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  2. This is why signing this dude was low risk. If he doesn't meet their expectations, there's the door and they didn't spend that much money. If he does meet expectations, then, awesome, on the roster you go and they still didn't spend that much money.
  3. I'm going to Seattle and Detroit. Four games in Orchard Park.
  4. He’s talented but despite his talent two teams have ditched him, 29 others didn’t pursue him and one, signed him for the league minimum. I’m not saying it’s impossible for him to develop a new attitude that changes those facts moving forward but it doesn’t change the facts just because of wishful thinking. The odds of him succeeding in the NFL are very low despite him perhaps having the appropriate physical skill set. If that sounds like a winner to you then cool. Will I root for a turnaround? Sure. He’s on the Bills. Do I expect it? No. Do I think it was smart to sign him? Not really. Call it low risk I suppose because financially that is true. It’s probably low locker room risk too because they can just ditch him, but it is not zero risk as there is opportunity cost to the roster spot. Not much, but some.
  5. When Peter and I agree on something, it's probably worth considering as a possibility If something is going on inside the building and behind the scenes, by definition we ordinary mortals don't get the flick As far as observed behavior though, I don't think a team-focused leader ghosts his teammates after a tough loss or screams at his QB on the sidelines. I think he's there, looking at the tablet and trying to help solve it. Then there's the Tim Graham story
  6. please volunteer for infection with the v virus. Why should dogs suffer?
  7. Yeah way to specific for trained eyes. I saw Enemy of the State, I'm not letting this "Canadian" ruin my life! I do a good enough job of that on my own!
  8. While they aren’t terrible, the bar for them to clear was only not looking like an arena football jersey ripoff like most of the other new jerseys around the league.
  9. If they send him to prison that will force people who haven’t paid any attention to ask... Ok, what exactly did he do? That's when this insanity all falls apart and the electoral landslide looms closer.
  10. They come from da land of da ice and snow...
  11. Please make sure you get the Bird Flu Vax/shot!! Looks like Moderna is the way to go. You're welcome!
  12. The MAGA crowd loves to hate on America and fly their flags upside down if they don’t get their way. I see a lot of happy people in NY and CA. MAGA wants you to think they are the worst places on earth.
  13. YOU DID IT! The MS Walk was in Canandaigua on Sunday May 19th at Sonnenberg Gardens. We surpassed our goal of $1500 because of our many generous sponsors. I want to sincerely thank YOU for your kindness. The weather was great for a walk in the beautiful gardens, and we ventured down to the lake / pier to chill afterwards. Again, thank you! Rockpile: $ 1,525 Family Rocks Team: $ 100 Total 2024 $1625 Total Sponsors Since 2004: $ 29,596 Donors: IF I MISSED ANYONE, please let me know. Thank You: Lou P Karen R Donald D Julie L John N Marcie D Kevin N * TBD Margie Hart Patrick H GG * TBD AiO * TBD Tim F * TBD ? H J G Deb L Diane * TBD Todd * TBD Bob B Darlene M Trevor W Jay R * TBD Jack * TBD
  14. I thought the thread title was referring to the Bidens.
  15. I tend to agree with this, but the fact that this looks to be their last shot at Trump .. in which they thought they’d have multiple shots over the summer.. “could” lend itself to something drastic, given most polling reflects Siena’s today, in which their pre-conviction/post-conviction snapshot went from Trump +3 to Trump +1 Noticeable, but not enough.
  16. The polls have barely budged. They might reconsider (not) jailing him.
  17. is there a virology lab in Mexico? https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/06/mexico-man-dies-from-first-human-case-of-bird-flu-strain-h5n2. what da ya think "Doc'? HCQ or Ivermectin? Bleach? We should definitely have you on the mitigation committee.
  18. You know as I typed my post that thought did just go through my mind. Is the busybody old lady still parasitizing the attention of your office staff, @BringBackFergy?
  19. Looks like an overpriced version of a high school teams all whites, one would think they could do better…,
  20. We can wait a few weeks until he is dumped, increase the “c” count and use some poetic license. Chase Claypool Cut; Curb Cicking Continues, Contender Cans Cantankerous Cretin Continuing Chronicled Concerns. That’s CCCCCCCCCCCCC
  21. You previously wrote that Claypool "repeatedly proven himself to be a loser" as if this guy is a total and perpetual failure in life with a long rap sheet of losing. Now you're saying he's a loser technically just once and realistically just twice. I feel like we're making progress! To each his own, but I don't like hanging definitive, immutable labels on people I don't personally know, especially in the face of contradictory evidence. As a football player, Claypool was a winner both in high school and college. And while he didn't set the world on fire, two of his four seasons in the NFL have been statistically decent. Teammates and coaches have spoken highly of his talent, work ethic, and will to win. They've also spoken about his bad temper. If Beane and McD didn't think there was some hope that he could turn things around, they wouldn't have him on the roster. Whether he does or not, remains to be seen. I'm keeping an open mind and, as a Bills fan, hoping for the best.
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