Brees will be looking for him. This team is asking a lot of children to grow up in a hurry this year, it wouldn't be the first time we threw a safety or DB into the fire.
  2. Too bad about Nelson, I really thought that he could end up being more of the outlet receiver for Edwards than Reed. Reed draws a tough assignment over the middle and underneath. He gets nailed a lot - he just doesn't have that Welker ability to slide away from clean tackles. No suprise he is hurting - he took a shot last week that I thought would keep him out of the rest of the game when he converted a 3rd down for us.
  3. Yes and yes. I do like what he has contributed to the Special Teams. I have heard his name on several stops.
  4. There is always AT LEAST one.... That takes an innocent comment and runs like mad with it. What took you so long? Did I say "bust"? I said I was not impressed with his play yet, were you? Yes, he has 2 games under his belt, but apparently the coaches have seen enough to trust him in those 3rd and long situations. Whatever they saw he hasn't brought yet - I hope he does soon if they have him out there against Brees and we don't get any help from the weather.
  5. Not impressed YET, but hopefully he will show something soon. He is supposed to be a bit more fluid and faster in coverage than Donte, but asking a rookie to read NFL plays right out of the gate is asking a lot. He was just one of the weak links in coverage that I hope are up to the task this Sunday.
  6. I know that the coaches are high on this kid, from what I have read they feel that he is instinctive and has ball-hawking skills. We are going to need to see those on display sooner rather than later. There were quite a few blown coverage assignments that our pass rush made up for... but covering the opposing tight end is still a problem for us. Especially that turd Stevens. I thought his name sounded familiar. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/loca...stevens270.html
  7. I understand him being a rookie, but this is a year where we are starting a lot of youngsters. I guess I am simply stating the obvious. That if Fewell is gong to use him on critical 3rd down, and/or nickle packages then he is going to have to step up and do his homework. that... or the second half of the year may be meaningless
  8. Was watching the TB game again and just about every time Tampa had a big receiving play I saw a player nearby that seemed to be in the wrong place, not arriving in time to give help overtop, etc... I kept saying to myself who is that #31??? Jairus Byrd - this kid is going to need to grow up in a hurry to be ready for NO. I know we expect a lot from rookies, but times are a-changing. After the euphoria of actually pulling out a win and sealing the deal wore off, I also felt that our offense had a lot of opportunities with a short field that ended in field goals. The score should have been even more lopsided. Against good teams we really can't afford to squander those shots. I do feel like the offense is getting better, still need to use our Tight Ends more in the passing game, but AVP is setting up the offense in a way that plays to Edward's strengths and gradually getting him more comfortable with taking chances. I think that Fairchild had just about ruined that kid, maybe AVP can bring him back from the brink and help him grow into his potential.
  9. He gets leverage and push even against some of those bigger nose tackles. I am pleasantly suprised. Looks like we have some players finally on the line.
  10. You had to love the way they handled that big Wilfork and others, these kids come to play. The extreemly cool thing is that they still have so much upside... they haven't come near their potential yet.
  11. Looks like the concensus is to run the no-huddle full throttle. I was asking for everyone's feedback on the idea. I like our secondary, we have spent a lot of rounds to get quality defensive backs. Maybe Buffalo is just the right team to put the brakes on New Orleans. I do think that Trent can easily keep the chains moving with our running game and the underneath stuff. We will get our shots down field. Go Bills!!!
  12. Point conceded... yes, our offense does not need to huddle to eat up clock time.
  13. Thanks Dan. I got a few comments and you appeared to put a bit of thought into yours. I honestly don't think that it is that difficult to take our current scheme and run it slower to keep Brees off the field. Trent and AVP have said in interviews that they can huddle up if they want. Hell, if we simply run it the way we did in the second half of the Tampa game that is still pretty slow for a no-huddle offense. I just think that a team like NO comes around once in a great while - basically they've peaked on offense. They have been together for a while, they were amazing last year, and they are continuing that trend. Their defense is suspect, but their offense I believe can compensate for that. My only thought is how does our offense help our defense out and quick 3 and out is a recipe for falling behind early and you don't want to do that against this team. I do not like our odds when you ask Trent to have a shootout with Brees. He's not there yet.
  14. There was a post below about how to defend against the New Orleans offense, but I think that for this game our best defense is to keep their offense off the field for as long as possible. Long sustained drives that eat up clock and keep Brees on the bench would be my recommendation. keep it close and hope for a big play or two down the stretch. Thoughts?
  15. It is certainly very rare for a rookie to come in and be an immediate impact player. I do like how the new defensive line coach has all the other guys playing... I had given up on hearing Kelsay or Denny's name mentioned during a game, but they (up to the injury to Kelsay) have been more effective on the rush. It certainly helps having Schobel back healthy again.
  16. WOW... that was funny. During preseason I thought I was wrong about the kid and maybe he had what it takes to be an immediate impact guy. Looks like he is a ways away from being NFL-Ready. Perry would be better off disguising him a bit as a linebacker on obvious passing downs. He does nothing off the edge from his 3-technique stance. That being said, the kid has played diciplined and I haven't noticed him losing contain on the edge so that's a positive.
  17. I give Trent an A- I think that it is incumbant on him as a leader to keep the offense up during a game, but they really ended the 2nd quarter flat and came out in the second half flat as well. Trent needs to keep them fired up and keep the the troups upbeat. Perhaps AVP was telling them to slow the tempo down to use up the clock, but we did not have much of a lead and I thought that the no-huddle was running so slow that Tampa looked like they could do their defensive substitutions with ease for most of the second half. He definately had enough time to throw and on a few sacks it was all Trent waiting too long and not finding a way to scoot or throw the ball away - we lost yards on those sacks that if it were against a team with a better "d" we would have been hurting because of it. Missed some wide open downfield shots when checking down a few times. All in all I think that he stayed more composed and is gradually coming out of his self-imposed shell of not going deep. As teams pick their poison (bring safeties up to play the run, or leave them back to cover Owens and Evans) Trent will get better at recognizing those deep opportunities. And as another poster mentioned, the boy has to learn how to avoid those big hits and slide. If he avoids the sacks for losses and starts to recognize more of the downfield plays I will be more than happy to bump him up to an "A".
  18. I heard that too. Probably is a couple of factors. Height could be one. Also, Lee is very fast and Trent still seems unsure of how much air to put under the ball. Another thing is that Lee usually lines up on Trent's left, it could be simple mechanics of Trent coming across his body rather than getting his feet oriented correctly for a deep pass to that side. I too have noticed that he struggles a bit putting it where Lee would need it. There have been more than a few occasions where Lee has had to slow up, or where the ball has been way overthrown. The last few years Trent has had to drop it in between a safety and a corner underneath if he dared to throw it deep and usually hasn't been given a lot of man coverage. For that reason he has not taken too many shots downfield. Maybe he just needs more practice. Perhaps practice will make perfect this year.
  19. I almost feel sorry for the Bucs with the penalties..... almost
  20. I agree - I want to see them punch in another one, but get that two score lead first. Don't blow the chance to hit the FG.
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