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Everything posted by biglukes

  1. Exactly. I mean Yahoo employs Chris Chase. That should tell you all you need to know about their journalistic integrity.
  2. The emabarrassing thing is that now with WGR being the official station of the Bills, Schopp is going to be the host of the official Buffalo Bills postgame show. You know, the same Schopp who says he isn't really a big football fan yet somehow knows every decision a coach should have made. 20+ stations are going to be airing this blowhard after every game. That to me is sad.
  3. I'm the opposite. I hate many teams. Patriots, Dolphins, Jets, Cowboys, Redskins, Raiders... you know, just to name a few.
  4. He picks whatever position suits his position for the day. The only things he's consistent on are: 1) Not living in a top 10 market makes you a lesser human being. 2) Rich people are inherently better than everyone else. 3) Tony Romo is the greatest QB ever, and 4) LeBron James can do no wrong.
  5. Rationalizing? Stating the facts aren't rationalizing. I'm sorry is stating that we beat New England rationalizing. Look at the friggin standings and tie breakers. We have only played 2 division games since we've yet to get the obligatory "beat up on Miami" game, the other 2 teams we're tied with have gotten so we have fewer division wins. If you want to keep your fingers in your ears and eyes shut, and pretend that this team is still awful so be it. And the "need to be miserable fans", you know the ones who need to find something wrong with everything, like the OP. Forget that this team is tied for first, has been competetive in all but one game, and far surpassed everyone's expectations to this point, there is always something to complain about. And I'm not saying blind allegience, but people are seriously getting upset over a ticket discount?
  6. And don't let the facts get in the way of your argument. We are 3rd for no other reason then we've currently played fewer division games than New England and the Jets. Don't think you can fault the team for that, but I'm sure some of the need to be miserable crowd like yourself are totally aware of that right? Never mind that we've beaten New England and have the SAME record as the other 2 teams. You act as if we're 3-5 and barely even relevant.
  7. Or they drafted Jason Pierre Paul and have a healthy Uminoyora again?
  8. My eyes must be going. At first glance I thought the title of this tread was Porn Porns
  9. Ed Hochuli is bigger and stronger than Maybin anyways. One on one in the open field with Maybin, I'd take Hochuli every time.
  10. Peter King actually talked us up quite a bit through training camp. His prediction was 9-7 in the SI preview, far ahead of what most of the other talking heads were saying.
  11. This is really making me consider getting a white jersey. My Kyle Williams is blue. Maybe this is the push I need to go ahead and get that white Fitzy jersey.
  12. Chris Chase is just an awful writer but Hillis definitely is a jerk for skipping out on that. He better have a good reason. Of course Hillis has been acting like a tool all year so it's par for the course. He keeps taking advice form his brother/agent and it keeps costing him. I don't think Hillis has a whole lot going on upstairs.
  13. And expect long winded explainations of said penalties.
  14. I didn't know that someone that size was physically capable of assault and battery.
  15. How in the world would the Jets game not matter regardless of what happens Sunday?
  16. You would have to ask Barnett. It's an easy thing to say when you can't prove it one way or another. Just saying it was into camp already so he had no other options is just not true. With next to no offseason, there were plenty of guys who took a little time to sign. I hope you aren't trying to sell 31 other teams in the NFL wanted no part of Nick Barnett and he had to settle for Buffalo.
  17. Fine, if any other team in the NFL did it, he'd talk them up. He'd be talking about how they aren't afraid to take risks and are at least trying to make their team better, while the Bills sit on their hands and count their money. It's not even a double standard, it's stupidity. I'm sure you've heard now how he went on WGR and claims that we'll be swept by the Jets and lost at least 1 to Miami now. He's just a d!ck. I don't know how he can sit there and ignore that Barnett talked very openly about what a big factor Merriman was in his signing with Buffalo this summer. Same for Morrison. Regardless of the impact he's having now is a solid depth guy. Which is something that we don't have enough of. Now he's going to start banging the drum about how the Bills are stupid for letting Maybin go. You know the Maybin that last year Sully called the worst player in the NFL. Because now he has 3 garbage sacks. He's already laid the groundwork in this article.
  18. Please, everyone knows that if it was Belichick or Ryan who signed Merriman, Sulilvan would be praising them for being gutsy, unafraid of taking, risks, and not being cheap. He would say that if it failed they could just cut him and be done with it with only a cap hit. A cap hit that means little because there is so much cap space available. same thing all the "experts" said about new England signing Ocho and Haynesworth who both have had little impact. But since the Bills did it, Buddy is terrible and anyone who thinks taking a chance on Merriman was a good idea regardless of how it ends is an apologist and not objective. Yeah Sully, all the other GM's in the NFL are laughing at us. Whatever. He goes on to say how we pretended Merriman was the fix and ignored the need completely. Well Jerry, since you're such an astute personnel man, you know with your GLEAMING record on players, please enlighten us as to which premier pass rusher we passed on to "settle" for Merriman? Sullivan is a worthless piece of cow dung.
  19. Come on, the dolfags aren't that bad. Because of the Jets and Dolphins brilliant performances this week and our lackluster showing during the bye week, Jerry Sullivan says we're going to lose our games to both of them now. So they must be good. God I hate that guy.
  20. http://the506.com/nflmaps/2011/wk7.html
  21. Jerry Sullivan picked the Giants as did Milt Northrup who has not picked the Bills ONCE this season. That dumbsh!t Cowherd picked the Giants too. Of course after his lovers Romo and Brady, Cowpuke sucks off Eli more than almost anyone else in the NFL.
  22. I live in North Boston so I just come 5 minutes down the 219 and I'm to the stadium. I park in lot 1 off of Big tree so I can just head out back towards the 219 when I leave. However I haven't gotten home until 6:00 each of the past 3 games. I stay the whole game always, but I hop right in the car and go after the game. Of course getting in the car to go right away means pulling out of my parking spot and then sitting for 2 hours in traffic. I've noticed that traffic starts to move better on big tree and out of my lot once the visiting team's buses leave the stadium.
  23. Gailey does love Davis, but a bunch of the veterans on the team including Davis have been pushing to get Sheppard on the field more. http://wgr550.com/Davis-More-Than-Just-a-Linebacker-to-Bills/11159304
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