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  1. My view on this is simple, how many teams in our situation would have traded down from 10 when we knew the problems we had at QB that year. In my view we should have been trading up to get a QB. I know we went on to make the playoffs but few could argue that was down to TT. And look at what happened when we got there. This is a QB driven league and you need to take a chance until you get it right.
  2. If someone had told me three or four years ago that we would end our drought after 17 years and would then get rid of our QB after the season ended, I would have laughed at them. And yet, I think most fans agreed that the time had come to move in another direction. Football really is a strange game. Go Bills
  3. Switching from a 4-3 defence to a 3-4 defence when we were ranked 1 and 2 defensively in the previous two years. I had high hopes that Rex would have came here and gave us an offence to match our defence. Instead he gave us a defence to match our offence.
  4. Hi gunner, just wondering if your name has a arsenal link. If so, that might explain why you're finding it hard to be cheery at the minute lol. My brother is a gunner and I swear I haven't seen him smile in two years.
  5. Hi Gunner, I wasn't overly excited with the pick either. But I must say the closer the season gets the more excited I am. I do hope they don't start him day 1 but give him time to learn. Like LeGOATski, I would love to see Peterman win the job and start for us because it would show great mental strength and commitment from him. AJ is an unknown commodity for me. Very little tape to assess from an NFL perspective but seems to be very driven. Maybe being finally given a chance to start is just what he needed and he might grab the opportunity with both hands. See, I have just went from thinking we have a so-so QB group to thinking we could have 3 superstars. God help me What have these bills done to me
  6. I totally loved Thurman but I voted for Fred because Thurman played in a great team. That team had so many players you could really enjoy watching. There is no doubt that it is easier to play on a great team. For years, Fred was the only pleasure we got watching the Bills and on numerous occasions he carried the team on his back. That is why he got my vote. P.S. - I think OJ was our greatest ever at the position but I did not get to see him play and I would also say that honourable mention goes to Shady who lights up so many games.
  7. All the talk about Allen coming out of college was that he had a high ceiling but also had deficiencies; footwork, accuracy etc. That being the case, I believe that we should work on these deficiencies while giving him time to learn the vast other things required to be an NFL QB. I can't help but think back to the Peterman experience. When the change was announced so many fans supported it and looked forward to what he might bring. 30 minutes of playing time later and a lot of those same people don't ever want to see him play again. I think we need to learn the lessons here. We have a tough schedule and if we were to start him straight away, and suffer a few heavy defeats, what would that do for either his confidence or our confidence in him? Like most here I cannot wait to see him play but I would rather wait and hopefully see a franchise QB for 10 - 15 years that watch him crash and burn early (like we have seen before). I think we are moving forward in a very good direction at present, we have strengthened our defence and got our (hopefully) QB of the future. I expect us to address offence in a big way next year and that should be a big help for Allen.
  8. I wouldn't just limit it to the radio. When I read some comments on this board I get the feeling that some want Allen to fail just so they can say "I told you so". Allen was not my first choice but now that he is a Bill I will get 100% behind him and hope he can turn out to be our franchise QB. However, if AJ wins the starting gig and plays lights out, I will be equally happy with that. Hell, if Peterman wins the starting job and starts playing like Payton, what is not to be happy about. My point is, I will root for all our guys until there is enough information to determine that they will not help take the team where we need to go. Go Bills
  9. Great post. How many times have we seen players taken lower in the draft and go on to have great success. No matter who we pick, I will get behind them 100%. I had no great knowledge of Tre last year and felt we should have stayed at 10 and taken a QB, but Tre has proven to be a great success. I do hope we take a chance on one of the big 4 QBs this year, but if it doesn't pan out that way, I will reserve judgement until I see how things turn out.
  10. Great job gunner. Good to read some really good analysis on these guys. For what it's worth I agree with most of what you have said except I think I would rate Allen higher that you. I think he has real promise and I would have him late first/early second. I personally think that there will be at least 4 QBs off the board by the 15th pick. That just shows how much teams will overpay for a QB. It does scare me just how much we might give up to get one.
  11. I think if we had held onto him for another year we would have been lucky to get a 6th for him. He did not suit our system and would have looked a lot worse had he spent another year in Buffalo. Great trade in my opinion.
  12. If we were not moving up I would be happy with the draft. Hurst could be a great pick up there if his heart condition does not impede his performances. Here's the thing though - for years we have criticised those at ODB for not pulling the trigger on a top QB prospect. We have missed out on so much talent because of this approach. For once I want to see them make the bold move and go get the QB they want. If it doesn't work out at least was can say we tried. I do not want to be sitting here in two/three years saying we could have had Rosen/Mayfield etc.
  13. All the best Zay. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. I wish you all the best in your recovery and I hope you come back stronger than ever. Many people make one stupid mistake, learn from it, and don't let it define them. I hope you are one of those people.
  14. This. You get the QB then use the next two to three drafts to build around him. Without the QB you remain an average team.
  15. So you have missed one game because of the London games. Hardly a reason to cancel the whole series. When buffalo play late Sunday night, Monday night or Thursday night I have to take the next day off work because they don't start until 1 am here. And the london games have helped increase the fan Base of all the NFL teams. I met some wonderful people from buffalo when the london game was here and I hope they are back soon so I can meet more. I am hoping to get to a game in buffalo next season.
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