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Everything posted by FreakPop

  1. This is exactly the mind set the NFL loves. You my friend are snowballed! The revenue that the NFL generates from merchandising, television deals, radio, internet, etc is so ridiculous that blacking out games because of a non sellout is bogus at best. This is a perfect example of the bark being worse than the bite. Every team could play in front half filled stadiums and they still would be making stupid revenue. The threat of leaving and them keeping their hand in your pocket is just what they want.
  2. Kind of amazed at all the "pro blackout" people. The entire blackout rule is nothing more than gaining pocket change for the NFLs 1%. We are in 2012 for christsake. Technology abounds except for the NFL blackout rule, unbelievable it really is. The television deals the NFL signs and then divides up to each team is incredible. For the Bills to use any excuse as leverage to manipulate the fans in being "viable in this area" is horse crap and they have each and everyone of you snowballed. The NFL could have a team play on the moon with no fans and the league wouldn't miss a beat. Imagine where we would be as fans if the NHL, NBA, MLB all started blacking out their games because of not selling out. NFL = greed and even though i've been a die hard Bills fan since I first saw OJ rip the Raiders on MNF back in the early 70's, i'm done giving others money so they can live large while I struggle to make ends meet. Eff the NFL!
  3. I gotta go with... OJ Jerry butler Darryl Talley Bruce Smith Andre Reed Love me some Freddy
  4. .......and i stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night......
  5. gotta agree 100% with ya shoretalk. The "let's sign every single castoff from other teams" gets exponentially old. OMG!
  6. I personally don't think VY has any upside left. Not to mention he has burned a lot of NFL bridges already. What you see is what your gonna get, and that isn't good enough for the Bills IMO. Where this team wants to go, it would not be a good idea to bring VY on board.
  7. After what they gave Kelsey, Fitz and now Mario. $1 million is nothing but pocket change. It's like being at the carnival where all the games are $5 bucks a pop and then your kid asks if you have one more $1 to play I Got It which are like $.50 per game. You say sure what the heck.
  8. I heard something on the radio about this also. It was said D. Bowe is or could be interested in playing for Gailey again. Could also be purely speculation from the media because the Bills need WRs and Bowe and Gailey have a history together. He is a UFA in 2012 and made $2.765 million last year. Whatever the case, I wouldn't mind seeing Bowe in a Bills uniform. Git R done! Buddy!!!!!
  9. Do you not take into account how awful Denver and Tebow have been the past 3 weeks? Denver lost to KC, Pitt beat KC, Denver lost to Buffalo, Pitt would kill Buffalo, Denver lost to a NE defense along with the Cheifs and Bills that are no good. After having to play 3 playoff teams in their division 6 times, I think the Browns would beat Denver. Yeah so, Pitt is banged up and they still finished 12-4 tied with Balt for the division except 2 of Pitts 4 loses were to Balt. No way no how does Tebow beat Ben, Tomlin, Lebeau, Harrison, etc. It's just not going to happen, period.
  10. I think you are really stretching to try and justify that Denver has a chance. I don't think it will be remotely close but you never know. As Boomer says, " That's why they play the games"
  11. Yep, Ralph FIRED Polian way back when. Hell would freeze over before he would bring him back. Ralph seems to hold grudges forever!
  12. Honestly I think Pittsburgh will pitch a shutout, and would be completely shocked if Denver had more than 200 yards of total offense. I can't see Denver scoring any points. They just scored a combined 40 points and 900 total yards of offense in their last 3 losses to 3 of the most pathetic defenses in the NFL. Pittsburgh wins 31-0 and it's not even that close.
  13. Did some checking and found this out. The new tv deals are going from 2014-2022 and estimated to be $39.6 billion. That divided by 8 years is $4.95 billion per year. That divided by 32 teams is $154,687,500 million per team per year over the 8 years. This doesn't include DirecTV sunday ticket which will be sold to the highest bidder once the contract with DirecTV ends in 2014. That will probably be somewhere north of $5 billion and expiring around 2022 also. Any event the current salary cap floor is around $108 and ceiling $120 million. So what ever difference between the Bills salaries and that $154 million is going in Ralphs pocket starting in 2014 of course. The current tv deals which expire in 2013 are estimated at only $20.4 billion which isn't too shabby either. So why is there this mantra that selling to Toronto is a necessity to keep the team here? The NFL and Ralph are laughing all the way to the bank and most people don't realize how bad their being fleeced and duped.
  14. Nope, no MBA, not all that smart, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. You should try it, it can help you out!
  15. What does he care if he fields a competitive team or not. A few $50-$100 unbought tickets is peanuts/pocket change to Ralph as the money reeped by the TV deals dwarfs unbought tickets. Ralph is guaranteed hundreds of millions every year regardless if he has competitive teams or only sells 10,000 tickets per home game. In the grand scheme it is all about the negotiations with ESPN, FOX, CBS, NBC, DirectTV that keep him/all of the owners wealthy, not ticket sales. So again what does he care if his teams win or not!
  16. I don't believe it one bit. I believe the NFL and it's owners have you and the masses snowed, and believe me that is just how they want it. The Bills are totally viable in Buffalo. C'mon $6 billion from ESPN alone for the next 10 years. What about NBC, CBS, FOX, Direct TV? For people to believe that the Bills need Toronto's money to stay viable in the area is BS.
  17. So sick of hearing that crap. They could play on the moon and the NFL would still be getting BILLIONS from TV. The Ralph could be totally empty and Ralph Wilson would still get enough money from the TV deals to pay the whole payroll. This crap about keeping them in Buffalo if they don't market to Toronto is bunk. The threat to move any team solely comes from the owner wanting to maximize profits with more extra money in his pocket, that's it nothing more. The money owners receive from TV deals plus shared marketing money and everything else that the NFL cash engine is, is more than enough to make them stoopid wealthy. The money received from ticket sales, luxury box sales, concessions, parking, etc is nothing more than pocket change to these guys. Oh yeah the blackout rule has to go to. Nothing like holding fans hostage. There should be a law against being able to to that.
  18. Not sure where you are getting your information from? Yahoo sports has CJ listed at 5'11 197 lbs and R Bush listed at 6'0" 203 lbs.
  19. I don't know where this keeps coming from? Fitz is 6th in the league in completion % at 63.6%. If his receivers could catch his % would be higher. He is already 6th in completion %, what the hell do you guys want? Perfection?
  20. It's called he is getting the defenses #1 corner and double teams, opposed to last year, and he's not passing the test. I guess Evans was a tad more valuable that originally thought.
  21. Some of us here said he was not going to have as successful of a year as last year due to Evans leaving. Evans commanded the #1 corner and double teams leaving SJ with man up coverage. No Evans anymore to take that away.
  22. Sounds like somebody didn't want to stop enjoying the cocktails at Buffalo Wild Wings.
  23. This just in, Gronkowski out for the year with multiple groin pulls.
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