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Everything posted by HardyBoy

  1. I can't even imagine the razors edge that must be, in terms of playing with such extreme emotion and passion, but having to stop as soon as a whistle blows...humans aren't wired that way. That's the thing, they have to play basically to the very edge of control and the extra energy from the crowd, which is amazing, might be the tiny little nudge that pushes them over the ledge. Brown hopefully doesn't get suspended btw, don't think he should, but he put his hands on an official and was somewhat lucky he didn't get ejected. The ref he touched was the one that threw the flag.
  2. This is different...there is a clear plan and it is being executed.
  3. Better to struggle early in the year and learn from the mistakes than to be a paper tiger waiting to be exposed in November. Ask the Jets in a month and a half how that feels. If this team has a chance to do anything special, which I think is possible, they need to go through and overcome adversity. Much rather that be now than a must win game where they are making those mistakes for the first time...Syracuse basketball a few years back when they were undefeated for most of the year comes to mind as something I'd prefer to avoid.
  4. I feel that also...like it starts out nice enough, then they start calling the refs out a bit, then it's over the top and gets out of hand. You don't think the energy from the fans bleeds into the way they interact with the refs though? We'll see next close away game what happens I guess. On one hand you call them professionals and on the other you say they are brainwashed...which is it? If the coaches attitude can rub off on the players, so can the crowd's energy, no? Not saying it's a bad thing, just need to channel it better. They'll get it figured out, it really is better to have too much passion than not enough.
  5. Has Spiller only played a couple plays so far? Is he hurt?
  6. Is the crowd, as awesome as it is, getting the d too pumped up?
  7. That shouldn't get lost in all of this. That was a very, very winnable game, and the ability to get touchdowns is one of the keys that kept the Bills in this game. Penalties and turnovers are what lost this game. A lot of those penalties were right, but there were several, that were just bad calls, and they all seemed to come in huge spots. Turnovers, especially fumbles lost, and horrible penalty calls are largely random, and will even out over the course of the season. What isn't going to even out, is giving up 1.9 yards per carry, or being 100% in the red zone. This is a very good team, that is going to keep getting better. With their December schedule though, they need to pull off a big streak starting this week...like 5 of 6 wins big.
  8. I don't know that I would necessarily say he's bad in coverage, at least in terms of keeping up with receivers and staying on their hip/closing quickly enough to make a play. What he does have trouble with is actually making a play. He seems to often be in great position to swat the ball away, or make an interception and it seems like he just misjudges the ball at the last moment. Am I wrong?
  9. So you're telling me there's a chance...
  10. Guys, relax, I have something way more pressing to talk about...they started the game with 3 minutes left in the second quarter on NFL Network!!!! It was 17-7 when it started.
  11. Anyone else get as pissed off as I did when they started showing the game with 3 minutes left in the second quarter?
  12. Am I the only person who almost stopped watching football after Kevin Everett's injury? I can't be the only one was deeply impacted by that injury, which happened on a kickoff.
  13. Haha, awesome thread! Let me be totally selfish about this for a second. My SN is already 100% irrelevant, though I did think it was decently witty at the time, and now my Evan's jersey is irrelevant as well...guess I will just have to go Paup jersey 100% of the time (goodwill for the win!)!
  14. Bobby April wants player too! The Bills have been unwilling to sign gunners to extensions (ex. Aiken), did they just find their two new gunners for the next three years? Are those stupid/wasted picks if they contribute to three more seasons of top 5 special teams?
  15. Fair enough, but that was talking about an entire day...in the morning at the club house, the 7 hour flight, and while they were hanging out at the club house...that's still a lot, but he didn't consume it all on a 4-5 hour flight as was implied in the original post.
