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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Yeah trump gets zero pushback from the media lmao. And it’s not a conspiracy theory. The triads have the blessing of the Chicom government and operate on behalf of them constantly. Triads remit a ton of money back to China and, yes, the “parlors” are gang-owned.
  2. But all in on what? What I'm getting at here is that the litmus tests for leftist allies are becoming increasingly niche and social in nature. Who do you think Anderson Cooper would sooner call a political ally, a dyed-in-the-wool capitalist who buys wholesale into ***** and bottom surgeries for kids, or a social democrat who thinks that maybe feminism would be better off without dudes in dresses?
  3. Given that her politics are what would be considered pretty standard fare liberal aside from trans exclusion, perhaps you can tell us why many leftist commentators consider her no better than a nazi and many of the adjacent celebrities feel the need to distance themselves from her.
  4. No lies detected. Judge in his career is .211 in the postseason, with 25 walks and 66 strikeouts. Notably he has zero intentional walks in the playoffs.
  5. It's early and they definitely stole a couple of those games...but you have to love what Soto is bringing so far and the effect he's having on the other guys.
  6. Will they have teams on hand to pull out the 40% that launch themselves off the cliffs?
  7. “Oh no, there’s a growing portion of the right that thinks america should be a real nation again. Quick! Load up the talking points!”
  8. With a murder rate of 46 per 100,000 (USA as a whole is under 6), it seems like he’s done a great job eliminating the “white people” way of life.
  9. The ratio on this one is incredible
  10. There’s a reason why one of the deepest blue cities in the world saw all of their police unions endorse Trump.
  11. This is especially true in NYC, as they did literally everything leftists screamed wouldn’t work to reduce crime for a decade and a half and, what do you know, it reduced crime. Then DeBlasio and Adams piss it all away. Back to the 70s and 80s times of handing out flyers to tourists reminding them not to go out after 7.
  12. Again, the truism on display: leftists will try anything except actually punishing criminals.
  13. Imagine my shock Also the Post is really getting creative with their euphemisms now. Be sure to keep your head on a swivel looking for “fringe political candidates” next time you’re in the city.
  14. Would now be the time to make the requisite joke of you becoming acquainted with said criminals during your law school classes? The largest, and most visible, Asian street gangs are Chinese and typically operate with the blessing, if not as a direct extension of, the ChiCom government. Though ABZ, which is mixed SEAsians, has been pushing into more northeast territory. From what I understand there are some small Korean and Hmong gangs on the west coast. The statistics on this are pretty stark and tend to surprise people because interracial violence, in general, tends to be hidden from view (except in the case where a black guy is killed by or near a white police officer). But yes, pointing out the disparities there, I've been told, is racist. Subtle woke more correct moment, I suppose.
  15. Under what definition of "racism" are we operating here? I'm really hoping for a woke more correct moment but we're not quite there yet. Keep going.
  16. Checking NIBRS data it appears that several large cities, which will have the larger Asian populations, have not reported race data for crimes in 2022. Including LAPD. Still, 1% of homicides for around 7% of the population is pretty good and that gap won't close even if large agencies that have suddenly become non-compliant with race reporting in NIBRS (curious, no?) decide to report.
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