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  2. I love some of the different words for fight, such as: Fracas Brouhaha Donnybrook
  3. Luca is just obnoxious with the crying. I saw this one clip from the last series where he ran into a guy and baited a foul call. Then, he ran up to him after to try to challenge him like a tough guy. This other dude was just confused. when Luca doesn’t get a call, he cries. When gets fouled and gets the call, he cries about the injustice of being fouled. Then, when someone else cries to the refs, he runs up and complains that they aren’t Teed up. the dude is a great player. Just stop with all the nonsense. People are starting to hate his guts because of this stuff.
  4. My family bought season tickets in 1960 until the 1990's, I watched the "Quarterback Club" that often featured Buster Ramsey going off and the men of the family loved it. Listened to the 1963 Bills - Pats playoff game in a blizzard. Attended my first games at the Rockpile in 1966, both against the Chiefs, both losses, including the the First AFL Championship game to determine who would play the NFL in the World Chapionship. In 1967, the Bills played the Lions in Detroit, first pre - season game against the NFL and weeks later the Eagles came to the Rockpile and it was like a playoff game, sold out stadium, both teams played starters all the way through and Tom Flores and Art Powell (Lamonica Trade) were on fire connecting all night. Late in the third Quarter Flores got hurt and in came Jack Kemp to loud thunderous boo birds. First play he dropped back and launched a 69 yard bomb to Dubenion for a TD turning boo's into a standing ovation. I was priviledged to watch every AFL Team in the Rockpile. I loved the old AFL, so it was a combination of family, friends, the Bills, the AFL and the times that got me hooked. Players were just regular guys back then, they came to our school to play basketball against the faculty and you got to meet them and talk to them. Marty Schottenheimer used to play Ueker at a local tavern and a friend got a lift from John Tracey, it was a community thing. Here I am sixty years later still at it, would not change anything. I've had world wide Bills experiences, some pretty odd. My final thought: 1968, 1970, 1971, 1976, 1977, 1984, 1985 (if needed google those seasons)! We have perrenial playoff team at the moment, remember the saying "Be careful what you ask for, you may get it."
  5. Gene Fstain probably gives bondage bears to kids. If he doesn't that means he's afraid of things that are different than him. A bigot. His rules.
  6. I am currently in Northern Jersey and have been driving around a bit over the past few days. Me and my wife have seen 2 Biden signs and dozens of Trump signs. This decision is going to push anyone who was on the fence to Trump and embolden his fans.
  7. Change My Mind: Tyreek Hill is way more important to the Dolphins success and much more difficult to replace than Tua.
  8. He's getting older and they basically ran him into the ground last year, started having some injuries. Would not be surprised if he continued to have those issues.
  9. Hey now, we have the second best TE from the 2023 NFL draft class. He’s basically Tony Gonzalez 2.0 already, we just need him to be the next Gronk or Kelce. These are reasonable expectations by year 2.
  10. There entire world knows that Haack will be back. The guy is like a homing pigeon
  11. Tyreek Hill should make more money. He is literally the reason that Offense is so scary. They have speed everywhere, but that speed is amplified because you have to focus on Hill first which means you can’t throw as much help to Waddle or the run game, therefore explosive plays elsewhere are only single coverage or light boxes away.
  12. Yeah got them mixed up Haack was our punter in 21 and lost the job to Punt God who lost the job to the inevitable media monkey on his back, and Martin got the job that season. Haack came back last year on the PS which we'd already decided we'd needed to improve from him before.
  13. The OTA reports were that the Bills were giving UDFA Jack Browning a lot of work holding with Bass and he was successful on all of his FG’s including a 70 yarder. I think he has a legit chance to unseat Martin who faded badly last season and held during one of Bass’s worst seasons
  14. Exactly what I was thinking. We just need one of the best 2 TEs ever in the league, or a HOF caliber WR. Or one of the most athletic gifted TEs ever. But don’t worry, we don’t need an elite talent catching balls from Josh Allen. lol
  15. I was someone who went to Pride parades 5-10 years ago. I watched my uncle pass away with his husband by his side. That was true love. At some point, you’ll realize that those like you are doing more harm to the LGB community than good. People haven’t become more bigoted.. The movement unfortunately became propaganda and now people are just annoyed by y’all all the time. Setting back gains made by the LGB community in order to elevate TQIA+ and infuse it with political ideology. Sad to see. Every day gay, lesbian and bisexual couples had what they wanted .. and y’all took it from them to push propaganda.
  16. Wasn’t Martin the Punter last season?
  17. I mean why wouldn't he think it was funny, Trump a guy who by any person's rational measure would be thought of as being an ####### towards Biden, the guy is constantly insulting him and his family, gets a felony conviction for hush money payments to a Porn star. I mean come on. 🤷‍♂️
  18. Nicole Brown Simpson's final days: 'Angry' over legal letter from O.J., missing set of keys and more from Part 1 of new docuseries Lots of details in this article.
  19. Now I have to watch “Wolf of Wall Street!!!” …….And I have a very busy day!
  20. The Bills may have done him a favor. By the time they cut the roster down to 53, they're only keeping one punter. The fact they released Haack so early in the process tells me that punter was very unlikely to be him. Now he's free to sign with some other team. Maybe he has a better shot of making that other team's final roster, than he would have had of making Buffalo's.
  21. Why do you think I was replying to you? Are you scared of things that are different than you?
  22. Just curious why you’re bothering posting here then?
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