  16. First, in your Wade Boggs post you mentioned that it was "reported," in this post you "think" an athlete in peak physical condition can process alcohol out of their system at a faster rate than a typically condition person. Again I will mention what I said before about volume. 36 beers that are 12 ounces each is 432 ounces of beer. 432 ounces is 3.4 gallons of liquid. Wikipedia tells me that one gallon of water equals 8.34 pounds. Granted beer most likely has a lower density than water because of the alcohol, but thats splitting hairs. Anyway 3.4 gallons of water weighs roughly 28 pounds. You are saying that a human being is placing 28 pounds of liquid into their system in a 4 or 5 hour period. Plus on top of that the person is increasing their BAC 36beers x .02/beer - .02/hour * 5 hours....so they raise their BAC to .72 and subtract .1 over that five hour period. That means Wade Boggs was sitting on an airplane (where alcohol's effects are more significant due to the lowered pressure), with a BAC of .62 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcohol_poisoning ..... according to this a BAC of .5 or greater is death, according to the math above, Wade Boggs would have drank 6 more drinks after reaching .5. Also, do you have proof that a person who is in top physical condition processes alcohol at a faster rate? If they can process it out of their system quicker, is the pace at which the alcohol is processed significant compared to a typical person. Come on, the athletes heart and central nervous system is in top form, but their liver? Clearly his brain isn't working at a higher capacity. Plus who knows what supliments he is taking, if he has those in his system, wouldn't the liver's time be used on processing those as well? Yes, this did take my entire lunch break.
  17. Dude, 30-40 drinks in a 3-4 hour period?????? Think about that for a second...40 1.5 ounce shot is 60 ounces, thats almost half a gallon of hard liquor, as in almost a liter. Forty beers, thats 480 ounces, or 3.75 gallons, and you hear of people drinking a gallon of water in an hour and dying due to a decreased salinety in your blood. .2 bac is 10 net drinks basically, and you lose one drink an hour (or as you say every hour and 20 minutes). That's 10 drinks in one hour, or 11 in 2, or 12 in 4, but never 30-40, unless you're talking like 2 beers an hour for while.
  18. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3984684 He's available, and can probably be gotten on the cheap...admittedly not the best idea, but what if the Dolphins get him and he's the center of the Wild Cat...dubious, anyway he had his best year this past year, any thoughts?
  19. http://sports.espn.go.com/espnmag/story?se...&id=3793636 Williams has a high motor, perhaps he is moving too quickly, and this is impacting Stroud's performance.
  20. Well he has a chance to do that today....oh wait
  21. That may have to do as much with confidence as with anything else. Look at Edwards after the three picks; complete lack of self confidence, no swagger whatsoever. I think that with Hardy, success will lead to more success. He can't play like the big man on campus if he doesn't feel like he is even on campus (if that makes sense).
  22. Fair enough. I got one for you now. If you were to take Hardy and put him in the middle, up against a LB, would he be out prooducing S Johnson? Wasn't Reed lining up on the outside anyway on many plays?
  23. I noticed something a few weeks back. I cannot remember the exact game, but it was definetly after Reed was injured. Hardy ran a drag route from the left wideout, and Trent through the ball behind him. Either Edwards miss threw the ball, or Hardy miss timed the route. I'll give the benefit of the doubt to Edwards. Parish relys on his quick separation, and if he moves slowly is easily neutrilized with a bump at the line. Hardy does not seem to have the patience as of yet, and if Evans is the primary receiver he is the first look(obviously) or he is running dummy routes to open the middle and intermediate routes for the other receivers. Seems to me that Reed is the only receiver on the team that can be used as a saftey valve, because a) he is big/strong enough to fight through a bump at the LOS and b) is where he is supposed to be when Edwards goes through his progressions and is looking for a saftey valve. This might be the reason that Johnson was successful on Monday night. Remember Hardy was a primary receiver in college, while Johnson was not, making Hardy's job of being a security blanket an entirely new skill he needs to aquire. When Reed comes back, I am sure Edwards will look and feel a lot more comfortable, and not be forced to utlize his backs as much, allowing the same backs to stay in for protection, helping give Edwards more time to throw, and if they still drop 7/8 in coverage Lynch or Jackson can slip out and be an extra valve. We all saw how dangerous they can be in the open field.
  24. I thought it was funny, only not funny haha, but funny faux pas. Wow, I almost cracked a smile at my awful attempt at levity. Three seperate people already have asked me why so serious, and I am getting more and more bitter as the day goes by. I can't wait for one of these Pats fans to say something, I just might flip.
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