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Joe Ferguson forever

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  1. "if it hasn't came yet, it's sure to come soon!" Stormy Daniels
  2. My lady does both on occasion but she does prefer old fashioneds. Either way, drinks have gotten outrageous at restaurants and bars. Paid $17 for a makers old fashioned in Nashville recently when a fifth of it goes for less than $35 here.
  3. Old fashioned are great! Both makers and woodford r fine to sip neat.
  4. sadly, I agree except about the crash. Plenty of blame to spread about the debt.. I think that in the shorter term, our military power props up the debt. Eventually, it will cause a crash. I hate it for the millennials and basically anyone younger than a boomer. And then there will be more political unrest. https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=blue+skies+youtube&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:fd4f97f1,vid:SAa4teWb0rU,st:0
  5. your political choices are as bad as your choice in spirits: maybe go up 2 shelves to Makers or Woodford? Maybe try an Irish Whiskey.
  6. if history holds, the Nazi apologists will lose https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-stock-market-has-already-chosen-a-winner-in-the-2024-presidential-election-bdbfec99
  7. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/we-the-incorrect-people-49-of-americans-say-stocks-are-down-for-the-year-72-say-inflation-rising-8efd293e I wonder who the majority of this 49% is voting for....
  8. sounds fascist to me: https://www.newsweek.com/steve-bannon-warning-donald-trump-enemies-fear-1903830 not to neo nazis and hate groups
  9. Billsy answers you in a detailed post. You blow it off. Glad I didn't waste my time documenting his Nazi tendencies. You rubes ignore it because you really desire that kind of state. But you won't be better off....
  10. I can't decide who trump admires more, Nazi or Soviet dictators:
  11. Then why did trump post it on HIS site? Are lemmings like you ignoring him?
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