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  2. The link works, but there's no detail on the stat source he used.
  3. That’s besides the point. The point is, trying to find a legitimate WR to replace what we lost in both Diggs and Davis. And hopefully getting one that can be our future. With only drafting one, if you miss on the pick, you’re screwed. Should have taken another one. It increases your chances of finding your guy. And god forbid if they both hit and you need to feed them both the ball. Oh the horror. What would The Bengals do if they had to feed both Chase and Higgins. Or how about the Dolphins feeding both Hill and Waddle. you don’t have to have just 1 good player at the position.
  4. The Yankees likely stick with a 5 man rotation when Cole gets back in a couple weeks since Schmidt is out and won’t be throwing for 4-6 weeks, earliest he’d back is late July. Poteet started yesterday and pitched well and also in his one previous start, it would seem he has the job as 5th starter for now.
  5. completely agree. Nothing is a given anymore. Not a Syracuse problem, but just a college sports issue generally.
  6. big debate in my house how to pronounce this. Options: 1) Nee-yo-kee 2) nee-yaw-kee 3) no-kee 4) naw-kee i think 1 is right and 2 is acceptable (though I seem to use them both myself). But I have heard 3 and 4 too.
  7. I've never been afraid of losing. Growing up a very young teen in the 70's my dad was a Steelers fans. He was also a bit of a bandwagoner like Yankees and Cowboy fans of the 90's. Even at a young age I always wanted to follow a different path instead of the "safe" one everyone else took. In HS (1981) I was impressed by the play of Joe Cribbs and really like the Bills uniforms. Being from Connecticut I was surrounded by Jets and Giants fans ( Pats were far from relevant back then)🤣 Even back then they were some of the most ignorant and obnoxious people I've ever come across. I grew enamored watching highlights of Ferguson, Cribbs, Lewis and Butler. So..........I'm still not afraid of losing, but unfortunately I'm kinda used to it. Go Bills!!
  8. Donating to the SELF IDENTIFIED Marxists in BLM no doubt And slight correction. In this case they didn't stand up for a convicted felon, they kneeled down for him.
  9. Played out just like a broadway play every one knew their part & played it to perfection !!
  10. Also file under party members and useful idiots being eaten by the very regime they helped bring to power. CCP’s show trial of Jiang Qing after Mao’s death. Jiang was Mao’s widow and an active player in the Chinese Cultural Revolution. There was no doubt that she committed numerous crimes and was mostly hated. But trial was purely politically motivated and the decision was made even before the trial began. The goal was to blame everything on her and her accomplices called the Gang of Four so that Mao and his legacy could be preserved, without which the CCP would lose its legitimacy. Jiang was given a suspended death sentence. She later committed suicide in prison. The show trial was the first since the CCP took over China in 1949. In the Mao era “justice” was carried out in the “People’s Court” by mobs. Some compare Jiang’s trial to Trump’s, with important differences. At least it was very clear what Jiang was charged with: insurrection, counterrevolution…; Jiang was allowed to speak; and the trial was televised for the entire nation to watch. It’s terrifying to see a worse version of history repeating!!
  11. That was so much BS !!! This picture says it all !! All those people in this picture got behind and stood up for a career criminal, some one that served 8 jail terms convicted felon, drug addict, liar, thief, threatened to kill a pregnant women during a home invasion, and passed counterfeit money . Yep this is the kind of leadership this country needs right here !! Where was Juan Merchan when this was going down ??
  12. So, I suppose you mean something more than a kerfuffle.
  13. These are all some good ones so far. So many ways and meaning to the word *****! Poppycock is as fantastic as it is to see someone shriek when you use the word moist Sounds like the debates on TSW about building wealth through rentals as well as the merits of the 91st guy on our roster
  14. I'm fine with just drafting one WR this year. I think too many people are sleeping on the snap counts and targets that Kincaid/Knox and Cook/Davis are going to command this coming year. Then throw in Samuel, Shakir and Coleman. How many more snaps and targets would we be giving to rd 2-5 rookie WR? And why not see what Shorter can do in year 2 who is a former found 5 wr? And then of course you have your vet role players in MVS, Hollins and Claypool where it is very likely one of three doesn't even make the active roster because we won't have the need for that many WR's.
  15. Thats still around a 2am finish though London time. And I don't know how you get all those people out and home from Wembley or Tottenham at that time. The night time infrastructure just isn't in place to do it. And I know people will say "ah but for one night surely they will find a way" well take it from someone who was at the Euro 2020 (in 2021) final at Wembley with England in it.... those ad hoc one off arrangements don't work. And that game finished much earlier. The problem is our biggest stadia are not in very accessible spots. The Olympic Stadium might work a little bit better. But still not easy.
  16. Bills/Giants Super Bowl. Flipped a quarter. Heads - I’d root for Buffalo. Tails - I’d root for NY. Declared that whichever team I landed on, I’d be a fan for life. Heads, it was and here I am.
  17. I am not here to tell you that Epenesa is a stud. Or even that is truly a full time starting defensive end (I don't think he is). But it is wrong to say he hasn't developed since he has been here. He was just a pure bull rusher in college whose stock in trade was running tackles over and cleaning up the Quarterback. Almost all of his sacks the past two seasons have been on outside speed rushes where he has definitely learned to dip his shoulder and square offensive tackles up before exploding past them. He didn't have that ability when he came out of college so he has definitely developed. He is also arguably the Bills' best finisher when he gets pressue. When AJ is in range of the QB he usually gets him down whereas Groot, Ed, Floyd all at times in the last couple of seasons have been guilty of letting their guy get away. I think his role remains essentially just a situational pass rusher. His all round skillset still isn't there to be your go to defensive end IMO. Doesn't play with enough eye discipline, doesn't set the edge, doesn't play with patience and isn't a master of his hand usage. I don't hate the contract at what it is... 1yr 7m or 2yrs 12m. But equally I am not telling you our pass rush is solved because we have AJ Epensea.
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