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Charles Romes

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Everything posted by Charles Romes

  1. speaking of streaks have you noticed the Bills have had a very long bad run of QBs, drafts, coaches and front office personnel
  2. Hope you were just kidding about rooting for Brady. That's just sick.
  3. You can't talk about Billy Joe Hobert without talking about Billy Joe Tolliver. We had both Billy Joes.
  4. 1992. Laughing our way to the stadium the only question was how much we were going to blow away the rams by. The bills knew they were going to blow out the rams. All the fans knew it was going to be a blowout and even the rams knew they were going to get blown out. And you know what happened. We blew them out. Game was over in less than a quarter. 40-7.
  5. And thank god we have a nickname inexorably tied to the city name. Makes it quite a bit more costly to move the team.
  6. I was thinking the other day after the recent stupid quote from Cutler that maybe Cutler is nothing more than just another strong armed bust and that any success he had in Denver was mainly attributable of Shanahan. Shanahan had top 5 offenses with both Brian Griese and Jake Plummer. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/den/. Collins' run in '07 was remarkable. However, there is no getting around the fact that he is 40 years old and 15 years removed from his last 4 start season.
  7. Gailey coached the Cowboys in the late 90s when the cards were still in the NFC East.
  8. I think chris berman will be doing Spilla in Manilla Berman never goes for the obvious and even though there is no connection between buffalo the bills or football to manilla that will not dissuade him.
  9. How do I get the mobile optimizer shut off. I woul like my I phone screens to look exactly like the full site. Thank!!!
  10. Billy Volek - Had a resume good enough that a number of teams wanted to give him a shot as a starter, but he likes to be a backup and is sitting on the bench in San Diego, a team that needs a running back to make a run at the title. Played great in the team's biggest win over the last 10 years at Indy in the playoffs in 07.
  11. At the end of the day you have to show that you are fair to unhappy players if you want to attract future free agents. The pats were able to play hard ball for a while but now no free agents want to go there because they know they will dumped 6 months after reaching their prime. A Houston reporter on Sirius NFL radio this morning stated that Schobel is just not made for a 3 - 4. That point is rarely brought up in the discussion of schobel.
  12. Not too long ago the Bills and Browns used to scrimmage every year based on the proximity of their camps (3 hours between). Does anyone know if there has been talk of a Bills - Jets scrimmage? The teams could meet at Hobart in Geneva (like a 45 minute trip for both teams).
  13. If Hardy or Johnson show any semblance of a breakout season (not holding my breath) TO could market himself as being a mentor to young power receivers and not a hasben who will take reps of a prospect.
  14. The Lebron signing hurts the Bills in two ways. 1. It reinforces the perception to great players that championships cannot be won in small markets. 2. Big name free agents are more likely to drift to the Dolphins.
  15. For all the negativity on this board I am surprised that more people are not concerned like me that spiller will be just another reggie bush. Bush demonstrated that smallish fast rbs who need open spaces may not seem so fast or elusive at all at the next level. Bush was considered a once in a generation player coming out of college. Instant offense. A cant miss prospect So much so that the texans were ridiculed at levels not seen before or since for picking a franchise defensive end ahead of bush. What could bush get in a trade today. A fourth? Before last year anyone would have taken lynch over bush straight up. Can someone explain why spiller will be better than bush so I feel better about this pick and the season.
  16. This site already does everything I need it to do. It's easily navigated from my phone already. I hate phone ready skins. You can't access all the stuff you want. Why can't developers resist "upgrading" for once. Who here hasn't found the new NHL site a pain. It took 6 monhs of work with unlimited resources just to begin to address the bugs. It's so overblown it crashes your system. Please keep it the way it is. I better have an animated projected 3D hologram of bruce coming around the edge to make this all worth it.
  17. We signed Maybin and Pos to sell tickets to Northern PA. No more drafting players to sell tickets.
  18. Our whole team is on IR by week 10 anyway so I'd be fine with it.
  19. I don't think rivers or rodgers ever played a full quarter before they took over for the all pros dumped by their teams.
  20. Arm strength is more important in Buffalo than in any other town. That makes it really hard to find a franchise QB here. Drew Brees would have a tough time building up a hall of fame career here even with the same supporting cast. There is an all pro strong armed QB who may be available. Does anyone remember how Mcnabb abused Eli at the wind game in Giants stadium in the 08 playoffs.
  21. I had the exact same reaction. Does anyone know if he is still hanging around the facility maybe trying to get a baseline offer for 2010?
  22. I forgot that Derrick Burroughs was drafted that year. He had an uneven start to his career, but man, he was really putting it all together before the career ending injury. Was headed for a potential pro bowl career, and who knows, maybe a third hall of famer from that class if a few rings were on his resume. Recall that after Burroughs injury the Bills had to waste a #1 on the overall bust JD Williams. If Burroughs stayed healthy, we could have drafted a real nose tackle and still had Burroughs as a veteran shut down corner for 1990-1994. Brad Butler's injury this year made me recall Burroughs, making a leap from mediocrity to great, then an injury.
  23. I was thinking 'WE'RE BAAAA-AAACK, DEAL WITH IT AMERICA" 93 AFC Championship
  24. I remember the cameras kept showing a sign a fan brought that said KELLY IS GOD. One of the two funniest signs ever brought to a bills game. Anyone remember what the other one was.
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