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Everything posted by biglukes

  1. It's funny, the complaint is always that the Bills don't have enough good players. So what happens? People come out and try to devalue the ones we do. As somebody put it earlier in the thread; anyone who plays for the Bills needs to be taller, faster, stronger, and make less money than they do to be any good. If Stevie left, the same people talking about how he's so average would be moaning about how we let such a good player get away. If he'd played for another team they'd probably love him. The fashionable take seems to be: If a player plays for the Bills he a) sucks, b) has no other options, or c) is overpayed.
  2. You can't be serious right? There has to be some sarcasm that I'm missing here. Who on any of those teams beats out Stevie right now?
  3. Didn't Hawk just sign an extension with Green Bay not too long ago?
  4. On the other hand it does reduce the risk of Leodis fumbling.
  5. I'm sure they'll give the Jets, Cowboys, and Patriots about 10 each. That seems to be how these things always work.
  6. Except for the cap hit. You can say that about pretty much every player in the NFL then by that logic. Since contracts aren't guaranteed any team can cut anyone at any point with no issue except a cap hit. If they planned to cut him on their whim they wouldn't have given him all those years with all that money.
  7. I think Mario was on that list last year but if I had to guess they probably snub him this year.
  8. How is Fitz's contract status year to year? He just got a long extension last season. It's not like he's playing out a series of 1 year deals.
  9. I like Rome because he's a huge contrast from Cowherd who I can't stand. He doesn't pander to the big markets, gives Buffalo a lot of love, and is the only national sports show host I can think of that likes and talks hockey. He has Niklas Lidstrom on a few times a season and during the playoffs gives hockey a decent amount of air time.
  10. You're just a few rows below me. Which aisle are you closer to, the one nearest the tunnel or closer to 124?
  11. Weirdest part about that day was that earlier in the morning it was relatively warm and calm.
  12. Because in many fan's minds, we're not allowed to have more than one good player at any position. Then those same people turn around and complain that we have no depth.
  13. I had been maintaining that whole day that if we won, the goalposts were coming down. My seats are in the tunnel end zone and I was totally prepared for a mob of people come rushing down. The voluntary take down and police army kind of put an end to that right away. Probably for the best.
  14. Well duh. He just said everybody knows you don't have any teeth. How can your teeth be knocked out if you don't have any? Better have your mom check to make sure there's no carbon monoxide leak in your basement.
  15. It's not an issue of durability. He hasn't had muscle pulls. He's had his leg snapped in half and knee blown out. Every player in the league is getting hurt seriously if they take the hits the way Wood did. These injuries were in no way avoidable.
  16. But how are you going to hit him with a book if your instincts are so good that you don't need to carry one? And say he left his dictionary back home and was carrying a thesaurus? Does that pack as much of a punch? Or what if it was only pocket sized? Only things an AWOL would need to figure out.
  17. Because as bad as Sanchez is, he's still more competent as an NFL quarterback than Tebow will probably ever be. Not to mention the players in NY aren't going to be receptive to running a dumbed down, option offense with 7 pass attempts a game like Denver did to accommodate "the chosen one".
  18. I'm a little confused as to how a suspension in terms of games would work for a GM.
  19. Exactly. It seems like every signing or concept of a signing has to be followed by a "who do we cut to kill our depth at that spot" discussion.
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