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Everything posted by Cookiemonster

  1. Maybe he was, I know for sure that I was, as I am always optomistic when it comes to the Bills. You predicting a score that is lopsisded in GB's favor, when everyone knew we would probably get hammered, makes you a real nostrodumbass. We should all consult with you before we get our collective hopes to high, as you are the self appointed bring us back down to earth man.
  2. Geez, I thought that from the title of your thread,that you were mad at GB for not pulling the trigger on the Lynch trade. Now that I fully understand that it actually meant that you feel that the Bills will upset the Packers, I've got one question, can you please pass the pipe over here!
  3. I am kinda partial to Jerry Jabber, he always has hot lookin chicks, and his name always reminds me of what I wnat to do to them. JabHer, a good one.
  4. Sorry, I think he had it right the first time, outdated or not, sure there are great cops out there, that would risk their lives for you in a heartbeat, and those guys should be commended, but this wasn't one of them, when he pulled **** like this.
  5. Oh, I am really scared now! No,please don't involve them, unless you want sensitivity classes shoved up your nostrils for eternity. PPPPPPlease, ok, there might be an exception or two to the rule, but you have to be joking about this. Other wise you need bifocals.
  6. I hope it does happen, but I don't think that it will be until next week, or beyond, if it does, they may have somrthing worked out already, but won't pull the trigger until after this we's game. Your not gonna trade someone to a team you are just about to play, and vice versa
  7. A rule is a rule, but when was the last time that you saw this one enforced? Try, like, never. Not saying that this was a conspiracy or anything, but this type of stuff involving little obscure rules that are not consistently enforced, is one way for the NFL to subtly influence the outcome of a particular game. This typically gets lost on the average fan, who typically states things like, how could they possibly get to everyone involved in a game, and make sure that they do their part to have one particular outcome, they don't have to, with little obscure rules like this, nobody but the official, and it could be just one, has to know. And if you don't think that it is in the NFL's best interst to have a particular outcome over another, wake up, THIS IS A BUSINESS.
  8. Edwards is in the wrong offense, not that it would matter too much if he was in the right one. This offense needs a QB who can scramble and make positive things happen when the pleay isn't there, or the protection breaks down. This guy is not good at improvising, and never will be. Can you imagine how well this offense would work if you had someone like Terrelle Prryor back there. We can only hope now, that we get somebody like him. The OL is adequate, not great, but I see improvement from them, game to game, the same can not be said about our QB
  9. This really sums it up for me, couldn't have said it any better. He has a trigger finger, and I do not bilieve that he will ever overcome his nervousness, I was hoping, but it is evident now.
  10. What I didn't understand, on the punt to the one inch line, it looked like a Dolphin touched the ball around the three yard line, then they let it roll down to the one inch line, why wasn't it considered down at the three yard line, did I miss something. Probably would not have mattered.
  11. Rumor has it that the other driver was a Bills fan!
  12. Oh why don't you just go beam yourself somewhere, preferrably another planet.
  13. You mean they are going to win some games this year? Not according to lots on this site. I think that our offense will be leading the way this year, but the D will not be too shabby.
  14. Niether do I, but I am gonna pray harder, just in case.
  15. Yes you certainly can, go to the Stadium Wall, instead of just clicking on one of the posts at the main two bills drive website, and you see the second part of the post, you no likey, you no opey. But this might be a little challenging for YOU!
  16. I wonder if they have a Ricky Williams voodoo doll that we could start poking?
  17. Oh boy, what have I started, like I told Deano, I really don't care whether you go, don't go, or spit wood nickels on Sunday morning, my point was more aimed at responders who do go to Church, and who may or may not go more often on Sunday's that the Bills play on. It's not a condemnation nor promotion on those who do or do not go. I guess just the sheer mention of the word Church throw some into a fit of panic. Chill! PS:I don't think that it would make a difference whether you were catholic or not on the altar boy part
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